"Welcome To Words Of Wisdom"

These are quotes from the wise man and other famous people. Still Under Construction.
Achmed's Wisdom

Trust those you love and not only the ones you like.

-Wise Man

The diference between Genius and Stupidity is that Genius has its limits.

-Albert Einstein

Achmed's Camel Guru Wisdom

Never spit on your toes.

Camel tails are not long enough to swat flies on ones's nose.

Sand berween one's toes can itch, water from ones hump can help.

Never bite off more than you can chew - you will drool.

Dromedaris are deformed.

Every thing that runs the engine eventually comes out the tailpipe.

Llamas are camels with lipo.

Don't be afraid to give others lip - you have plenty

The wisdom of camels is many

The more you dislike someone, the harder you spit.

All of the camel wisdom is © to Achmed if you would like to post these on your web site email us at this address. wzrd2@hotmail.com