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Computer Proficiency

Why use a spell checker? People who use spell checkers improve their spelling. Poor spelling leaves a bad impression. Fortunately, word processors such as Corel Word Perfect 7.0 have an option where a word with questionable spelling will be underlined with red as soon as you type it.

Why use a thesaurus? In writing a paragraph, you may notice that you use a particular word in every other sentence. If this happens, it would be better, if possible, to use a few synonyms.

Where will you use boldface and italics? In writing the reference section of a research paper, typically the journal name is italicized and the journal number is written in boldface.

When are tables appropriate? Tables are appropriate if you want to organize your data to help the reader. You will still need to write sentences regarding the data, even if every number is present in a table. This is to insure that the reader follows the trends that are important to you.

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Last Revised 01/25/98.
Copyright ©1998 by William L. Dechent. All rights reserved.