When I
originally started out designing this page,
it was
intended to be a showcase for
my work as a
3-D artist.
But now it has
become something more,
Call it a
"Page with a Purpose".
I am
dedicating this page to the men and women
of all nations
to whom
have flown for
their respective countries.
It does not
matter if they were
Allies or
they have one
common thread,
their Love for
the Boundless Freedom
of Flight.
And so,within
these pages,You,the viewer,
can catch a
glimpse of this world.
These pictures and thoughts are not
relegated to those who flew in the
but the present and future as well.
And more importantly, to those
who can never return home again.
All of these images you are about to
see were created
using Lightwave
5.6, and any minor
were done in Photoshop.
Some of these
pages may take a while to load, so
please be
patient. If you have any comments,or
please let me know.
Thank you