Here's my Current projects

1. Top Flite Corsair

I just got the new updated version of Top Flite's 60 size corsair. It will feature split flaps, retractable landing gear, and an ASP 91 2-stroke for power!

2. My Crashed trainer

I've decided to rebuilt my Great Planes PT-40 that I smashed last summer. I'm done rebuilding the wing and I'm half done the fuselage.
Here's the wing now

can you guess which side is new :)

3. Dragon

This plane was crashed then I bought it to rebuild. It's a 40 size pusher and is called the Dragon.

4. Pietenpol

This is my Pietenpol so far. I'm scratch building it from RCM plans. This is my "between projects project". I don't work on it often and I don't expect to finish it anytime in the near future.