Marv's World

Welcome to Marv's World

My name is Marvin Rice, a.k.a. MarvTx.
I was born on 27 Aug 1934 in Kilgore, TX,
to John H. Rice and Bernice (Brock) Rice.

I am retired now, however my entire working career was
in the aviation field. I was Air Force civilian employee,
Logistics Specialist, with specialty in aerospace
structural systems. I managed the B-58, B-70 and C-5A aircraft fleets,
and in my final assignment was loaned to NASA Houston
to assist in developement of the Space Shuttle Orbiter.
I also remained active in the Naval Air Reserve,
where I flew as crewmember in transport aircraft,
delivering supplies and personnel all over the world.
My Naval retirement became effective on my 60th birthday.

In 1990 I was discovered to have a genetic condition known as
Hemochromatosis, also called Iron Overload,
in which the body stores too much iron in various organs.
The only effective treatment for this is bloodletting.
When blood is drawn off it carries with it
a small amount of iron, then as new blood is made
the stored iron in the affected organs is used in
the new blood thereby reducing the excess.
Many people unknowingly have this condition,
but are being treated for symptons in that it will
mask itself as heart, liver, pancreas or other
diseases because of the damage caused from excess iron.
I want more people to become aware of this
because it is more wide spread than previously believed.
I was in good shape and on
maintenance program of quarterly phlebotomys.

Then I got liver cancer but have survived.

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My Favorite Links!
My MIDI site Shrine of a Great Texas Heritage My Helpful Hints
American Hemochromatosis Society Iron Overload Disease Assn
My Friend Laurie Donnas Sr Corner SusieQ's Tips & Info

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