RC Flying in Singapore



RC Clubs in Singapore

Singapore is a tiny island on the Southern tip of peninsula Malaysia. Because of its tiny size, open spaces are prime and targeted by the goverment for build up of residential and industrial area. Though lacking support by authorities in Singapore, RC enthusiasts have increase in numbers here and many of us are quite resourceful in looking for open land to fly our models.

There are several flying clubs in Singapore, namely ;

Of the four RC clubs in Singapore, only the Radio Modellers of Singapore and Bukit Batok C.C Flying Club have official flying feild. However flying is restricted only on Sundays and public holidays.

Soaring enthusiasts have also gathered at a hillock at Bedok Reservoir to enjoy their silent flight between the month of August to March when the winds are favourable.

Local Hobby Supplies

The above stores have served the RC community well here in Singapore. However if there is anything that they lack, there is always the Internet Links.