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Starfleet Chemistry is a Star Trek Voyager based fan-fiction series of webpages designed to teach the basics of chemistry, physics, and mathematics.

Our goal: The students who read through our materials will find a high school or college chemistry course more interesting.

Hopefully you came here looking for ideas. If you want to download pictures, you can find those at many of the other sites on the webring below.

After reading the stories, you should be able to answer the following questions:

For advanced browsers that accept 'mouseover' (NS3, IE4), an alternative page is available
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The five topics shown in the above graphic, and listed below, are a starting point for building "Starfleet Chemistry". As more files are added, they will be listed below. Below that a list of the "Modern Alchemist" files will be shown.

Space Travel Matter Energy Light Math

Other Files

top of clickable graphic

Magma- High matter, energy fields, covalent bonds, molecular formulas, molecular weight

Conservation- Captain Janeway's speech about conservation of resources

Mathematics of Boundaries- Interaction of a starship with a black hole, maintaining the level of a reactor

Chemical Reactors- Temperature gradiants, Concentration gradiants

bottom of clickable graphic

The work on the above five Starfleet Chemistry Files was started mid-March. The Modern Alchemist Files, listed below, will be incorporated into the Starfleet Chemistry File. It is hoped that once the Starfleet Chemistry Files are finished, most of the content below will have been utilized. If you have an idea for something not covered, feel free to use the comment box below:

Introduction to Chemistry Units Atoms Molecules Conservation Laws Stoichiometry Solutions Gas Laws Heat and Temperature Spectroscopy and Quantum Mechanics Thermodynamics Kinetics Nuclear Chemistry Spreadsheets Calculus
    Calculus- Short introduction
    Calculus- Long version, which relates calculus ideas to position, velocity, and acceleration, using a car traveling on a highway as an example.
    Calculus- Examples of differentiation and integration followed by general formulas
    Calculus- Ripley's Escape from the Nostromo

Library of Links - The high school student who has mastered the content of these pages is encouraged to go to college-level chemistry web pages for further information.

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