Bailey's Beads

Taken using MC-80 Maksutov-Cassegrain at positive projection with 25mm Kellner, E.F.L.= 1,500mm f/19, 1/1000 second exposure, no filter on Fuji Velvia 50 Film on October 24, 1995 in Khon Buri, Thailand.  

Second Contact

Taken using MC-80 Maksutov-Cassegrain at positive projection with 25mm Kellner , E.F.L.= 1,500mm f/19, 1/500 second exposure, no filter on Fuji Velvia 50 Film on October 24, 1995 in Khon Buri, Thailand.


Sun's Chromosphere

Taken using MC-80 Maksutov-Cassegrain at positive projection with 25mm Kellner, E.F.L.=1,500mm f/19, 1/250 second exposure, no filter on Fuji Velvia 50 Film on October 24, 1995 in Khon Buri, Thailand.  


Inner Corona

Taken using MC-80 Maksutov-Cassegrain at positive projection with 25mm Kellner, E.F.L.= 1,500mm f/19, 1/30 second exposure , no filter on Fuji Velvia 50 Film on October 24, 1995 in Khon Buri, Thailand.  


Outer Corona

Taken using MC-80 Maksutov-Cassegrain at positive projection with 25mm Kellner, E.F.L.=1,500mm f/19, 1 second exposure, no filter, on Fuji Velvia 50 Film on October 24, 1995 in Khon Buri, Thailand.  


Outermost Corona

Taken by Francisco Lao, Jr. using 60mm f/5 refractor at prime focus, E.F.L.=300mm f/5, 2 second exposure, no filter on Ektachrome 400 Film on October 24, 1995 in Khon Buri, Thailand.  


Diamond Ring Effect

Taken using MC-80 Maksutov-Cassegrain at positive projection with 25mm Kellner, E.F.L.=1,500mm f/19, 1/60 second exposure, no filter on Fuji Velvia 50 Film on October 24, 1995 in Khon Buri, Thailand.


Annular Solar Eclipse - Multiple Exposure  

Taken by James Kevin Ty using 28mm f/2.8 set to f/11 with Density 5.0 solar filter at 1/1000 sec exposure at 7 minutes interval using Fujichrome Provia 100 film on August 22, 1998 in Pulau Dayang, Malaysia. (This image was also featured in the January 1999 issue of Astronomy magazine, page 131.)  


Annular Solar Eclipse

Taken by Francisco Lao, Jr using 60mm f/5 refractor, prime focus, E.F.L.=300mm f/5 with 1/125 second exposure with Kodak Gold 800 film on August 22, 1998 in Pulau Dayang, Malaysia.    

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