Matt and Kristin
Welcome to the Official Wedding Website

Thank you for visiting our page. Here you will find information regarding the big day on May 25th, 2008. The links above should giude you to where you want to go. Please sign our guestbook (located in contact page). We will give more updates here as they become available.

6/14/08 - We've added more pictures and a link to a blog (on the About Us page) that documents the surprise at the end of the ceremony.
Also, we wanted to thank everyone who helped with this grand adventure in any way. This truly was a group effort and we appreciate all of you so very much!

6/10/08 - WE DID IT!!!!
Thanks to all of you who came to celebrate or who sent gifts in your absence. We had a pretty wonderful day and are thrilled to be able to share it with you further through the pictures. We have posted the links to the three galleries set up by Katz Photography. We have also added photos from some of you to Kristin's Flickr site. Finally, we've added links to our friends' Flickr sites specifically leading to their photos of our big day. All of the new photo links are accessible from the About Us page!

5/13/08 - The Countdown is On! We've made some updates to the Reception page (menu, beverages and DJ updates) as well as the Things to Do Page (Monday brunch and map updates). Additionally, we've added a link to Kristin's Flickr (online photo) account on the About Us page so you can see what we do in our spare time. This will be a great way to see our friends and families' photos shortly after the wedding!

4/23/08 - All four of our room blocks have now closed. We have left the contact information up on the Travel and Lodging page just in case you want to try to get a room now.

4/20/08 - We have posted a link to see our engagement pictures. Visit the About Us page to get to the picture page!

3/16/08 - The invitations will go out tomorrow! YAY!
Thanks to the team of workers who put them together today: Joliene, Mary, Betty, Bri, Alison, and Jennifer. Thanks also to Geoff and Andrew who kept Matt company while we worked. Finally, thanks to both Moms (Kathy and Shelley) for the materials and postage.
Also, we've updated some photos and added in some spaces where there were blanks, so check it out!

2/14/08 - More updates!
1) We added the rest of the bridesmaid and greeter bios and photos today.
2) The About Us page has been revamped to make it easier to navigate the stories. For those of you who were looking for the Proposal story, it now has its own page. Matt and I still haven't updated our individual pages, but we'll get there.

2/11/08 -Today has been "Crazy Update Day!!"
1) We added a lot of new bios and pictures to the wedding party page (click on pink links) for those that were kind enough to get back with us quickly. Those who haven't, well you need to.
2) We have added a major map to the "THINGS TO DO" page. It details all of the important locations and gives a general overview of Lawrence. Wow, I didn't realize you could do all of that with Google Maps.
3) I finally fixed the header menu issue and now everything should look ok unless the window is really small. Kristin and I have both been learning so much about this html thing since we started this website.