canes venatici-the hunting dogs

History and Mythology

The hunting dogs of Bootes, these dogs are often shown in pursuit of the bears (Ursa Major and Minor). This modern constellation was made by Johannes Hevelius to fill up a space where there were no constellations. Seven of his new constellations are in the official catalog. This constellation has a wealth of deep-sky objects.


alpha-Cor Caroli-stands for Charles' heart, in tribute to King Charles II by Edmund Halley. This is a double star Spectral Types- A0 V and F0 V Magnitudes-2.9 and 5.5 Distance-65 ly

beta-Chara- stands for beloved Spectral Type- G0 V Magnitude-4.3 Distance-30 ly

Star Clusters

M3 is one of the easiest and most splendid globulars in the sky. This 6th magnitude cluster has thousands of stars in it.


None of recognition


M51 is the famous Whirlpool Galaxy, a head-on spiral. M63 and M106 are 9th magnitude spirals.

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