Only the Jayhawk, Space Shuttle, Sidwinder, ARV condor and the Silver Comet are flyable
Manufactuer | rocket | motor used | comments |
loc/presesion | loc4 | 29mm | my second 29mm |
estes-discontinued | impulse | (2) 24mm | my first cluster | aerotech | HV Arcas | 1-29mm | My first Aerotech rocket |
estes | space shuttle | 18mm | lucnched but crashed,ok |
estes | silver comet | 24mm | Really fat pretty cool |
estes | Blackbrant2 | 24mm | faulty deployment crached,ok -2inches of body tube |
estes | A.R.V.condor | 18mm | fins of drones are broken |
estes | thunder hawk | 18mm | body tube bent |
estes | gnome | 13mm | bent fin |
estes | Hawkeye | 13mm | engine stuck can't get it out |
estes | sidewinder | 18mm | really big,put 29mm motor mount in |
estes | mongoose | 2-18mm | 2-stage lost top stage- landed in cornfield |
estes | comanche-3 | 1-24, 2-18mm | CATO last stage recovered in 3 pices |