john russells Home Page

Picture of the Time Being

This is one of the most beautiful pictures I have seen. It is of Io, one of Jupiter's Galilean moons. It is believed to be the most volcanic place known in the solar system. It has such a thin atmosphere that when the volcanoes go off, the lava may be spewed into space. I got this picture from the Galileo satelite section in NASA's Home Page. I suggest this to anyone who likes a good picture of Jupiter and its satellites. In fact Jupiter is my favorite planet and I think this is the best picture of one of my favorite moons. If you want to talk to another person interested in astronomy my e-mail is:

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Constellations Index

Finally, it looks like I'll be returning to this page, trying to update it from time to time. The main thing that is getting me back is the tremendous amount of positivie input I have had from some of you. Cya all later

Send comments or if you want to talk to another amateur astronomer, my e-mail is: