Fruit Fly -- A project on Drosophila melanogaster

wild type fruit flywhite eyed fruit

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This is my biology project on Drosophila melanogaster, from the project plan to the final results. As well, I have included an introduction to Drosophila melanogaster from There are a couple of links to really good Drosophila web sites. If you have any comments, questions, or ideas, please email me at


Introduction to Drosophila melanogaster

Drosophila melanogaster is a type of fruit fly. It is commonly used in scientific experiments, chiefly because they have a small number of chromosomes. As well, they have very large chromosomes in their cheeks. This makes the chromosomes very easy to see. They have only 4 pairs of chromosomes (a pair of sex chromosomes and three pairs of autosomes) as compared to the 23 pairs in a human being. This project will be studying the heredity traits of fruit flies' eyes. The colours being studied are red (wild type), brown, purple (black-purple-curved), sepia, and white.

fly chromosomes


Life cycle of Drosophila

The drosophila egg is about half a millimeter long. It takes about one day after fertilization for the embryo to develop and hatch into a worm-like larva. The larva eats and grows continuously, moulting one day, two days, and four days after hatching (first, second, and third instars). After two days as a third instar larva, it moults one more time to form an immobile pupa. Over the next four days, the body is completely remodelled to give the adult winged form, which then hatches from the pupal case and is fertile after another day. (timing is for 25ºC; at 18ºC, development takes twice as long.)


Project Plan


What traits result when fruit flies with different eye colour are crossed?


Sepia eye colour would be dominant over all other eye colours, with the darker eye colours always being dominant over the lighter eye colours.

Background Content:

There are only 4 pairs of chromosomes in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster as opposed to the 23 pairs in a human being. The fact that these insects have such a small number of chromosomes is the reason why scientists work with them. This study reveals the genetic makeup and heredity traits of fruit flies.


fly eye colour

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Proposed Crosses (original):

  1. wild type (red) with brown
  2. wild type with black-purple-curved (purple)
  3. wild type with sepia
  4. wild type with white
  5. brown with black-purple-curved
  6. brown with sepia
  7. brown with white
  8. black-purple-curved with sepia
  9. black-purple-curved with white
  10. sepia with white

Proposed Crosses (stage 2):

  1. white male, wild female
  2. white female, wild male
  3. white male, sepia female
  4. white female, sepia male
  5. white male, brown female
  6. white female, brown male
  7. wild, sepia
  8. wild, brown
  9. sepia, brown

Final Crosses:

  1. white female, wild male
  2. white male, wild female
  3. white female, brown male
  4. white male, brown female
  5. white female, sepia male
  6. white male, sepia female
  7. sepia female, wild male
  8. sepia male, wild female
  9. sepia female, brown male
  10. sepia male, brown female
  11. brown female, wild male
  12. brown male, wild female



Wild type was dominant over all other eye colours (thus disproving our hypothesis that sepia would be dominant over all other eye colours), brown was dominant over sepia and white, and sepia was dominant over white. White was always recessive and was also the only sex-linked eye colour.

Comparing F1 results (samplings of 50 flies)

Cross # Parents "Mendelian" Results Our F1 Results
1 white female * wild male 25 white -- all male
25 wild -- all female
20 white -- all male
30 wild -- all female
2 white male * wild female 25 wild -- female
25 wild -- male
31 wild -- female
19 wild -- male
3 white female * brown male 25 white -- all male
25 brown -- all female
22 white -- all male
28 wild -- all female
4 white male * brown female 25 brown -- female
25 brown -- male
23 brown -- female
27 brown -- male
5 white female * sepia male 25 white -- all male
25 sepia -- all female
19 white -- 2 female, 17 male
31 sepia -- all female
6 white male * sepia female 25 sepia -- female
25 sepia -- male
24 sepia -- female
26 sepia -- male
7 sepia female * wild male 25 wild -- female
25 wild -- male
20 wild -- female
30 wild -- male
8 sepia male * wild female 25 wild -- female
25 wild -- male
18 wild -- female
32 wild -- male
9 sepia female * brown male 25 brown -- female
25 brown -- male
19 brown -- female
31 brown -- male
10 sepia male * brown female 25 brown -- female
25 brown -- male
23 brown -- female
27 brown -- male
11 brown female * wild male 25 wild -- female
25 wild -- male
21 wild -- female
29 wild -- male
12 brown male * wild female 25 wild -- female
25 wild -- male
27 wild -- female
23 wild -- male

This chart compares the results of our F1 crosses with calculations based on patterns of inheritance studied by Mendel. These "Mendelian" crosses are calculated using Punnett squares, bearing in mind the actual dominant eye colour of each cross (not the hypothesized dominant eye colour) and whether the eye colours were sex-linked. Mendel, however, did not know about sex linkage, but we have calculated the numbers for the crosses involving white females with sex linkage factored in. Both categories are based on samples of fifty flies.

Comparing F2 results (samplings of 50 flies)

Cross # Parents "Mendelian" Results Our F2 Results
1 white female * wild male (white) 12 female, 12 male
(wild) 12 female, 12 male
(white) 9 female, 14 male
(wild) 17 female, 10 male
2 white male * wild female (white) 6 female, 6 male
(wild) 19 female, 19 male
(white) 1 female, 11 male
(wild) 14 female, 24 male
3 white female * brown male (white) 12 female, 12 male
(brown) 12 female, 12 male
(white) 9 female, 12 male
(brown) 13 female, 16 male
4 white male * brown female (white) 6 female, 6 male
(brown) 19 female, 19 male
(white) 2 female, 13 male
(brown) 15 female, 20 male
5 white female * sepia male (white) 12 female, 12 male
(sepia) 12 female, 12 male
(white) 12 female, 12 male
(sepia) 11 female, 15 male
6 white male * sepia female (white) 6 female, 6 male
(wild) 19 female, 19 male
(white) 1 female, 12 male
(wild) 12 female, 25 male
7 sepia female * wild male (sepia) 6 female, 6 male
(wild) 19 female, 19 male
(sepia) 8 female, 7 male
(wild) 10 female, 25 male
8 sepia male * wild female (sepia) 6 female, 6 male
(wild) 19 female, 19 male
(sepia) 7 female, 10 male
(wild) 15 female, 18 male
9 sepia female * brown male (sepia) 6 female, 6 male
(brown) 19 female, 19 male
(sepia) 6 female, 8 male
(brown) 19 female, 17 male
10 sepia male * brown female (sepia) 6 female, 6 male
(brown) 19 female, 19 male
(sepia) 4 female, 6 male
(brown) 12 female, 28 male
11 brown female * wild male (brown) 6 female, 6 male
(wild) 19 female, 19 male
(brown) 4 female, 8 male
(wild) 10 female, 28 male
12 brown male * wild female (white) 6 female, 6 male
(wild) 19 female, 19 male
(white) 1 female, 11 male
(wild) 14 female, 24 male

This chart compares the results of our F2 crosses with calculations based on patterns of inheritance studied by Mendel. These "Mendelian" crosses are calculated using Punnett squares, bearing in mind the actual dominant eye colour of each cross (not the hypothesized dominant eye colour) and whether the eye colours were sex-linked. Mendel did not know about sex linkage, but we have calculated the numbers for the crosses involving white females with sex linkage factored in. Both categories are based on samples of fifty flies, however, in crosses involving a sex-linked eye colour, the numbers for the "Mendelian" crosses may be rounded down.
