Prepare the Way with Posters

Make your own eye-catching posters to inspire others and attract attention to your church.

Prepare the Way with Posters explains what posters are, why your church needs them, and most important, how to make them.

Yvonne's new book covers everything you need to know, from finding an original idea to displaying the finished product. You will discover how to choose the right words, create a memorable image and design clear and attractive lettering. Prepare the Way with Posters will inspire creativity in your church and enable people of all ages to make attractive posters.

Published by Gazelle Books
Size: 239x171mm 176 pages
ISBN 1 899746 18 8
Price £8.99

Available (post-free within UK) from:

Yvonne Coppock,
7, Belvedere Drive,
Belvedere Hill,
St. Saviour,
Jersey JE2 7RN
(Please mention this web page when writing or ordering.)

Yvonne Coppock is a member of St. Paul's Church in Jersey. She has been leading poster workshops since 1975, helping church groups to develop their varied talents and discover new ways of making posters. She is available to lead workshops at churches that would like to make posters but are not sure how to start.

This web page has been prepared for Yvonne Coppock by Philip Le Riche
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