Don's Family Celebration


Akron OH, May 19,2002

We were invited to the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary celebration for Joe and Charlotte Thornburg.  Don's sister, Charlene, Joe's first wife, died in 1963.  Joe and Charlene had four daughters.  All four attended this celebration.



Celebrants, Joe and Charlotte Thornburg with Mary and Jim (Joe's twin) Thornburg.

Mary and Charlene, Don's sister, had been best school friends.  They married Charlene's next door neighbors, twins Joe and Jim.

Interestingly, Charlotte, herself a widow, married Joe, a twin while Charlotte had twin sons herself with her late husband.

Joe and daughters (Don's brother-in-law and neices).

Left to right: Linda, Joe, Donna, Diane, Doris

Don's cousins, Nora and Marilyn (nee May) with husbands Don Acker and Charles Ward


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