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Spreadsheets: Part II

Previously we saw that a spreadsheet automatically increased the number, when copying down a column, and that it would increase the letter (A->B, B->C, C->D, etc.) when going across a column. But what if you don't want either increase?

In the above spreadsheet, we want to multiply the number in the B column by the constant in F10 in order to convert tons of iron ore to tons of iron metal. We don't want F11, F12, F13, etc.

We can fix the letter and the number by placing a $ sign in front of each.

For D2, we write the formula +B2*$F$10, then, when we copy D2 into D3, D4, and D5, we get the following:

In coverting from tons metal to "high estimate" value, we use the following:
             2000 lbs metal   $ 0.05
tons metal * -------------- * -------- 
               ton metal      lb metal
or, +D2*2000*0.05/1000000

We divide by 1000000 so the result will be in millions.

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Last Revised 02/03/98.
Copyright ©1998 by William L. Dechent. All rights reserved.