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EL'AZIZ STATES THAT ; suppose we have a cubic equation as defined; a3
+ b3 + c3 = k3 such as
, { 33 + 43 + 53 =
63or 333
+ 163 - 343 = 93 }
. Then wemay find functions
F1(a,b,c,k) ,
F2(a,b,c,k) ,
F3(a,b,c,k) ,
F4(a,b,c,k) such that
F1(a,b,c,k) 3 +
F2(a,b,c,k)3 +
F3(a,b,c,k)3 =
F4(a,b,c,k)3 Philosophical importance of such a theorem is that, some
equations grow from similar kinds
of equations which are used as seed .
This is like , growing of living organismsfrom a seed of similar origin.
Suppose we
have the equation --> a3
+ b3 + c3 = k3 Then We'll define the integer
variables as;
d = a + b + c -
, P = [d + 2.(k - c)].[6.(a + b).(k - c).(k - a) -
d3 ]
R = d.[6.(a + b).(k - c).(k - a) - d3
],A = (b2
- a2 ) + (k2 - c2
) The first set of cubics will be
F1(a,b,c,k) = P
a.d3 F2(a,b,c,k) = R +
b.d3 F3(a,b,c,k) = R + c.d3 F4(a,b,c,k) = P + k.d3
F1(a,b,c,k)3 + F2(a,b,c,k)3 +
F3(a,b,c,k)3 =
F4(a,b,c,k)3 The second set of cubics will be
F1/(a,b,c,k) = P + a.d3 +
A.d2 F2/(a,b,c,k) = R +
b.d3 - A.d2 F3/(a,b,c,k) = R + c.d3 +
A.d2 F4(/a,b,c,k) = P + k.d3
+ A.d2
F2/(a,b,c,k)3 +
F3/(a,b,c,k)3 =
F4/(a,b,c,k)3 Please also observe the beauty of the fact that , if
--> a3 + b3 + c3 =
k3 then ;
12.(k-a).(k-c).(a+b).(b+c) = d4 + 3.A2
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