Tucson Magnet High School
University of Arizona

Music, Art, Technology, And Entertainment
Education And Research Group


The principal emphasis for this interdisciplinary team's effort is in developing hyper-metacomputing Internet/WWW type software for students.

Student Software Level Software Type Area
High School
Basic, Intermediate
Basic, Intermediate, Advanced
Basic, Intermediate, Advanced

Presently the focus is on preparing an instructional presentation for the WWW that details the design and fabrication of a dynamic art mural. The initial presentation can be viewed by clicking below.

Dynamic Art Mural
Design/Fabrication Presentation


The interdisciplinary team's research efforts focus on four main areas to support the development of educational software.

Network Applications

(1) Open Systems Interconnect Standard
(2) Internet/WWW Protocols
(3) Sockets Application Interface Programming
(4) Topology, Routing, Transmission Integrity, And Speed

Hyper-Meta Methods And Analysis

(1) Integrated Distributed Data Bases
(2) Load Balancing
(3) User (i. e. Student) Application Interface
(4) Technical Support

Dynamic Hybrid System Models And Analyses
(1) Mixed Discrete (Logic Based) And Continuous
                 (a) Automata (Discrete Non-deterministic FSM's)
                 (b) Differential (Difference) Equations (Continuous)
(2) All Discrete
(3) Variations


(1) Architecture Development
(2) Application-Language Compatability
(3) User Friendliness
(4) Technical Support
(5) Expandability & Flexibility



The team conducts individual and integrated hardware and software tests to determine the feasibility of a particular educational approach. These tests focus on the incorporation of music, art, and technology into a self motivating and interactive program that can assist instructors with the teaching of students in a hyper-metacomputing environment.

Principal Testing Areas

(1) Electronic
(2) Computer Interfacing
(3) Audio Quality (e. g. Sound Fidelity)
(4) Platform (e. g. PC, MAC, etc) Compatibility

(1) Video Presentation/Control/Quality
(2) Audio Presentation/Control/Quality
(3) Instructional Content And Format
(4) Display Browser Compatibility
(5) Platform Compatibility

Laboratory Facilities

The laboratory facilities in the Technology Area at Tucson High Magnet School provide a suitable testbench to conduct tests in a variety of disciplines. These facilities contain different analog and computer hardware in addition to a broad range of software tools to write programs, manipulate data, and analyze test schemes.

Test Hardware

(1) Test Breadboards
(2) Signal Generators
(3) Oscilloscopes
(4) Components
   (a) Resistors, Inductors,
   (b) Transistors, Diodes, ICs
   (c) LEDs
   (d) Relays
   (e) Speakers
(5) PCs (386, 486, Pentium)
(6) MACs (Power)
(7) Power Supplies
(8) Voltmeters/Ammeters
(9) Standard/Electronic Tools
(10) Cables & Connectors
Test Software

(1) Windows NT, 95, 3.1
(2) Word, Power Point, Excel
(3) MAC OS
(4) Snappy (Video Capture)
(5) Audio Wave Editor
(6) Real Encoder/Player
(7) NIH Image
(8) Adobe Paint
(9) HTML
(10) Netscape Communicator
(11) Internet Explorer
(12) GIF/JPG Synthesizers
(13) Winsock
(14) C/C++/Protogen
(15) Electronic Design/Prototype
(16) Instructional (e. g. VHDL)

Feasibility Test Examples

Tests conducted by the team have evaluated the efficacy of using different Internet/WWW servers to store different modules of information (e. g. graphics and pictorial images). This evaluation is still ongoing with the objective of achieving an optimal distributed hyper-metacomputing environment. In addition, the team has done testing to identify the appropriate sampling of music audio to determine the tradeoffs among sampling rate, download speed, and audio file size. These results showed that a sampling of 22 kHz for 8 bit monaural reproduction yielded a reasonable quality for Internet/WWW transmission when Real Audio Compression provides a 20 to 1 reduction in file size.

Verification Test Example

Tests are also done to verify the operation of multimedia instructional software that will work over the Internet/WWW. These verification tests range from identifying the sound fidelity to measuring the downloading speed of video and audio files from the Internet/WWW.


Applications presently being developed fall into three categories


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