History and Mythology
One of the smallest, dimmest and most boring constellations, it doesn't have a lot of history either. The name came from when the French man Nicolas-Louis de Lacaille gave names to every region of the sky. This constellation is south of Eridanus and west of Columba. This constellation's stars are all dimmer than 4th magnitude, and it only has one deep-sky object in it.
alpha-double star, but the second star is 13th magnitude Spectral Type-F2 V Magnitude-4.5 Distance-65 ly
beta- Spectral Type-F8 V Magnitude-5.1 Distance-55 ly
gamma- Spectral Type-K5 III Magnitude-4.6 Distance-170 ly
delta- Spectral Type-B3 V Magnitude-5.1 Distance-750 ly
Star Clusters
NGC 1679 is a faint 13th magnitude spiral.