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History of Chinese Dynasties
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the Middle Kingdom

    China's first farmers and first real villages appeared more than 7,000 years ago, but its written history did not begin until 3,500 years later. Like many other ancient civilizations, early China was divided into many small states which often fought one another over land, wealth, slaves or power. The country was not unified under a single ruler until the third century B.C., when the king of Qin succeeded in subduing the other states and making himself emperor. From then on, China was under imperial rule for most of its history. The last Manchu-Chinese emperor was dethroned in 1911, when
revolutionaries under Sun Yat-sen set up a republic. In 1949, Mao
Tze-tung established the People's Republic of China.

Chuimei Ho, Ph.D., Guest Curator
Denver Museum of Natural History

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Pictorial tours of China -- beautiful pictures with brief histories.

chinabt3.gif (2672 bytes) Great Wall tour

chinabt3.gif (2672 bytes) Imperial Gardens tour

chinabt3.gif (2672 bytes) Forbiden City tour

chinabt3.gif (2672 bytes) Yellow Mountain tour

chinabt3.gif (2672 bytes) Temple of Heaven tour

chinabt3.gif (2672 bytes) Summer Palace tour

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The dialects and written characters of China:

Chinese Character Genealogy - An Etymological
Chinese-English Dictionary: Zhongwen Zipu
Harbaugh's excellent and immensely useful Chinese
character etymology dictionary.



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