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ATTENTION !  May be best viewed by  INTERNET EXPLORER 5.0 or HIGHER


If  we  have  integer  parameters

r   and  q  ,  such  that    ( r <> q )

We  define the  integer constants   Q , Z , a , b , c   ;    k , l , m    as   following.

Then ;

And ;

Please click  here  to see the related Mathematica program.

The following condition is also fulfilled;

( ax + bx + cx ) º ( kx + lx + mx ) mod ( a3 + b3 + c3 ) - ( k3 + l3 + m3 )

where (x) is any integer power .

Please click  here  to see the related Mathematica program.

If you want some more theorems on powers , then  please click Professor  Chen
Shuwen's Equal Sums Of Like Powers  . It  is one  of  the  best in  the  web. But
of  course El'kahhar type of  equations are not given  in these pages ,only some
other power  related studies are listed.
We should present our gratitudes to Professor   Chen Shuwen   for his immense work in math and science to prepare these pages.

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