A Virtual Flight to the International Space Station


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Standing on the launch pad at Kennedy Space Center, ready to Launch the Space Shuttle Atlantis to the International Space Station.

Next Image shows the Lift off of Atlantis on its way to the International Space Station
Good Solid Rocket Separation
Starting The Orbital Maneuvering Procedure
In Orbit and Separating the External Fuel Tank
Opening The Cargo Bay Doors, Port and Starboard Radiators, And KU Band Antenna
Atlantis in Low Earth Orbit. Getting Ready To Synchronize Orbit with the International Space Station
Synchronizing Orbits with the International Space Station
Arriving at the International Space Station
Aligning with the International Space Station's Port 1 Docking Collar. Note the Russian Soyuz docked at the top of the screen with the Russian Zwesda Module which was the third Component of the International Space Station
Approaching The Pressurized Mating Adapter Docking Collar
Docked with the International Space Station
An External View of the Space Shuttle Atlantis Docked with the International Space Station and the Russian Soyuz Service Module.

The Screenshots on the left were Taken using

Orbiter Links
Orbiter Hangar Mods
Dan's Orbiter Page
Apollo Mission Tutorials
Harmsway Orbiter Site

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Entering The International Space Station through the Pressurized Mating Adapter connected to the U.S. Research Module
View of Earth Through the Observation Bay Window behind one Of the U.S. Module's floor panels
Entering the Unity Node. To the left is the EVA Airlock used for External Access to the International Space Station. To the Right continues on to the Zarya Module
Entering the Russian Zarya Module. This was the First component of the International Space Station to be Placed in orbit. Using a Russian Unmanned Proton Rocket.
The Connecting Node that Connects the Zarya Module to the Zwesda Command Module This Node houses generic docking ports used for International Space Station Resupply flights.
Entering the Zwesda Command Module. This Module serves as the Living Quarters for the Residents of the International Space Station
Inside The Zwesda Command Module. At the End of this module is the Mating Adapter that has the Russian Soyuz Command Module docked to it which serves as a lifeboat and is also used to Ferry Astronauts to and from the International Space Station
Looking Back from the Zwesda Module to the other end of the International Space Station

The Screenshots on the Right were Taken using


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Reentry and landing back at Kennedy Space Center

Un-docking from The International Space Station
Closing The Cargo Bay Doors and Preparing For Retrograde Burn
Performing a De-orbit burn
Watching the Sunrise during the De-orbital coast
Pitching Up for reentry at about 100km altitude. Too much pitch will cause the Atlantis to burn up. To little pitch will cause the Atlantis to Skip off the atmosphere
A perfect reentry angle
Approaching the U.S. Eastern Sea board from the Pacific ocean
Flying the heaviest Glider in the world at about 40km altitude
Gliding over Kennedy Space Center. Getting ready to line up with Runway 33
Lined up on the runway Gear Down and ready to land
Touch Down on Runway 33 at Kennedy Space Center