The guestbook was reset on 31st August 1999 @ 23:17 GMT

G. Ippolito - 12/09/00 22:26:29
My Email:us
Why you visited: was looking for geneology
How you found me: yahoo
Your favourite airline: italian

hey, i know nothing about virtual airlines..i was just looking up my family geneology...and obviously we are somehow related...cause our lastnames are the send me an email @

G. Ippolito - 12/09/00 22:26:18
My Email:us
Why you visited: was looking for geneology
How you found me: yahoo
Your favourite airline: italian

hey, i know nothing about virtual airlines..i was just looking up my family geneology...and obviously we are somehow related...cause our lastnames are the send me an email @

G. Ippolito - 12/09/00 22:24:58
My Email:us
Why you visited: was looking for geneology
How you found me: yahoo


Frank Ippolito - 08/30/00 17:27:55
My URL:Potomac, Maryland
My Email:USA
Occupation: Fed. Gov't.
Why you visited: Liked the last name
Your favourite airline: Southwest


Joshua - 06/04/00 03:41:28
My URL:Kissimmee
My Email:USA
Occupation: student
Why you visited: To see if this site had any good planes to download for my flight sim
How you found me: Just by looking in Yahoo
Your favourite airline: Continental
Do you fly for a virtual airline: NONE


Jonathan Currie - 05/11/00 21:51:41
My Email:Scotland
Occupation: Civil Servant
Your favourite airline: Loganair
Do you fly for a virtual airline: no


but head - 03/05/00 13:05:15
My Email:dfgdfg
Occupation: sdgffdsg
Why you visited: sdfgdsf
How you found me: sdfgsg
Your favourite airline: sfgdg
Do you fly for a virtual airline: sgsfgsd
If Yes, Who: sdgsd


Cassie West - 12/21/99 04:40:39
My Email:australia
Occupation: lover of wogs
Why you visited: i cant keep away from you
How you found me: You found me ben
Your favourite airline: Ippo Airways
Do you fly for a virtual airline: Yes
If Yes, Who: Your Schnooz

G'day Mate

erinc - 10/05/99 18:40:43
My Email:turkey
Your favourite airline: AIRare VA.
Do you fly for a virtual airline: yes
If Yes, Who: AIRare VA.


Miranda Ippolito - 09/11/99 22:40:37
My Email:Norway
Why you visited: my name is Ippolito


Miranda Ippolito - 09/11/99 22:39:16

