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There are a large number of sites on the Internet of educational interest. This page deals primarily with education resources.  There are two other pages with information.  One deals with Financial Aid, Home Schooling, International Schooling, K-12 Education and Online Teaching & Learning. Please access that page for information related to these areas by clicking here.   The other page deals with Organizations, Research, Standards & Testing Students' Resources and Teachers' Resources.  Click here to access that page.

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Education Resources

A.Word.A.Day Homepage

Provides information about the listserv AWAD, which sends a new vocabulary word a day to your e-mail address. Also offers links to other word-related Internet resources.

Academy One

Provides resources for students, parents, and K–12 educators and administrators. Sponsors Internet projects throughout the year, including a Mousetrap-Powered Vehicle Competition, the TeleOlympics, and the Math Olympics. Also offers a curriculum database and an index of other online projects.

Adult Education

Offers links to several resources on adult education. Enables the combination of distance education, adult education, and the Internet to deliver instruction. Invites contributions to the collection of resources.

AIMS Education Foundation

Presents the world of hands-on science and math investigations for K–9 students. Integrates the study of mathematics and science in a meaningful manner, which prompts students to quickly realize the value of mathematics and learn to "work like scientists."

The Amistad Research Center

Archives African-American history and culture. Also contains information about many other minority groups. Offers links to the center's manuscript collection, several art collections, traveling history exhibits, and library.

Apple Higher Education: The Apple Virtual Campus

Showcases Apple's vision of the campus of the future, while strengthening the technologies of today. Lists learning technologies such as distance learning, talks about collaboration and information access, and the mobile student. Also contains a link to Highway 1, a non-profit organization formed to support innovative use of new technologies in the legislative environment and democratic process. A Quicktime virtual tour of the University of Southern California is also included.

The AskERIC Virtual Library

Contains select resources for both education and general use. Includes lesson plans, ERIC digests, information guides and publications, reference tools, government information, and educational listserv archives.


Offers links to all things scientific that might be of use to teach K–12 or university teachers and students. Categorizes sections by subset of biology, most recent additions, software, and collections, to name a few.

CALI: The Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction

Non-profit consortium of more than 155 United States law schools. Supports the production, distribution, and use of computer-based instructional materials.

Cartoon Laws of Physics

Adds humor to the standard laws of physics. Illustrates each law using cartoon characters.

Center for Talented Youth (CTY) of the Johns Hopkins University

Serves the gifted population with special programs, job opportunities, and other resources. Provides details about all the CTY programs, and also offers links to other resources.


Offers positive interaction with other parents of preschoolers. Includes a manual and resources for preschoolers to help check readiness for first grade.

CIC, Center for Library Initiatives

Provides information for librarians, educators, and institutions, particularly those within the CIC (Big Ten universities, plus the University of Chicago).

The Comer School Development Program

Provides information about the School Development Program, a national school reform project directed by James P. Comer, M.D., the renowned child psychiatrist at the Yale Child Study Center.

Computer as Learning Partner

Gives information on integrating computer use to improve middle school science instruction. Provides curriculum guides, software links, and project information.

Cornell Theory Center Math and Science Gateway

Provides links to resources in mathematics and science for educators and students in grades 9–12. Divides the resources into standard subject areas and includes links to online field trips and museums. Also offers journal and research articles.

Department of Clothing, Design, and Technology, MMU

Details courses, staff, students, and the work done in this department. Contains examples of designs produced by students and staff and also details some of the conferences and shows scheduled.

The Digital Frog

Focuses on producing high-quality educational software. Features The Digital Frog CD-ROM. Describes DFI and contains a full-featured Web version of The Digital Frog.

Education Virtual Library—Primary School

Alphabetically catalogs several interesting K–12 curriculum resources from around the world. Helps you research trends in education and creates multicultural or foreign language units. Also highlights links to a Web site created in Russian using the Cyrillic alphabet.


Offers searchable archives of EDUCOM Review, archives of the listserv EDUPAGE, and other online documents. Supports EDUCOM's focus on educational technology in higher education. Also offers links to several other telecom/educational technology-related site and programs.

The Egyptian Gallery

Provides information on the modern state, such as the national anthem, pictures of modern cities, and sound clips. Also presents pictures and text about ancient Egypt.

Federal and State-Run Servers

Lists all current federally- and state-run gopher and Web servers with an educational focus. Lists a link to each site along with a brief description of the site.

The Geometry Forum

Focuses on geometry and math education. Offers links to resources such as the Coalition of Essential Schools, a Web-based lesson on vectors, a geometry listserv, and more. Also offers a section on projects for students, such "Ask Dr. Math."

Heritage Map Museum

Displays hundreds of original 15th to 19th century antique maps. Focuses on displaying and selling original works of the masters of cartography. Offers the works of Schedel, Munster, Ortelius, Mercator, Blaeu, Hondius, and many others.

Hillside Elementary School

Contains activities and projects. Lets students make their own homepages and have e-mail addresses, and use the Internet for research.


Offers links to a free telnet database, a quarterly publication about distance learning, and the ICDL gopher server.

Interactive Multimedia Education Resources

Contains images and other multimedia files related to earth science. Offers an online tutorial to learn how to use the resources.

The Internet Educational Resources Guide

Offers a searchable collection of educational links, but offers more than just links to school subject areas. Also reviews online magazines and books about the Internet, and has information about gophers, FTP sites, telnet databases, and listservs.

IPL Building Directory

Consists of four main divisions: reference, youth services, services for librarians and information professionals, and the education division. Contains resources, interactive exhibits, and discussion areas.

ISN KidNews

News service for students and teachers around the world. Lets you use stories from the services as long as you credit the author, and lets you submit stories. Encourages comments about news gathering, teaching, and computer-related issues in the Discussion sections for students and teachers.

Knox Junior High Homepage

Provides important links for research and training students and teachers to use the vast resources of the Internet.

Little Toy Store on the Net

Specializes in fun and educational toys for children. Offers a list of resources for educators, parents, and kids on the net.

Magic Learning Systems

Develops and markets educational and self-improvement software and shareware, combining the latest technologies with time-tested educational methods for the individual, the classroom, and the home.

The Mark Twain Library

Provides electronic texts of Mark Twain's works. Offers several works. Also lists other pages with Mark Twain resources.

Math and Science Gateway (Cornell Theory Center)

Provides a wide range of educational services to the national community. Provides links to resources in mathematics and science for educators and students in grades 9–12.

MATHMOL—K–12 Mathematics and Molecules

Provides students, teachers, and the general public information about the rapidly growing field of molecular modeling. Also provides K–12 students with basic concepts in mathematics and their connection to molecular modeling. Contains supporting materials for this project, such as a hypermedia textbook, a library of 3D molecular models, and online challenges for students.

The Media Literacy On-line Project Homepage

Provides information and resources to educators, producers, students, parents, and others interested in the influence of electronic media on children, youth, and adults. Contains a database on media literacy, as well as links to Internet resources related to the topic.


Features the Magic Carpet series of interactive learning software (in English or Mandarin Chinese). Provides ordering information and information on a 30-day free trial basis.

Medical/Clinical/Occupational Toxicology Resource Homepage

Provides information for practioners, educators, and researchers in medical, clinical, and occupational toxicology. Also provides poison information.


Serves as a cooperative gateway to all of Massachusetts' educational agencies and organizations. Offers easily accessible FAQs, listings of current online projects, and job postings.

Mount St. Helens

Provides image maps more than 1,490 still images of the mountain before, during, and after the eruption. Provides information about the people, Mount St. Helens and other volcanoes, other Mount St. Helens resources, plants and animals, and curriculum.

MU CoE Links to Education Resources

Offers many links on education and resources. Includes an entire section devoted to mathematics, science, and technology.

NASA Education Sites

Offers a collection of servers specifically geared for teachers, students, and administrators. Offers a selection of math and science education resources, connectivity to numerous education servers, journals, and grant and project participation information.

Network Nuggets

Shares information about educationally relevant Internet resources. Provides list members with a message each day during the school year to help them find resources on the Internet. Offers an organized main index, and the listserv is one way to keep up with the Internet one day at a time.

The New York Open Center

Non-profit center for holistic learning and culture in New York City. Offers nearly 1,000 courses annually on topics of alternative health and bodywork disciplines, depth psychologies, sociocultural issues, spiritual and meditative teachings, and multicultural arts. Includes program information and a preview of the center's journal.

The Nine Planets

Presents a multimedia essay about the solar system, using text, pictures, sounds, and an occasional movie. Briefly describes each of the planets and major moons in the solar system, and illustrates them using pictures from NASA spacecraft.

The OSPI Math, Science, and Technology Server

Contains a collection of online math and science resources, as well as information on WEdNet. Also offers links to public and private online schools and Washington state colleges and universities.

Parenting Skills on Video

Contains parenting enhancement skills that you can use throughout your impressionable child's life. Presents guidelines for raising happy, healthy children.

Persimmon Software for Children

Chooses a different monthly aspect of the arts and humanities to create an interactive, multimedia presentation that engages children and promotes creative learning.

Peterson's Education Center

Seeks to catalog all United States K–12 schools, colleges, and universities, both public and private, as well as community and technical colleges. Also plans to offer transcript services and scholarship information.

Placer County Office of Education

Lists California K–12 and community colleges, as well as several links for teachers, students, and administrators.

Private School Resource

Presents a collection of many resources for private, independent, and religiously affiliated schools. Includes separate sections for organizations, school home pages, private school resources guides, and vendor information.

Project LEAP (Learn Earn and Prosper)

Provides basic skills, GED, job skills, and life-coping skills to a wide range of programs including literacy programs, family literacy, and workplace literacy.

Project Libellus

Contains free classic Greek and Latin electronic texts. Offers pointers to other classics etexts found at other archives, organized by institution or archive.

Scholarly Electronic Forums Web Page

Offers contextualized information on scholarly electronic discussion groups. Provides information for potential and present users and listowners. Serves as a resource for electronic communication scholars, practitioners, and students.

Schoolhouse Videos and CDs (CD-ROMs)

Offers hundreds of topics and thousands of videos and CD-ROMs, from algebra to gardening to music.

SciEd: Science and Mathematics Education Resources

Offers an organized math and science virtual bookshelf. Offers pointers to online scientific and mathematical reference works and charts, as well as links to the usual science and math subject areas. Also includes information on ethics in science and software and equipment suppliers.

Second Nature

Non-profit environmental organization that helps institutions of learning, such as colleges and universities, produce graduates who will become environmental leaders. Provides information about Second Nature's unique educational philosophy.


Contains links to a short list of very useful educational Internet resources. Also offers information on grants, government agencies, and museums.

Small is Beautiful

Lists resources on nanotechnology. Includes DNA nanotechnology, molecular manufacturing, and computational nanotechnolgy.

Street Cents Online

Tied to the Canadian television show Street Cents, which teaches young people how to be informed consumers. Covers all of the highlights of the week's program, and also offers a kids club and discussion list.

The Tecla Homepage from Birkbeck College London

Text magazine written for learners and teachers of Spanish, produced weekly during the school year. Provides text in Spanish, with vocabulary listed below the text.


Serves as a Web site and gopher for state educators and general use. Includes state educational news, policies, and reform information. Also offers college planning, field trip plans, and connectivity to educational gophers around the world.

TESL-EJ Master Page

Online journal. Covers teaching English as a second language from many perspectives.

Theodore Tugboat

Based on a Canadian TV show, Theodore Tugboat, and designed for young children. Lets kids send a postcard to a friend, download a coloring book page, and help write an interactive story. Also offers a parent/teacher area.


Technology and Information Educational Services of Minnesota, the older sister of InforMNs. Includes access to numerous ongoing school projects, as well as lesson plans, research information, and connectivity to InforMNs.


Provides information on and for urban students, their families, and the educators who serve them. Includes manuals, brief articles, annotated bibliographies, reviews publications, and conference announcements in urban education, among other features.

The United States Education Department/OERI

Offers an information server that acts as a reference desk for all things educational. Includes educational software, Goals 2000 information, as well as primary, secondary, and vocational information.


Provides information about interactive CD-ROM and laserdisc multimedia for science and math education, plus cool science facts, a guide to Internet education resources, educational technology primers, and more.

VOTEC Homepage

Provides information about vocational/technical education. Includes information on workplace literacy, tech prep, thinking skills, and training.

The Washington Center for Internships & Academic Seminars

Propones the idea that the key to student success is active involvement in the educational process. Provides internships and academic seminar programs to college students that challenge them personally and professionally. Students apply academic theory through practical experience, discover their professional strengths and weaknesses, question chosen career paths, interact with students from across the country, and develop a broad sense of civic and professional responsibility.

Web 66

Seeks to be a catalyst that integrates the Internet into K–12 school curricula. Facilitates the introduction of Internet technology into K–12 schools by helping them set up servers, design home pages, and find other online schools.

Web66: K-12 Schools Registry

Consists of a clickable map of the United States, Canada, and Mexico, and each click takes you to a different region's online schools. Provides the same information in a text format. Also offers school listings by country. Helps find keypals or partners for an online project.

Welcome to MegaMath

Aims to bring unusual and important mathematical ideas to elementary school classrooms so that young people and their teachers can think about them together. Provides an online workbook with activities for teachers and students, as well as lesson plans and curriculum guides.

Welcome to the United States Civil War Center

Serves as a clearinghouse for all Civil War materials. Offers links to many Civil War exhibits, continuously updated. Seeks to be objective and look and the causes, events, and aftermath from every viewpoint possible.

Whales: A Thematic Web Unit


Focuses on K–5 kids. Contains images, activities, and project ideas.

Window-To-Russia Homepage

Offers resources in both Russian and English, as well as links that tell you how to install a Netscape-readable Cyrillic font. Offers online art exhibits, an interactive Russian-English dictionary, basic country information, and more.

Winston Churchil High School Web Server

Hosts various WWW documents written by Churchill High School students or about Churchill High School.

WisDPI—The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction

Includes resources about education and libraries. Contains a variety of K–12 projects, lesson plans, and educational links.

Women in Higher Education

Presents Women in Higher Education, a monthly newsletter for women university administrators, faculty, and staff. Includes news and articles and current job listings.

The World Lecture Hall

Offers links to faculty world-wide who use the Web to deliver class materials. Includes syllabi, assignments, lecture notes, exams, multimedia textbooks, and resource materials on almost any subject.

The World of Benjamin Franklin

Provides multimedia information about Ben Franklin using pictures, documents, and movies. Covers his family, inventions, diplomacy, philosophy, and leadership. Provides a bibliography for further study of Franklin, his accomplishments, and the time period.

The World of the Vikings Homepage

Provides information about the World of the Vikings CD-ROM and research project. The CD-ROM includes two separate resources—the Research Database, created for academic researchers, libraries and schools, and Evidence Boxes, which collect together the best resources from the main archive for younger children. Also offers links to other Internet Viking resources.

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