A processor is a terrible thing to waste
F.Y.I. What I call Distributed Computing is known by several names. Basically it is useful when a program needs a large amount of processing which would take years on a single PC. The processing is split up into many pieces and Distributed to as many machines as can be recruited. The collective power can be comparable to a Super Computer if enough machines can be enlisted. The Deschall effort had about 14,000 machines when we got lucky after checking only 1/4 of the keyspace. I'm not sure how this compares to a Cray in terms of processing power, but I think it was more. Idle cycles are a hugely untapped resource which should be put to good use. I'd like to see Distributed Computing get more organized and that starts with a centralized point of contact and maybe some encentives to keep people interested. Some people just don't care if their cycles go to waste :-(
Revised 06/13/99
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Revised 7/4/97