Welcome to my visit to Mexico City!!

This is a trip Mark and I took in the Spring of 1995 with our ASME group to Mexico City. We were there for 4 days for a design competition. While we were there, we got to visit the pyramids. I apologize for the photo quality--give me some time and I may be able to improve them!!

Friday night, after the design competition was over, we had a fiesta to celebrate. One of the attractions was a man with some parakeets (you can see one peeking out a door) that would pick a fortune for you out of a box.

There also were games to play. This one involved rolling a large BB into a different number in each column to win a prize.

This was most of our ASME group that went. We were at a banquet held Saturday night to recognize all the winners of the various competitions. That's me in the center.

These are the 5 winners of the design competition.

Sunday was a day of fun. Most of the people went on a tour of the pyramids. This is a picture of me (yellow tank top) just short of climbing to the top of the Pyramid of the Sun. I was really scared!

THIS is the reason I was so scared. Those dots are PEOPLE!!

This is Mark (right) and his friend Albert (left) on top of one of the pyramids. You can see the Pyramid of the Moon to the left of Albert.

This is Phil, a guy that managed to singlehandedly hold up the entire tour while everyone searched for him at the pyramids!

Thank you visitor #!