Jeff and Amber's Rocketry Software Page
Summary: FLIGHT is a program for the calulation of 2D rocket trajectories. The FLIGHT program was developed by Mark Veltena. The FLIGHT program is now freely available from the NERO Web pages. Click here to download the latest version.

Forge Village Software
Summary: Forge Village Software sells and supports a shareware package called the "Model Rocket Software Toolbox", a growing collection of inexpensive Windows programs for model rocketry. Click here to download the latest version.

Motor Tutor
Summary: This program presents a clear animated slide show on solid rocket motor nomenclature, and how the internal components burn to produce thrust. Click here to download the latest Motor Tutor version (63K).

ROKLAB Rocket Design & Simulation Suite
Summary: Roklab is a user friendly integrated rocket design suit which runs under DOS, written by Julian Hatton. Up to 3 stage rockets can be designed using a graphical CAD type interface. CG/CD is automatically calculated & graphically displayed & the rocket trajectory can be calculated in 2-D. Thrust curves for most commerically available motors are provided and can be modified. Additionally, theoretical thrust curves can be graphically calculated for various black powder motor configurations. Click here to download the latest version. (1Mb)

Summary: ROCKETCAD for Windows, design rockets using a full CAD program. Click here to download the latest version.

The Rokkit Scientists - Altitude Calculator
Summary: Model Rocket Altitude Calculator program for Windows.

Summary: VCP is a CP/CG stability calculator for Windows. Its spreadsheet style operation permits easy quick looks at what-if tradeoffs when designing rockets, and its graphic display ensures data entry accuracy. Click here to download the latest VCP version (600K).

Summary: This is a shareware version of the popular Winroc suite of rocketry programs. Includes Alticalc, a rocket altitude simulator; Thrust Curve Manager, for editing and creating thrust curves for Alticalc; CPCalc, a rocket blueprint for figuring your CP; plus over 300 motor thrust curves; Help files, and a professional Windows setup program. Click here to download download (1.9 mb).

wRASP Altitude Simulation Software
Summary: wRASP is an adaption of the venerable RASP program for DOS with a Windows user interface. The DOS version of RASP was based on the BASIC program written by Harry Stine in 1979 and then converted to C by Mark Storin in 1989. New features were added by Kent Hoult in 1990 and Mark Johnson in 1990-94. Click here to download wRASP v2.0 for Windows 3.1 and 2 supporting DLL files (342K), or click here to download wRASP v2.0 for Windows 95 (1 Mb), same program but nicer install program with InstallShield.

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