Cave paintings 20,000 BP.

Pottery 8000 BP.

Fire by friction produced 7000 BP.

Copper hammered into shape 6000 BP.

Civilization began 4000 BP.

Native copper collected 9000 BP.

In Egypt gold was mined and processed by slaves.

Sumerians 3000 BP discovered smelting = heat metal with dirt/stones (metal ores).

bronze = copper + tin.

Iron oxide improved copper smelting by acting as a flux.

Iron known in Egypt 3000 BP - metal of heaven - from meteorites.

Iron is softer than bronze. Heating iron in presence of carbon increases strength of iron = carburizing (steel). Made by Hittites in 1200 BP.

Action of bacteria on nitrogenous waste (urine) = niter or sodium nitrate/potassium nitrate. Niter ingredient of gunpowder.

Ethanol production (fermentation) 10,000 BP. Eethanol is used as extractant for organic materials. Organic end of ethanol mixes well with plant material. Alcohol end of ethanol mixes well with water.

Early physicians.

Pigments and dyes.

Glass formed from fused silicates created naturally by lightning strikes, volcanoes, meteorite strikes. 3000 BP in Mesopotamia - glass = sand/quartz + sodium carbonate. 1300 BP glass = sand/quartz + calcium carbonate (in shells/limestone/chalk).

Mummification = steeped body for 70 days in natron bath (sodium-aluminum-silicon-oxygen salt). Killed bacteria that cause decomposition and dehydrated cells so future bacteria would not flourish. Then sealed from moisture and air.

Explanations for the observed world > Greek philosophers.

Babylonians developed sophisticated math 1600 BP.

Empedocles of Agrigentum (c. 495-435 B.C.) proof by physical means that air is a material body. Using a water clock (cone with holes at the bottom and top, which when placed in water sinks slowly to the bottom). When finger placed over opening at top of clock water would not fill the cone. When removed finger air rushed out.

sublimation (solid to gas with no liquid phase)
fusion (melting)
solvation (dissolving)
calcination (heating to high temperature without melting)
usually resulted in oxidation (incorporating oxygen from the air)

Refine gold by using mercury (gold pulled from ore into Hg, Hg is then driven off by heat leaving behind the pure Au).

Alexandrian alchemist known as Miriam, Maria or Mary the Jew introduced the water bath.

"Greek Fire" = quicklime (Calcium oxide from heating limestone or shells generated heat when combined with water. If quicklime and petroleum are exposed to water the heat can ignite the petroleum.).

1200s universities were founded in Naples, Paris, Oxford, Cambridge, Seville and Siena.

1200s writings attributed to Ramon Lull authors used letters of the alphabet to symbolize alchemical principles, materials and operations and arranged them in tables
recipes were given or combinations of the letters.

Since prehistoric times people had fermented alcoholic solutions
ethanol is flammable in its pure form
salts added to distillation vessel pulled water from the alcohol©water mixture.

Paracelsus (1493-1541) subjected a large number of metals to a standardized set of procedures and obtained a series of salts. First to use word alcohol to describe distilled ethanol. Used mercury to treat syphilis. Idea that doctors should act on what they observe rather than blindly following accepted authority.

1450 invention of movable type. Chemical knowledge was standardized. It was available in greater quantities and at a much lower price.

1540 first printed book on metallurgy and metallurgical chemistry by Vannoccio Biringuccio (1480-1539) became a standard reference for metal workers in the 1600s.

Georgius Agricola (1494-1555) wrote on methods of geology and mineralogy. Emphasized individual experimentation and observation. Used as a reference for over a century.

Alchymia considered the first chemistry textbook by Libavius b. ~1560 is a clear and highly systematic survey of contemporary descriptive chemistry. Four parts to book:
- techniques and equipment
- chemical preparations
- chemical analysis
- theory of transmutation
May have been the first directions for making hydrochloric acid by heating saltwater in the presence of clay. May have been first to show that sulfuric acid can be made by burning sulphur with niter (potassium nitrate).

René Descartes (1596-1650) and Francis Bacon (1561-1626) proposed that truth can only be arrived at by careful, stepwise analysis and with a review at each step for oversight (this was revolutionary).

Hg is well known for its combining powers.

Johannes van Helmont (1577-1644) made extensive use of the balance and as a result of his careful observations he was convinced that nothing is created or destroyed in a chemical reaction. In willow tree experiment he weighed a willow tree seedling and then planted in a tub with 200 lbs of soil. At the end of 5 years he found that the tree had increased in weight but the soil weighed the same. Therefore concluded that the tree had converted the water into wood. Helmont coined the word gas (probably based on chaos).

Angelus Sala (1575-1640) was able to show the he could artificially produce a hydrated copper sulfate identical to a naturally occurring substance.

Robert Boyle (1627-1691) reported in his book that sound did not propagate in a vacuum and that air was necessary for life and flame. His assistant Robert Hooke built an air pump. Boyle's Law = volume of air was inversely proportional to the pressure applied. Boyle also made systematic studies of reactions between acids and bases. Application of plant derived acid and base indicators. Boyle observed that air had something to do with combustion.

Robert Hooke (1635-1703) and Hook's Law = stretching in an elastic body such as a spring is proportional to the force applied.

John Mayow (1641-1679) showed that gas could be transformed from one vessel to another under water and that volumes of gas could be directly compared if they were at the same pressure. Two parts to air: first part that supported combustion nitro-aerial. Weight gained by metals during calcination due to absorption of nitro-aerial particles.

Joseph Black (1728-1799) concluded that combustion, respiration and fermentation all produced the same gas and that it did not support life. We now know that this gas is carbon dioxide
Black rejected the idea of four elements saying instead that materials should be separated into classes.

Joseph Priestley (1733-1804)invented soda water = when carbon dioxide dissolved in water it produced a pleasant drink. Also discovered that rubber from South America, called India rubber, efficiently erased pencil marks. Measured volume of "goodness" of air for respiration rather than using mice. In August 1774 Priestley prepared oxygen by collecting the gas given off when mercuric oxide is heated. Made carbon monoxide by passing steam over glowing charcoal. When sparked hydrogen with common air he found water.

Henry Cavendish collected hydrogen from metals treated with acid.

Mikhail Vasilevich Lomonosov (1711-1765) saw no necessity for phlogiston. He heated metals in air-tight vessels and found no increase in the weight of the system. Therefore something from air combined with the metal.

Antoine Laurent Lavoisier (1743-1794) did experiments on conservation of mass. Distilled water was heated in a glass container for 101 days. At end there was no change in weight. Also made the pronouncement that water was not an element as previously thought but the combination of oxygen with an inflammable principle which he named hydrogen from the Greek for the begetter of water.

Lavoisier and Laplace (1749-1827) developed a calorimeter, a device for measuring heat released during respiration and combustion and concluded that respiration was a form of combustion.

Lavoiser asserted that calcination was a combination - oxygen with metal and that reduction was a separation - oxygen from metal. Said oxygen was not a variety of the element air but a separate substance and that phlogiston did not exist (broke the Aristotelian barrier of four elements).

Louis Bernard Guyton de Morveau (1737-1816), Bertholle, Antoine Francois de Fourcroy (1755-1809) and Lavoisier developed a new system of nomeclature that named compounds according to elements they contain and their functionality.

Berthollet - beginnings of law of mass action whereby the relative mass of reactants and products determined the direction of the reaction. found evidence for the reversibility of reactions. He also developed a chemical bleaching process that used chlorine absorbed in sodium hydroxide solution.

Joseph Louis Proust (1754-1826) - each chemical compound has a fixed and invariable composition by weight i.e. each compound has a formula = law of definite proportions (some metal oxides and sulfides do have compositions that vary over a narrow range >in modern materials science and inorganic chemistry these are called berthollides).

John Dalton (1766-1844) reintroduced a systematic atomic theory based on the elements of Lavoisier (the atoms had characteristic masses (atomic weights) and combinations of these atoms in fixed ratios made up the range of chemical compounds) >tendency of materials to combine in simple whole number ratios. The first direct evidence for atoms became known as the law of multiple proportions. Dalton also derived a scale of atomic weights. He arbitrarily chose the wight of hydrogen to be 1. For the first time it allowed chemists to interpret mass relationships rationally.

Democritus of Abdera (c. 460-370 B.C.) postulated atoms in pre-Aristotelian Greek philosophy.
Atoms were proposed by Descartes and Hooke.

Jeremais Benjamin Richter (1762-1807) (a forerunner of Dalton) proposed that chemical processes are based on mathematical laws and had coined the word stoichiometry to describe mass ratios of chemical elements in reactions.

Force that held atoms together: chemical affinity (based on electrical attraction)
Greek's knew how to generate static electricity by rubbing amber with wool (elektron is the Greek word for amber).
Otto von Guericke made a machine for generating a high potential electric charge in the 1500s.
Leiden jar for storing static charge was invented in 1745 by Pieter van Musschenbroek.
In the 1750s Benjamin Franklin and kite experiment in which he collected a charge from a thunder cloud in a Leiden jar.

Alessandro Volta (1745-1827) built first electrochemical cell (electricity-generating pile).

William Nicholson (1753-1815) discovered electrolysis = the decomposition of materials by electricity.

Jöns Jakob Berzelius (1779-1848) repeated experiments that electricity split water and also electricity split salts and also used electricity to isolate calcium and barium. Also recognized that Cl, Br and I all belonged to the same chemical family which he called the halogens. Used term isomerism to indicate substances with the same chemical composition but different physical properties. Used term catalysis. Used term allotropy = certain elements exist in different solid forms with different properties. Began practice of writing chemical formulas using first letter of element to stand for the atom of the element (adding a second letter to distinguish between two elements beginning with the same first letter). Also used superscripts to indicate their relative number in the compound (today use subscripts).

Between 1790 and 1848 approximately 29 new elements were discovered.

Humphry Davy (1778-1829) tried to show that heat was not a material but a mode of motion. Proposed the use of nitrous oxide (laughing gas) in minor surgical operation, it achieved its first success as a recreational drug. Improved Volta's battery design by putting zinc and silver plates directly into acid and connecting them with wires and showed that passing current through a salt or acid broke it down moving part of the material toward the negative pole and part toward the positive pole.

Michael Faraday (1791-1867). He read "The Improvement of the Mind" which suggested keeping a notebook of ideas and observations. Found that the amount of chemical decomposition in a solution is proportional to the amount of electricity passing through it. Found that the mass of material deposited at an electrode by a given amount of current is proportional to the atomic mass of the material divided by its charge. Concluded that electrolysis (the decomposition of material by electricity) occurred when electricity flowed through solutions and he called the electrically charged fragments ions, from the Greek word for wanderer. Also demonstrated the rotation of a current-carrying wire around a magnet and of a magnet around a current-carrying wire. Faraday also proposed that the electric force was a field.

Hans Christian Oersted showed an interaction between electricity and magnetism when a wire carrying an electric current caused a nearby magnetic needle to move.

Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac (1778-1850) and Alexander von Humboldt found that two volumes of hydrogen combined with one volume of oxygen to contract into one volume of water measured as a gas.

Amedeo Avogadro (1776-1856) law that equal volumes of all gases contained an equal number of molecules (under like conditions of pressure and temperature).

With the industrial revolution it was found that heat from combustion could produce work.

Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford (1753-1814) concluded that heat was not a material substance since when drilling metal and stopped the heat did not stop when drill was stopped

Temperature is a measure of translational energy >the energy with which moving particles strike the thermometer.

William Thomson, Lord Kelvin (1824-1907) observed a regularity in the behaviour of fixed amounts of different gases. When pressure was plotted versus temperature for various gases, the lines, extrapolated back to zero pressure all converged at -273.15 C. The temperature was absolute zero. Also used the term thermo-dynamic.

Herman von Helmholtz (1821-1894) : the first law of thermodynamics (energy is conserved). Second law of thermodynamics arrived at by Lord Kelvin (Rudolf Clausius described it as saying "the entropy of the world strives toward a maximum".

Ludwig Boltzmann (1844-1906) used statistical analysis to show that entropy is a manifestation of the natural tendency of a system to seek the state of maximum disorder. The disordered state was the natural state because it is the state with the highest probability.

Walter Nernst (1864-1941) third law of thermodynamics s = k log W (carved on his grave)

Josiah Willard Gibbs (1839-1903) saw that he calculated charge in entropy for the system and surroundings predicted the direction of spontaneous change in any chemical reaction. Derived a phase rule for determining whether or not a chemical mixture was in equilibrium and what components or conditions could be varied without pushing it into another phase. Phase diagrams.

James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879) gas viscosity should be independent of its density. Also that gas particles do not all travel at the same speed.

Henry Louis Le Châtelier (1850-1936) found that equilibria could be shifted by adding or subtracting heat. Principle: when a strain is place on a system in equilibrium there is a readjustment in the direction that most effectively relieves the strain. This strain could be in the form of material or heat.

Now a chemist could show with Gibbs function whether or not a reaction would occur spontaneously if it did not, how it could be coaxed in the desired direction using Le Châtelier's principle.

Friedrich Wilhelm Ostwald (1853-1932) founded the new discipline of physical chemistry.

(blood from people in tropics is more oxygenated (redder) because less oxygen is burned to produce needed heat in body).

Organic Chemistry

The ability of carbon to form chains allows carbon to make up the complex materials of life.

Estimated that the human body contains 5 million different organic compounds and a single bacterium contains 5000 different organic compounds. Materials extracted from plants and animals are organic compounds
- herbs used for medicine
- ethanol for mood control
- acetic acid from sour wine
- lactic acid from milk
- citric acid from lemons
- formic acid from ants

Friedrich Wöhler (1800-1882) and Justus von Liebig (1803-1873) discovered that two different chemicals had the same elements present in the same ratios - cyanic acid, fulminic acid and later isocyanic acid. It is now know they have different chemical behaviour because of different arrangement of elements in the compounds. Research groups headed by a senior scientist as mentor and junior scientists as lieutenants and students are a Liebig creation.

Berzelius proposed name isomerism the describe materials with the same chemical composition but different properties prior to Wöhler-Liebig.

Wöhler for the first time a natural product was made from inorganic chemicals. In an attempted synthesis of ammonium cyanate found had same composition as urea (the ammonium salt of cyanic acid) from urine.

Jean Baptiste André Dumas (1800-1884) came up with concept of an "organic radical" = a group of elements within an organic compound that functioned as a unit.

Robert Wilhelm Bunsen (1811-1899) invented gas burner called the Bunsen burner.

(amines responsible for fishy smell of decomposing seafood)

Auguste Laurent (1807-1853) his research in chlorine substitution led him to the nucleus theory (compounds were made of nuclei (radicals) in which substitution could take place).

Charles Frédéric Gerhardt (1816-1856) devised a classification scheme that grouped compounds with similar reactivity but differed by the number of carbon atoms that formed them (homologous series) i.e. functional groups.

Edward Frankand (1825-1899) when studied combinations of organic materials and metals (organometallics) he noticed that there seemed to be "a fixity in the maximum combining value". This fixed maximum combining value or "valence".

Archiblad Scott Couper (1831-1892) in 1858 wrote paper that probably contained the first statement about the tetravalence of carbon and its chain-forming ability.

Friedrich August Kekulé (1829-1896) visualized the chemical bond as a lumpy cloud (referred to as "Kekulé's sausages") joining atoms. Other scientists preferred to represent bonds by a straight line. Also came up with name aromatic for the generally pleasant smelling class of benzene-based compounds and came up with the ring structure of benzene.

Jean Baptiste Biot (1774-1862) a crystallographer was the first to observe optical activity in light passing through liquids or solutions of natural products like turpentine.

Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) examined crystals of racemic sodium ammonium tartarate under a magnifying glass and found that one half had a particular crystal face oriented to the left and the other half to the right.

Jacobus Henricus van't Hoff (1852-1911) and Joseph Achille Le Bel (1847-1930) separately developed the idea that the light-rotating power of compounds (optical activity) was due to their three-dimensional arrangements in space.

Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev (1834-1907) discoverer of the periodic table in paper published in 1869. Systematized elements. Left gaps for elements he suspected were missing.

Improvements in equipment: better balances, optical glass, furnaces etc. led to sorting out of rare earth elements which have nearly identical properties.

Ancient texts of India report use of flame color in chemical analysis. Later chemists used flame colors as their only way of distinguishing sodium and potassium salts.

In 1800s discovered that elements in flames have spectra that show characteristic line patterns and these line patterns can be measured and catalogued.

Robert Bunsen needed a colorless flame to analyze flame colors of salts in mineral waters so he invented the Bunsen burner.

Robert Bunsen and Gustav Robert Kirchhoff (1824-1887) invented spectrometer and identified new elements cesium and rubidium by showing that these new elements produced line spectra that were unique.

William Crookes (1832-1919) analyzed an unknown gas and realized that its lines matched lines observed in spectrum of the sun. This element was helium (named for the Greek helios for the sun).

Joseph John Thomson (1856-1940) showed that cathode rays were composed of negatively charged particles that had one-thousandth the mass of a hydrogen atom.

Thomson and Kelvin modeled the atom as a mass of positive charge interfused with imbedded electrons.

Wilhelm Konrad Rontgen (1845-1903) discovered x-rays in 1895.

Marya Sklodowska Curie (1867-1934) found that pitchblende was more radioactive than its uranium and thorium content could account for and Marie and Pierre Curie (1859-1906) found polonium and radium by dissolving minerals (ores) in acids, precipitating different fractions with reagents such as sulfates and hydroxides, redissolving the precipitates and crystallizing and recrystallizing the products on a huge scale from 1898-1902. Pierre and Marie refused to patent their materials, preferring to make them available to all who wished to use them.

Ernest Rutherford (1871-1937) studied uranium and showed that it gave off at least two types of particles: positively charged nuclei of helium atoms called alpha radiation and highªspeed electrons called beta radiation. Rutherford did experiments in which high-energy particles passed through gold foil but some bounced back. From this came new model with negatively charged electrons in huge orbits circling a tiny, dense, positively charged nucleus. (Now know mass of atom is mainly in the nucleus which has a density of 1,000 trillion grams per cubic centimetre). Paradox that an electron circling a nucleus should emit radiation and emitting radiation it should lose energy and spiral into nucleus >Bohr refined this model.

Henry Moseley (1887-1915) showed by analysing x-ray spectra that the positive charge of each element's nucleus increases by one as traverse periodic table. He called this the atomic number.

(a pure solvent flows into a solution because the mixture is more disordered than the pure solvent and this drives the osmotic flow).

Svante August Arrhenius (1859-1927) proposed existence of permanent ions in solution to explain anomalously high freezing points and low boiling points seen in salt solutions.

(hemoglobin and chlorophyll are coordination complexes)

Alfred Werner (1866-1919) the founder of coordination-complex chemistry. Proposed a coordination number that was the preferred number of ligands that a given metal atom sought to acquire.

The term biochemistry appeared around 1910.

Chemists attempted to synthesize natural compounds with medicinal activity. William Henry Perkin (1838-1907) was looking for quinine when he found mauve dye.

Felix Hofmann prepared acetylsalicylic acid from salicylic acid and the anhydride of acetic acid. Bayer called this aspirin (aspirin decomposes in moist air to acetic acid, the acid found in vinegar).

Louis Pasteur showed that fermentation is accompanied by the growth of yeast. Also showed that microorganisms were present in the air and water. Also showed that when microorganisms were destroyed, as by heat, the media were preserved (now know as pasteurization). Argued that many diseases were caused by microorganisms.

Joseph Lister actively sought disinfectants to use against microorganisms. Introduced carbolic acid (phenol) as an antiseptic for sterilizing instruments and wounds. Reduced mortality from amputations dramatically from their prior 50 percent.

Pasteur looked for sources of dead bacteria that could be used to trigger immunity and protect against live bacteria. Used these methods to protect sheep from anthrax and people from rabies.

Fredrick Accum (1769-1838) in 1820 raised questions about saftety of prepared foods. This stimulated a public demand for purity in food and this demand along with others from industrial and medicinal chemistry stimulated the growth of analytical chemistry.

Growth in industry promoted the growth of analytical chemistry and biochemistry and the analytical chemist and the biochemists promoted industrial growth.

Public awareness of microorganisms increased the demand for soap.

One of the first pieces of environmental legislation, the British Alkali Act, that required soda manufacturers to run their gaseous waste through acid-absorbing towers.

Alfred Nobel (1833-1896) succeeded in stabilizing nitroglycerine by absorbing it in sawdust or diatomaceous earth and he named the new explosive dynamite (in reference to its dynamic force).

(chemistry could not progress without physics)

Chaim Weizmann (1874-1952) developed a fermentation process that produced acetone which was needed in preparing smokeless powder during World War I.

Wilhelm Ostwald worked out conditions for reacting air and water with ammonia to make nitric acid needed for explosives.

Fritz Haber (1868-1934) made synthetic ammonia by combining nitrogen and hydrogen under pressure using iron as a catalyst. Haber also studied possibility of using chemical gases in combat.

Chlorine used by Germans on April 22, 1915 during the battle of Ypres in Northern France. France countered with phosgene (severe respiratory irritant) at Verdun in February 1916. Germans countered with dichlorodiethyl sulfide (attacked skin as well as lungs) in July 1917. Under Article 297 of the Versailles Treaty Germany lost many of its chemical patents (such as aspirin) and this caused a chemical redistribution of wealth.

Gilbert Newton Lewis proposed octet rule (ions or atoms with a filled layer of eight electrons have a special stability). Also proposed that an atom tended to form an ion by gaining or losing the number of electrons needed to complete an octet. Lewis structures are still taught today as the most intuitive way of envisioning simple structures and bonding.

Alfred Parson suggested that a chemical bond results from two electrons being shared between two atoms.

James Clerk Maxwell discovered that light is an oscillating electromagnetic wave. A moving electric charge generates a magnetic field and the magnetic field generates an opposing electric field and the opposing electric field generates an opposing magnetic field and so on, with each field pushing the other out of the way. Maxwell calculated the speed at which this occurs and found it to be at the speed of light. Maxwell's conclusion was confirmed experimentally by Heinrich Hertz (1857-1894).

Max Planck (1858-1947) assumed that light was not continuous but came in discrete packets called quanta and that the size of these packets became larger at shorter wavelengths.

Albert Einstein (1879-1955) saw that minute particles suspended in liquid are in constant motion called Brownian motion. It can be seen under a microscope. Einstein extrapolated the motion to the molecular level to show that it arises from buffeting by molecules. Thought about theory of relativity. Also explanation for the photoelectric effect based on Planck's quanta. When light of the proper frequency shines on certain metals it can cause an electron flow from the metal surface. For electrons to be ejected from the metal the light has to have greater than a particular frequency (ie. quanta of a minimum energy are needed).

Niels Bohr (1885-1962) felt that Planck's quantized energies were related to the discrete lines of elemental spectra and to the planetary model of the atom. In Bohr's theory, electron orbits, or energy levels are given numbers, called quantum numbers: the principal quantum number defines the shell in which the electron is located; the second quantum number is the angular momentum; and the third quantum number. The fourth quantum number explained by George E. Uhlenbeck and Sam A. Goudsmit whereby electrons could be thought of as spinning on an axis (for this to be literally true the electron would have to spin at then times the speed of light, but the model worked well).

Wolfgang Pauli (1900- ) the Pauli Exclusion Principle: there can never be two equivalent electrons in an atom for which the values of all the quantum numbers are the same i.e. no two electrons can have the same coordinates. This explained the periodic build up of elements. Electrons go into the lowest unfilled energy level. This was given the name Aufbau (build-up) principle by Bohr.

Arnold Sommerfeld (1868-1951) proposed subshells within the principal energy level. Bohr proposed three possible orientations for orbits: parallel, antiparallel or perpendicular to a defining magnetic field. Resulted in groups of elements with similar reactivities have the same electron configuration ie. they have the same number of electrons in the same types of outer orbits and subshells. However Bohr's model was exact only for hydrogen.

Louis Victor Pierre Raymond de Broglie (1892- ) his idea was that if light behaved as a wave or a particle then why could not a particle, lie an electron, behave like a wave?

Erwin Schrödinger (1887-1961)

Werner Heisenberg (1901- ) and the Heisenberg uncertainty principle: the position and momentum of an electron could not be computed at the same instant in time.

(the energy of UV light is sufficient to knock the tiny electron around which is what UV light does to electrons in your skin when you sunbathe)

Max Born (1882- ) said that Schrödinger's waves were probability waves.

Walter Heitler and Fritz London (1900-1954) applied quantum theory to develop the first quantitative model of a chemical bond. They found that two electrons sharing a space between two nuclei were attracted by both nuclei and this lowered the energy of the system as a whole. Two hydrogen nuclei formed a bond because a bond minimized electrostatic interactions: the two positive nuclei were drawn together by attracting each other's negative electron cloud but only until this attraction was balanced by the repulsion of like charges.

Linus Pauling used x-ray diffraction to study bonding in crystals. Developed a model for bonding called the valence-bond approach which assumed that orbitals were formed in molecules by the overlapping of atomic orbitals. Also used hybrid atomic orbitals. Also used the notion of resonance.

Robert S. Mulliken developed with Frederick Hund the molecular-orbital system: a bonding model based on orbitals that extended over the entire molecule. These molecular orbitals were numbered as were atomic orbitals and electrons in them had various quantized amounts of angular momentum, magnetic moment and spin. Notation for diatomics (molecules with just two nuclei): s (sigma), p (pi), d (delta), f (phi) were analogous with the atomic s, p, d and f orbitals. Whether or not the molecule is stable depends on how many electrons are in bonding versus antibonding orbitals. Reactivity is based on the shapes of occupied molecular orbitals.

(an extensive library of calculated molecular orbitals has accumulated)

Spectroscopy (interactions of molecules with light) Hydrogen takes light in the IR range to excite changes in vibrational levels. Hydrogen takes light in the microwave region to excite changes in the rotational levels.

The quantization of frequency changes of scattered light was described by Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman.

Lewis coined the word photon to denote a quantum or packet of light. Studied photochemistry and found two types of photoluminescence:
i) phosphorescence (excited electron spin parallel to spin of remaining ground state electron
ii) fluorescence (spin antiparallel to ground state electron.

World War II caused European scientists to relocate worldwide. War caused shortage of rubber. Tried to make synthetic rubber. Rubber like many other biological materials is a polymer made up of chains of monomers (the same or different molecules). Polymer properties depend on the monomer, the length of the chain and on the branching of the chain.

In the 1920s Joseph Patrick invented polyvinylchloride (PVC). Others invented polyethylene, polystyrene, Lucite and Plexiglass (organic glass).

Wallace Hume Carothers (1896-1937) tried to understand the composition of natural polymers such as rubber, cellulose, and silk and then to imitate them. He was boss of the team that invented nylon.

Dacron (a high-melting and insoluble polyester) was developed by Rex Whinfield and James T. Dickson.

Teflon was discovered by Roy J. Plunkett. Teflon was inert to acids, bases, heat and solvents and very slippery.

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