Centuri X-24 'Bug'

This is a great change from the usual rockets. I got this from JimZ plans site, but I understand it used to be a kit from the now defunct Centuri company.

What you do is down load the plans, then print them out. A colour printer is best, onto fairly thin card. There's a template to cut a bulkhead from balsa. I rolled my own 18mm engine mount from paper, but you could buy one form somewhere like AMCR. The nose cone is hardest to source. I had mine specially made by a friend with a lathe. I guess you could get a standard nose cone and file it to shape. The tricky part during construction is rolling the body cone, and gluing it together without creasing it.

It flies about as well as you might expect! Mine goes up ok, but doesn't glide too well. As it doesn't go too high it is easy to recover, and we've flown this one many times. One tip though. When you run short of engines, don't be tempted to use one with a long delay. The Bug ejevts it's engine at apogee to transition to glide mode. As you might expect apogee is soon after burn out, and a long delay will result in a nose dive, and very late engine ejection.

Centuri X-24 Bug

It looks a bit odd on the launch pad at that angle.

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