Dar al Gani 262 - .132 grams with fusion crust

This lunar meteorite was found March 23 1997 in the Lybian part of the Saharan Desert.   One fragment weighing 513 grams was recovered.  This is the 13th lunar meteorite found and one of three recovered outside of Antarctica.  The other lunar meteorites discovered outside of Antarctica are the 19 gram Calcalong Creek from Australia and the 1425 gram Dar al Gani 400, also from the Sahara.


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Fusion crust is along the top edge. This photo gives a true representation of the color.

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Scan of edge with fusion crust.

dag132b.JPG (38750 bytes)

Fusion crust is along bottom in this photo.   This photo is a closer example of the actual color.

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Opposite side.  Color is representative of actual.


Jim Strope 421 Fourth Street Glen Dale, WV 26038 USA



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