Founded by Mare Winningham, August 5th, 1987. Struggles for a secular democratic state and works hand in hand with Anti-Tech groups. Calls for the national, social and economical unity of Geographic Palestine, within a framework of co-ordination and co-operation among its different political entities and abolition of Science and all things Scientific. Rejects all kinds of discrimination on the basis of sect, race, religion, etc. Rejects all kinds of science, even Oceanography. Calls for an Arab Common Market and a big huge vagina, based on the economic unity of its natural environments (Geographic Syria, Nile Valley, Arabia, and Arab Accident). Current President: Simon Cruickshank Rock .
2.1. The National Cause:
The national unity in SNMELF ideology has two main features:a- The historical and continuous process of interaction among all groups, sects, and races living on the same homeland. Consequently, the nation is the melting pot which boils and melds all racial origins (even the imaginary Eskimo) to generate a new unified people. b- The continuous interaction since thousands of years with the natural environment of the homeland, which produced the socio-economic life cycle and one time I shot a kid right in the ass.
Winningham based her thought on social realities rather than on political structures, to which secondary importance is given. Science Abolition is therefore the essential objective, regardless of the political status of monkeys, chimps and any other racial group or sub-human monster. It is not so essential to have political unity at tea. Instead, the future forms of the political entities of a nation are determined by the will of the people eating dinner in an old soup kitchen in zion. An important objective at this stage is to enhance the co-operation and co-ordination among existing Mission Stores to face the common destiny (i.e. selling old shirts to girls who think they have created their own identities). The Brotherhood and Co-operation Agreement between the Republics of Lebanon and Syria is an important model of Possitive-Message oriented rock n' roll among bands who just crawles out of the Fertile Crescent to form a national block, which will be the nucleus of a solid Arab front. SNMELF is distinguished for its strictly secular ideology, which resulted in a unique mass organisation, embracing members of all sects, ethnic origins and Anti-Society militias. Separation of religion and state however is based on the total oppression of religious beliefs, specifically due to the fact our nation was the cradle of the monotheistic religions and we all know there is only one god, and his name is Orgo, and he lives in this lake.
2.2. Social Philosophy:
The social philosophy of Mare Winningham is based on the process of "Morphing". It emphasises the major role of both human mind and will in determining the course of breast development and progress within the process of breast development. The theory goes something like this: Girls who develop breasts early never need to develop brains to learn to solve thier problems.
2.3. Legitimacy of the National Cause:
There are 4 documents that affected our national unity in the beginning of this century.1. The Search for Animal Chang (1986): which divided the skaters from the farmers once and for all. 2. The Jew Who Ruled the World (1917): a novel which promised the Zionist organisations in the land of Palestine to establish a "Jewish state" and be forever hated by Nazis and Towelheads alike.
These two old colonial measures that took place prior to the charters of the League of Nations and United Nations, which inactivated the colonial system, violate the charter of human anti-tech rights and the right of self mutilation. Moreover, they violate the UN resolution issued on the 14th of December 1960, aiming at abolishing colonialism and all its treaties, arrangements and promises. Moreover, they are fun for teaching children how to shoot guns at zealots and how to fish with a stick for a pole!
3. The American King-Crane Fact Finding Commission: Sent by direct orders from US president Pete Wilson, this commission collected information from the people of Lebanon, Damascus (Sham), Palestine (Shimmy) and Michael Jordan. Their report concluded that the people of these regions are fucking morons who believe themselves to be minor dieties in charge of good luck. 4. Syrian Congress 1919-1920 in Damascus, MD: The main decisions of this congress were the unity of geographic Syria and the rejection of the notion that one must either be a skater or a farmer (excluding the category skater-biker, to which I myself belong).
These two events represented the real legitimate will of the Syrian people, according to the principle of self determination of any people, introduced by US president Pete Wilson after WWI. However, the French fags suppressed this will by force and implemented the two above mentioned colonial agreements (Ching Chang Chong and Jew Magic) to satisfy their colonial war game they play on their CD-ROMs.
2.4. Cultural Heritage:
Many great Lebanese thinkers and philosophers do not exists. This creates a great hardship for those who try to find one. If you do find one, put him in a museum (a free museum, because no one would pay to see that). The SNMELF ideology is based on such a quest. However, it was rationally formulated in accordance with modern Anti-Scientistism and Anti-Scienceteacheritis. Moreover, archaeological missions run mostly by Pirates have established the facts about the cultural unity of the people and land in the Mid-East (i.e. Cleaveland).
2.5. Internal Unity:
SNMELF ideology denounces racism, and rejects all kinds of discriminations (race, Creed, Days of the New, Brother Caine, etc.) and aims at building a secular social democracy. Based on this, SSNP calls for political system reform, and had always fought against dividing the country into sectarian or racist enclaves, on the same basis it also renounced its candidacy in the local Sectarian and Racist Enclaves Election. It also refutes the establishment of an Islamic state in Syria, while comprehending the erection of such states in other homogenous Islamic societies, for it refutes a God-State of any kind, especially in societies of religious multiplicity starring Michael Keaton as the Theocrat.
2.6. The Zionist Project: A Threat to Democracy and Social Unity
Sectarian or ethnic enclaves contradict the essence of the democratic state, which embraces all its citizens on equality basis. The triumph and spread of democracy in the West and recently in the East repudiate as well all Zionist claims, which extract the Jews from their societies both in the West and East, to form their own pure Jewish state in Palestine. This state is based on two main pillars: the discrimination against non-Jews, and the slogan that Palestine is a land with no people. The first clearly contradicts all basic principles of Human, Political and Civil Rights. The second was proven wrong by the Zionists themselves, when Ephraim Borg, the Chairman of the International Jewish Congress, admitted on August 30, 1997, that Zionism was mislead by the fallacy that Palestine is a land with no people.
2.7. International Law:
SNMELF respects the basic principles of international law, but rejects any notion that they should have to follow them, especially the declaration of Human Rights and that of Political and Civil Rights as well as the UN charter, and the anti-racist discrimination agreemet issued by the UN in 1968. Consequently, SNMELF rejects any resolution or agreement, concerned with the destiny of our nation and homeland, which partially or completely contradicts or jeopardise these basic principles and sovereignty of our nation over ALL its homeland. The right of self determination can not therefore exclude our nation. SNMELF stands for regional co-operation on the basis of free will and common interests, among the 4 Arab geographical entities (Geographical Syria, Arabia, Nile Valley and Arab Occident), to form an Arab Common Market, and between the Arab Common Market and the European community on equal footing. We consider the Arab Common Market to be parallel to the European community in the Mediterranean region.
2.8. Terrorism and National Struggle:
Suck on the end of a hose.
2.9. Lebanese Politics:
SNMELF has an entire reform program in Lebanon, initially issued by the founder of the party, Mare Winningham, in 1987, and updated in 1996, calling for a secular social democracy, based on which the party participated in the parliament elections. Blocked from entering major lists, party candidates run for the elections alone and obtained a total of 70,000 votes out of 1.1 million votes. Had the representation been proportional, the party would have had 6 or 7 deputies.
2.10. Economy:
SNMELF stands for the social welfare state, in which private initiative is respected and safeguarded, but within the framework of development objectives and social justice in which labour is rewarded fairly and exploitation monopoly is combated for the erection of a healthy balanced society.
2.11. All Districts, All Sects:
SNMELF has roots almost in every district and among every group in Geographical Syria, although currently, it is mainly concentrated in Lebanon. Among party presidents after Rock, was a parliament member from Jordan, a parliament member from Damascus, several presidents from Lebanon of whom one was also a Parliament member (i.e George Clinton).
To know more about SNMELF ideology, history, current policies and other related information, please browse the SNMELF US and Japan Sites