Reef Traders' Trove - Message Board

Click here: Reef Traders' Trove - Message Board to go directly to the message board.

***How to use this Message Board:

Would you like to talk to other hobbyists interested in propagating reef aquarium stock, or be able to trade your tank-raised reef aquarium stock with them? This is a free hobbyist exchange service to help hobbyists exchange ideas and information, promote propogation and contact between coral propagation enthusiasts everywhere. Use this message board to exchange propagation ideas and let others know what types of coral cuttings (etc.) you are looking to trade for. Also list the propagated coral cuttings, live rock, sand and other items that you have grown that are available for trade. Please post non-commercial reef propagation related info only. You can list the items you are looking for, items you have available for trade, info available or sought, along with your e-mail address. Information will stay posted for 999 days - newest postings will be first.

Look at the four fictitious examples below to give you an idea of what you could post on the Reef Traders' Trove - Message Board":

Example #1:

Wanted: All types of coral cuttings.

For Trade: Tank raised live rock and sand. Plus misc items. I prefer local trades, but may ship too.

Contact: Rocky in Ohio -

Example #2:

Wanted: Very green star polyps, tank raised stony corals and a mated breeder pair of Ocellaris or Percula Clownfish. I'm trying to set up a a mostly tank-raised reef and also a 100% tank-raised reef. I would also like to hear from others about your successful and not so successful attempts of making coral cuttings.

For Trade: Xenia cuttings - four varieties. Five varieties of Sarcophyton (Leather Mushrooms). Two varieties of Sinularia (Finger Leathers). 3 varieties of SPS corals. I'm also raising various colors of Actinodiscus (Smooth Mushroom/Disk Anemones).

Contact: Carol Reeves in California at:

Example #3:

Help!!! I would like to talk to successful coral propagating hobbyists about the methods that they are having good luck with. All this propagation stuff sounds great, but I'm just having a hard time getting up enough nerve to slice a piece off of my beautiful corals to try to grow more of them. I want to make cuttings of my actinodiscus to start with, but I'm a bit nervous about getting the scissors out.

Contact: Tim Idcutter - New York, New York -

Example #4:

Wanted: Contact with other reef aquarists in the San Antonio area interested in trading coral cuttings, ideas and getting together for small informal coral cutting workshops. Also interested in forming a group of aquarists interested raising various marine aquarium fish to trade back and forth. For trade: I raise two types of clownfish, several soft corals and SPS corals that I currently sell and trade with local aquarium stores, but would like to trade some of these with hobbyists for other fish, corals and...

Contact: Anna Nomie in San Antonio, Texas: