The fact of the matter is, When you count every low water crossing "pole sign" in just one state, you will realize you have one of the biggest cloudbusters in the world, not counting all the other pole signs, street signs, road signs. These all use hollow pipe and all have a good ground and the low water signs or creek bed signs have a "running water ground" that is recommended as a ground by Reich.
Author Trevor
Constable poses behind his impressive looking "orgone cloud buster" which
he claims utilizes a basic "force" of nature for beneficial, controlled
weather engineering purposes.
Cloud seeding with chemicals is no longer
necessary or justified. A superior and more versatile technique already
exists in orgone energy weather engineering. This means of weather control
- in the wildest sense of the term - takes account of, and works in harmony
with, the underlying primary energy continuum out of which all weather
emerges into the phenomena world.
NO chemical containments, agents, vaporous
infusions or electro magnetic radian are utilized in any way in orgone
energy weather engineering. This means of weather control is environmentally
pure, versatile and highly effective. The new techniques are also inexpensive
when contrasted with the multi million dollar operational costs of Federal
cloud seeding programs.
Simple apparatus undetectable except
by direct visual sighting or aerial photography, can easily produce regional
weather modification - by no means restricted to mere rain making. Such
apparatus can be assembled, and has been assembled many times in recent
years by the writer, for less that $100. The operational reports covering
the use of this apparatus are the most solid evidence of Weather modification-according-to-plan
yet published anywhere. The information has been freely supplied to the
relevant Federal agencies, in an effort to reduce or eliminate the chemical
seeding juggernaut. Ruination of the functioning of the biosphere may well
ensue if such action is not soon taken.
History Of Orgone Energy Weather Engineering
Orgone energy is the
name given to the cosmic life energy by its 20th century discoverer, the
late Dr. Wilhelm Reich, psychiatrist and pioneer of orgonomic weather engineering.
Reich was a protégé and student of Dr. Sigmund Freud, the
distinguished founder of psychoanalysis, and served successively as first
clinical assistant and director of Freud's Psychoanalytic Polyclinic in
Vienna from 1924-32.
Reich called the physical
energy he discovered orgone to identify it permanently with life, organic
functioning and with the orgasm, which may be termed the root of physical
life. The discovery of this energy was the long term result of the first
study ever taken by any scientist of the function of the orgasm. Reich
made this study in the 1920s. Discovery of the orgone energy in living
systems and in the atmosphere in 1939 - 40 was rooted in Reich's pioneering
investigation into human sexual functioning during the previous two decades.
Orgone energy demonstrably
exists in everything living as a pulsatory, specific biological Energy
of non-electric character. Externally in nature, orgone energy exists as
a primordial mass-free energy in the soil, water and atmosphere of the
earth. In the latter medium, it is accessible to, and manipulable by extremely
simple mechanical contrivances known as cloud blusters (CLB's). Control
of the weather in all its functions is a resultant here-now reality.
Reich demonstrated the presence of the energy visually including lumination in vacuo, thermically electroscopicaly, and at the Geiger-Muller counter. His published experiments are replicable by anyone with training in basic scientific method. Dr. Reich also invented a series of devices for detecting and further objectifying this universal physical energy. These devices include the orgone field meter, the orgonoscope for the visual detection of the energy in the atmosphere, and the orgone energy accumulator for producing concentrations of the energy. The continuous liberation of heat - in and above the orgone accumulator - contradicts the Second Law of Thermodynamics, considered by Einstein to be one of the central pillars of modern physics.
The cloudbuster, with
its power to manipulate atmospheric orgone energy potentials, is probably
the most potent device ever to come into human ken. This potency has two
main aspects:
1. Ability to create, shift and destroy major weather systems.
1. Simplicity of construction that makes it available to everyone.
A detailed description
of the origin of Reich's discoveries, and the years of painstaking work
from which they arose, lies beyond the scope of this article. Suffice it
to say that the discoveries were made through consistent application of
accepted scientific procedures. Reich's biological discoveries were drawn
from verified and re-verified clinical findings, and were carried over
into repeatable physical experiments. His discoveries were neither happenstance
nor sudden, but the yield from organic, unrelenting concentration upon
objective facts and processes. All Reich's experiments, save those leading
to the development of the orgone motor, have been published for replication
by other scientists. The energy itself, as the experiments will demonstrate
emphatically, is physical.
A small group of professional
and amateur workers has continued since Reich's death to consolidate and
extend his discoveries. This cadre of experienced orgonomic investigators
and workers, should be a major asset in carrying this work forward with
official sanction and official legal support. The orgone discovery has
emerged as the universal energic principle underlying all otherwise impenetrable
paranormal phenomena that not impinge on the outer perimeters of scientific
knowledge. The indecisive theories of paraphysics are functionally unified
and solidified by Reich's discovery of the orgone energy, and his establishment
of its basic determinism.
Orgone Energy Weather Engineering:
While the literature listed at the end
of this article will provide the background necessary for understanding
the state of the art in orgone energy weather engineering, a substantial
investment of time and effort is required for its mastery. Formal knowledge
to the highest academic level is no more than a foundation for beginning
the study of orgonomy. In many areas of this new field scientific fundamentals
are often reversed or negated, as in the case of the negative entropy of
orgone energy. Expertise in any formal discipline of science is not by
itself a basis far valid criticism of orgonomic science. The books must
be studied. The apparatus must be built. The published experiments must
be repeated or attempted before criticism is advanced.
To obviate the time
problem posed by the lone studies required, and to open a new field to
open minds, this survey requires only that the reader take for granted
certain facts concerning orgone -energy in weather control. These facts
may be verified from the literature and by actual experiment by the reader.
if he should so desire. Orgone energy weather engineering may be understood
by accepting tentatively the following basic facts:
The CLB consists essentially of a row, or rows, of hollow, parallel
metal pipes, one end of which is grounded into water. A rack that will
support one end of the pipe row at a suitable height above the ground,
while the other end of the row is immersed in water, makes a simple CLB
known as a "rack unit." All weather modification operations possible through
orgone energy engineering can be effected with such a device. For convenience
however, CLB's are usually designed so that the rows of pipes may be swung
on a pivot on a turntable. The photographs with this article illustrate
a typical modem design.
Variants of the CLB which have been designed
and used in practical operations include:
Classical Concept
Reich theorized that the grounded pipes
"drew" orgone energy from the atmosphere into the water. External physical
manifestations, fully observable, support this concept. A major manifestation
is the generation of local wind movements towards the CLB from the direction
of its aim. Another manifestation, startling when observed for the first
time, is the verifiable and repeatable cloud "busting" function from which
the device originally derived its name.
Weather control and modification are
effected by lowering the orgonotic potentials in the atmosphere wherever
the CLB is pointed. According to the particular effect desired, regional
weather changes ensue from such shifts in orgonotic potential.
Reich demonstrated that the pipes of
his CLB drilled holes in the overcast, or in cloud masses, that reproduced
the pattern of the draw pipes as mounted in his CLB. If the CLB were so
designed as to have seven pipes mounted in a three-over·four configuration,
then holes would appear in the overcast in a corresponding, three over·four
Reich also showed that when the CLB
was aimed directly at a cloud, the cloud was rapidly destroyed, i.e., "busted."
Aiming the CLB near a cloud would cause augmentation of the cloud, i.e.,
expand the cloud in space.
The core of Reich's concept of CLB functioning
is that the moisture-binding, moisture·attracting orgone energy
is withdrawn from the clouds - or the atmosphere - into the water in the
CLB sumping arrangement via the draw pipes. Consequent gross effects in
the atmosphere were held by Reich to derive from the ensuing orgonotic
potential shifts and exchanges initiated by the CLB's action.
While this classical concept of CLB
functioning may be subject to revision in the light of extensive engineering
experience since Reich's 1957 death, in fairness to him, it should be emphasized
that he was given no chance to explore fully and freely the operation of
his own invention. His early pioneering in this field roughly coincided
with the harassment of Reich and his work carried out by the Food and Drug
He was thus not permitted,
by the unfoldment of events, the opportunity to modify his original theories
in this area. That he was capable of doing so is well attested to by his
brilliant contributions to psychoanalysis, biophysics, sociology and in
the whole panorama of his finding
on orgone energy.
So immense was Reich's
prestige among those who understood his work, both during and following
his lifetime, But until relatively recent times the classical concept of
CLB functioning was never seriously questioned.
Modern Concept
Based upon field experience
since 1968, in a broad spectrum of successful weather engineering operations,
the author of this article has formulated the modern concept of CLB functioning.
This concept envisions the CLB as functioning in the opposite fashion to
that theorized by Dr. Reich. The history of the electrical sciences confirms
the ease with which fundamental polarity errors can be made in a new field.
The author emphasizes that without Reich's discovery and theoretical initiative,
there would be no modern concept of CLB functioning.
The modern concept
holds that the CLB pipes shoot coherent beams of orgone energy into the
atmosphere and beyond, to a theoretically infinite distance. The modern
concept sees each draw pipe as analogous to the generator of a laser beam,
except that the projected energy from the CLB is invisible and Bioenergetic
instead of electromagnetic.
This analogy gives adequate understanding of the enormous power
of a CLB. A CLB can be equated with a laser "battery," consisting of an
array of powerful EM beams, equivalent in number to the pipes in the CLB.
The CLB pipes, in
a presently undetermined fashion probably related to the radial nature
of orgone energy, free orgone energy from the pipes raising the orgonotic
potential in the atmosphere wherever the pipes are directed. This is exactly
opposite in concept to the classical approach.
Holes are drilled in overcast because the high-potential, coherent
beams of orgone energy absorb all moisture within their own discrete location.
An identical explanation covers the destruction, or busting of clouds.
Time lapse motion pictures fail to support the concept that energy is withdrawn
from the clouds by a CLB. On the contrary, such Films confirm that the
clouds are literally blown apart by a CLB.
The modem concept
naturally accepts that removal of orgone energy from the vicinity of the
CLB will occur as part of the CLB's mode of functioning.
Energy is being shot into space by the CLB and a local lowering
of orgonotic potential occurs around the device. The tendency of human
beings in the vicinity of m operating CLB to become bioenergetically overcharged
verifies this situation. Such a condition can only obtain, under the law
of ergonomic or reversed potential, if the environment is markedly lower
in charge than the human being.
The classical concept
cannot satisfactorily explain the orgonotic overcharge of CLB operators
and spectators on the basis of orgone energy being attracted to, ie. "drawn"
to the CLB site. Such a circumstance would result in the withdrawl or lowering
of charge from living systems near the CLB. The opposite actually occurs.
The local region of lowered orgonotic
potential around the CLB furthermore, plays an observably decisive role
in diverting orgone energy streams, and in applying this diversional capability
to such engineering operations as the production of regional, unforecast
rain. Operational reports detailed in the Comprehensive survey from which
this article has been abstracted, contain two specific examples of this
"spillover" effect, as it is known in orgone engineering.
To summarize, the classical concept
holds that the CLB draw orgone energy and air to itself, and lowers orgonotic
potential in the atmosphere wherever it is pointed. The modem concept holds
that the CLB shoots orgone energp into space and draws atmosphere to itself,
in a 180 degree reverse flow, from the direction of the shooting beam(s).
Orgonotic potential is raised in the regions of the atmosphere to which
the CLB is pointed.
Orgone Energy Streams In The Terrestrial Environment
Innament in the discovery of orgone energy through biophysical,
biopsychiatric and bioenergetic research with human beings are the twin
characteristics of pulsation and motion inseparable from life. The streams
of energy felt in the healthy and lively human being have their counterparts
in the orgone energy streams and motions that sustain the whole life of
the earth. In modern orgone energy weather engineering, the planet itself
is approached as a gigantic living organism. Weather engineering, through
the appropriate use of CLB's, locally manipulates two currently acknowledged
orgone streams. Advanced experimental work, growing out of the modern concept
of CLB functioning, indicates that there may be as many as 32 individual
orgone energy streams involved in the total bioenergetic metabolism of
planet Earth. The two streams currently acknowledged by most workers are:
1. The planetary stream. Flows around the earth from west to
east, slightly faster than the earth itself.
2. The galactic stream. Flows generally southwest to northeast,
but subject to local variations, especially in littoral areas, and is probably
also seasonal in some aspects.
The essence of orgone energy
weather engineering is its twofold character. There is always a primary
stimulus, i.e., a direct stimulus to the orgone energy continuum, and a
secondary effect resulting from that stimulus. Secondary effects occur
at the level of ponderable, observable and recordable mete orological phenomena.
The science of meteorology, as presently constituted, is the systematic
study of these secondary effects, without any consciousness of the existence
of a primary energy continuum. Orgone energy theory and technology bring
to meteorology a thus-far-missing primary dimension, and it should be emphasized
that the two phases of a synthesized New Meteorology are mutually supportive
and mutually necessary.
From a broad spectrum
of weather engineering operations the following operational account has
been selected to demonstrate the superiority of orgone energy weather engineering
over any other method either in use or envisioned by formal sources. A
rainmaking operation has not been selected for this presentation because
it is not a difficult job of weather engineering, and has been done also
- if only in a limited way -by application of cloud seeding.
Operation Kooler Published
in journal Of Orgonomy, May 1972, is an account of a successful venture
into regional -temperature control - the decisive countering of a destructive
heatwave in the teeth of comprehensive official forecasts to the contrary.
The opinion of this writer is that such operations dwarf anything at the
disposal of nucleation proponents. Experience such as this teaches the
orgone engineer that he has under the control of his will an apparatus
of awesome potency. He may wreak havoc thousands of miles away, and unintentionally,
through "side effects" to his local goal which are direct effects nevertheless.
The orgone envelope
of the earth is a reality to the experienced orgone engineer that is beyond
contradiction. Minor stimuli are amplified by its special properties of
continuity and elasticity Aware that he works with a heretofore unapprehended
continuum of vast power, he is duly respectful of that power and of the
responsibility he bears when he embarks upon his operations.
Five other successful
weather engineering operations, planned and executed by the writer, are
documented similarly to Kooler in the parent survey from which this article
has been drawn. The efficacy and value of such weather engineering in the
environmental struggle is obvious. Their commercial potential is staggering.
All this lies open to human enterprise without the release into the atmosphere
of chemicals of any kind. The inevitable question arising is, "Why hasn't
this thing been token up widely and commercially?"
The reasons for the
non-use or this technology are much more complex than the technology itself.
Before briefly delineating those reasons, the writer wishes to emphasize
that for more than two years such services have been on offer to the American
government, foreign governments, and commercial firms with weather-related
problems. Services are offered on a strict no-results no-pay basis, and
the writer's MERLIN WEATHER ENGINEERING P. O. Box 2664, San Pedro CA 90731,
is the only -weather modification contractor in the U.S.A. able and willing
to operate on a basis of complete contingency. Therefore, it is impossible
for anyone contracting for these services to lose a penny.
The reasons for the
non-use of orgone energy weather engineering in solving pressing environmental
problems are highly complex. Human reaction to the new principles involved
is the core of the problem, and is rooted in two main elements:
1. Politico-legal
2. Technico-neurotic
The politico-legal
problems circulate around the persecution of the late Reich by the federal
authorities, his death in a federal prison in 1957, and the destruction
by federal court order of his scientific books, bulletins and journals.
Should a federal agency now contract for orgone energy weather engineering
services, for any reason, the persecution of Reich, the legal decisions
against him, and the federal injunction against further work in this field
would inevitably come up for review. Thus far, no one in the federal establishment
has been willing to lay bare yesterday's mistakes in exchange for the solution
of some of today's problems.
The technico-neurotic
problems stem from the, inability of formal. official science and technology
to remotely approach, in efficacy and scope, what is feasible in the here-now
with orgone energy weather engineering. Once man with a cloudbuster rightly
directed, can do what battalions of scientists and technicians, backed
by massive budgets and armandas of ships and planes, are unable to do.
In this situation,
the bearers of fiscally accepted knowledge and theories inevitably feel
challenged, and tend to react neurotically and irrationally. In fact, orgone
energy weather engineering dovetails into, and makes whole, all the marvelous
matters made accessible through conventional technology. Conventional data-gathering
technology and facilities are absolutely necessary to the further development
of orgone energy weather engineering, and to international legal regulation
for human-welfare.
The technico-neurotic
problem tends to reinforce the negative aspects of the politico-legal problems
in all their complexity. The solution is strairhtfoward and simple. Admit
to the possibility that Reich was right and the government wrong in ruining
his life and career. Make amends, in accordance with fundamental precepts
of decency and honor. Honest admission of error is honest and upright.
In the technical sphere,
open the doors to the wonders of orgone energy weather engineering, and
the comprehensive new concepts of world weather that it makes possible.
Let the new leaven and revivify the old and trusted ways. Objective evaluation
of the power and scope of these new methods will quickly and permanently
establish their merit. Humanity will be the beneficiary from such a new