The gas xl helicopter uses two pcm radios, one for helicopter flying functions, and the other tilts and pans the camera. A video downlink transmits a live color picture to the ground monitor so that the camera operator sees what the camera sees at all times. The 2.4ghz video system is made by Plane Talk and is of very high quality and durability. I fly the helicopter and my wife operates the camera. The SLR 35mm camera is a standard Cannon Rebel that is electronically actuated. The flying gross weight of the helicopter is 18.5 lbs.

Click to enlarge

Close up views of helicopter components and camera mount


Below are some clickable thumbs of some various media coverage of SKYKING.

We have been in business since the summer of 1997 and we now have a steady flow of clients. If anyone is interested in getting started in this field I would be happy to speak with you. The low altitude aerial photo and video business has a large undeveloped market in most cities. So far it has remained a grass roots business with no large players getting involved. Recently though, one of the top aerobatic helicopter pilots was hired full time to fly a movie making helicopter that will be filming worldwide. If you like to fly R/C helicopters then this is something fun to consider for now or later.