Humble (HUMBUG ?) Home Page
Dedicated to AMATEUR Radio. . .
Fits and starts during a Wasted Youth:
- Earned first Ham ticket in 1957, presently Advanced Class
- Joined OMIK (Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky) Assoc.- 1959
- Secretary of OMIK/1967 under Pres., Sam Braxton (silent key-W8LMQ)
- Facilitated OMIK convention in 1987 - Detroit
- Past president Detroit Mike and Key Club; 1965-1993
- Sired 5 harmonics: Ken,Jr., Pat, Eric, Steve, Marion - assisted by XYL, Jean/N8JUK
- OMIK Member
- ARRL Member
- Member Grayhaven Sail Club of Detroit
- Member Master Gardeners of Greater Detroit
- Member Detroit Mike and Key Club
- Deputy Detroit A.R.E.S. Coordinator
- Owner and Captain of Sailing Vessel-Blue Dolphin
Other Interests (in my second childhood):
- Fishing
- Gardening
- Traveling
- Sailing
- Wood finishing and furniture restoration
- Do-it-yourself projects (just love hitting my thumbs with a hammer hi hi)
The above activities are subject to the approval of Arthur(itis)!