Civil and commercial aviation was
in its infancy when Gordon Reublin was a part of the aviation scene in Northern Ohio.To witness
the growth and development of airlines, airliners and personal aircraft was a grand spectacle.
Each day brought new developments, exciting new aircraft, scientific discoveries and sadly,
tragic crashes and loss of life. This crash of a tri-motor airliner in 1929 near Redwood
California is just one of the many that occurred during those heady and dangerous days.Those
tragedies however, provided the learning that allowed the safe and reliable aircraft and
systems we have today.
On the other hand, regardless of risk, the excitement seemed to draw nearly everyone to the
aviation scene. Aviation consumed the news of the day for over a decade. This clipping from the
newspaper of 1928 is typical of the news of the day promoting the advances in aviation.
"Even the babies enjoy airplane travel"
These pages cannot begin to cover the vast story of civil and commercial aircraft development
during the golden age of aviation. We can provide here though, the personal observations and
photographs from a person who witnessed and participated in the development of civil aviation.
We hope the photos that follow allow you to share the exitement and awe that was a part of
everyday life during the golden age of aviation. Space won't allow us to publish all of the
photos and clipping from the collection but have tried to provide you with a representative
sample of some of the more unique unpublished items from the Reublin collection.