Steve - 12/21/00 21:02:08 How I found this page: surfing | Comments: Poke fun all you want there, "pokey," but at least they can spell the word 'the'! LO |
Damir Cokljat - 12/01/00 16:01:51 My | Comments: Hi everyone. Well first thing I want to tell I am glad there are people who are atheists and believe in evolution. I believe in evolution and my god is CHARLES DARWIN, there is no other god that is predicted ! Scientists have proofs,but what about creation? ALL BOR BABIES ARE ATHEISTS, they all start listen to their dumb parents and thats how they start believe in non-existance... anyways... all evolution and atheists e-mail me I would be glad to chat with you, and all religious people ... GET YOUR DAMN RELIGION O T MY HAPPY LIFE! have a good one Damir QUOTE: "Church is like wrestling, it is fake but people put still money into it" KEEP STATE/CHURCH forever seperated !!! |
pokey - 11/29/00 17:47:30 | Comments: I read with interest the comments from the people that believe in evolution....I find it hard to be swayed to give up my beliefs (in GOD and creation) by people who can't spell or articulate their thoughts any better than they do. Perhaps we HAVE found th missing links after all! |
Britt spriet - 11/23/00 01:59:04 How I found this page: chance | Comments: i am athiest and proud of it and i'm truing to find ways to debate with my creationist best friend |
Jellyfish - 10/09/00 04:08:19 How I found this page: EXTRA CREDIT in biology | Comments: Everyone is always arguing over this and that about religion, like who's is right or wrong. But no one really looks at the big picture. Religion can't make up an answer for everything. I believe there is a God, but that does not mean he erased the world and all of a sudden stuck in man. Evolution has many different sides and stories, and so does religion. But how many wars were started over biology? I think there should be more openminded people like you on this Earth to teach some of us morons to loo at the big picture and all of the possibilities, instead of just saying, "Oh, a god just decided to." Thank you for helping a poor tenth grader pass her honors biology class with an A! :) &love- Jellyfish |
Jellyfish - 10/09/00 04:06:57 How I found this page: EXTRA CREDIT in biology | Comments: Everyone is always arguing over this and that about religion, like who's is right or wrong. But no one really looks at the big picture. Religion can't make up an answer for everything. I believe there is a God, but that does not mean he erased the world and all of a sudden stuck in man. Evolution has many different sides and stories, and so does religion. But how many wars were started over biology? I think there should be more openminded people like you on this Earth to teach some of us morons to loo at the big picture and all of the possibilities, instead of just saying, "Oh, a god just decided to." Thank you for helping a poor tenth grader pass her honors biology class with an A! :) &love- Jellyfish |
James Michael Howard - 10/05/00 15:07:27 My URL: | Comments: |
homer j simpson - 10/04/00 13:39:35 My How I found this page: looking for donuts | Comments: Dinosuars would probable be a good source of meat. They would be like big chickens. Or big big ribs. |
Nick N - 08/27/00 04:29:53 My How I found this page: Yahoo | Comments: Evolutionary theory is the most realistic and possible theory there is. Anyone who believes that a "god" or spirtits created humans have had there minds controlled since young and is too simple minded to realize the truth. |
Mike O'Brien - 08/12/00 22:34:02 My How I found this page: Surfing | Comments: Very, very good pages. Nice rebuttal to some of Menton's "points." |
Kevin - 07/26/00 11:29:10 My How I found this page: Darwin ring | Comments: very good and clear site. I enjoyed it very much,especially the refutation of some critics of Evolution. Reading through your previous guestbook signers i was struck by the lack of knowledge used by the creationist posters. The old lie about Darwin supporting racism even popped up! The title of Origins of Species and its part about "The preservation of favoured races" no way refers to the human races ,all it refers to is the survival of certain species or individuals compared to others...thus even if it did(and it didnt) refer to the human "races" all the human races have survived and are thus eq ally favoured aka. none is superior according to Darwins evolution. In fact darwin was an abolishionist when most Christian apologists of the day supported slavery because of the the same way they now oppose Evolution. |
Stella Maris Martínez - 07/17/00 08:09:45 My How I found this page: searching in the web | Comments: It is a very interesting link which provides an up-to-date, comprehensive and authoritative coverage of evolution. |
Thomas E. Turner - 07/03/00 18:42:56 My How I found this page: Surfing | Comments: Looking for good evidence to support actual 24 hour creation days |
Greg Bumgardner - 06/22/00 14:51:17 My URL: My How I found this page: surfing | Comments: First, I believe in god. But he is smart,interesting and even funny. He must have a sense of humor because look at some of the clowns that signed this guest book. We are covered in hair, We have internal organs, muscles and bones We must consume plants and animals to survive.JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER CREATURE ON THIS PLANET. it's funny to me that, most, creationists think nothing of the the many "ologies" that contribu e to make their lives so convenient. Cell phones, microwave ovens, amazing advances in medical science just to name a tiny amount.but all the sciences that burst their bubble are made up of crackpots. |
Dr.Alan Brooker - 06/06/00 02:45:31 My How I found this page: Link from another page | Comments: Dear Robyn, Excellent reference site - added it to my "favourites" I've spent years looking into evolutionism vs. creationism - and whilst I believe in the Creator God, He is not a celestial con-man and I simply can't accept creationism - it doesn't fit the facts. There are some great sites advocating "intelligent desig " which is (to my mind) a consolidation of observable (measurable - and hence "scientific") evidence and religious belief. In a nutshell, the "big-bang" theory, and conventional "evolution" are embraced within "intelligent design" which simply recognises the hand of The Creator in His Creation! Great site! Alan |
Daria - 06/04/00 00:22:47 My URL: My How I found this page: Darwin Webring | Comments: Great page!! I'm glad there are people out there who believe in evolution--when I did a search for it I got mostly sites trying to disprove it!! Keep up the great work! |
John Stear - 05/27/00 00:34:26 My URL: My How I found this page: Through a poster on my own message board | Comments: Hi Robyn. I've been a member of Darwin's Web Ring for some time but haven't visted your site before. Well done. Keep up the good work. |
Diana Ling - 04/10/00 10:45:10 How I found this page: search | Comments: Interesting questions asked! |
Karen - 03/27/00 03:24:22 How I found this page: i put darwinian/puntuated evolution in the search | Comments: |
Robert M. Hamilton - 03/26/00 20:52:12 My URL: My How I found this page: excite search under evolution | Comments: The Theory of Evolution has more philosphical, political and social importance than some people may realize. At this time I believe, as others have previously expressed, that a new theory of evolution is emerging right now before our ey |
Richie Paul - 03/22/00 12:29:45 How I found this page: Skylarkin' | Comments: This site is fab i loved it. Lloyd would probably like it inall. |
David Redmond - 03/22/00 05:05:14 My URL: My How I found this page: surfing | Comments: Has anybody ever addressed the fact that the overwhelming majority of people who quote Darwin's work on the origin of species don't know the whole title of his work? The complete title is "The Origin of Species by means of Natural Selection or, The Preser ation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life". This whole treatise was a racist attempt to justify the rulership of the "favored" white European race over the less favored colored races. In other words, if you promote Darwinism or evolution, you are p omoting a racist philosophy. I wonder how many black or hispanic evolutionists know they are promoting a philosophy designed to keep them in bondage. Being a white Irish-American, I found it very interesting that this philosophy is designed to create the hought process that some are born to rule and others are born to serve the rulers. Who in their right mind would buy into this? In addition, the evolutionary theory that we are the accidental product of slime versus time steals away our purpose in life. A accident has no purpose and no future. The bottom line is that God created us with purpose and therefore we have a future. |
Leslie Marie - 03/21/00 21:22:24 My URL: My How I found this page: Yahoo | Comments: I love your site, hopefully this will help me with my english paper..Thanks! |
Leanora Reznik - 03/20/00 15:01:19 My Email:Leah4Igor@hotmail How I found this page: Research | Comments: I'm researching this for a possible persuassive essay, it was very helpful, thank you! |
Angel Garcia - 03/10/00 16:38:28 My How I found this page: surfing | Comments: I believe In creation before I could prove it. Why? my soul told me so. Think, if water is a piece of mater. represented in tree dimensional form: gas, liquid,and solid. Then everything in the universe is the same, must follow the same rule. Can a monkey ave sex with a human and conceive an offspring? If is possible now, then it would have been possible then- 525,000 years ago. Can a man reason behind this point? If you find this truth you have found you origin..... peace be with you..... |
keith larro - 02/23/00 18:33:58 How I found this page: Through school | Comments: I am a dork |
Maria - 02/22/00 16:00:55 How I found this page: Research | Comments: Even though I do not believe in evolution, I have to say your website was very interesting. |
Beau A. Trembly - 02/19/00 23:41:41 My How I found this page: Dont Care | Comments: Hello my name is Beau or Bo, and Beau knows evolution. I believe, myself, that evolution is just a THEORY which man came up with to explain existince. But if you take for example Darwin. Geat Phlosipher. Right. Well you can fully believe in his teac ings, but take into consideration, before he died didn't he say that if the human race hadn't drastacaly change in 100 years than forget about his findings. Well 100 years have passed and i think Darwin look considerably like us. Or you can also believe we were made by some higher being. Look in GENESIS and there will be a detailed explanation of how we were created! Or you can remain ignorant and believe evolution. Let me say this, It takes a lot more faith to believe in evolution that in Creation! Signing Off Beau Trembly |
Matt - 02/19/00 22:01:32 My URL: My How I found this page: Darwin Web Ring | Comments: Just surfing around and I thought I'de stop and let you know that evolution is ridicualous nonsense; a fairy tale for grown-ups. Just thought you'de like to know.<>< |
Carrie Rock - 02/16/00 20:37:19 My How I found this page: yahoo | Comments: Excellent FAQ list! Are you working on question 8? "How can a theory which requires billions of years be reconciled with the Genesis account of creation?" I have been writing a website which deals with just that question. Please check it out if you have t me: |
Phaedrus - 02/09/00 06:36:57 My How I found this page: Hot Bot | Comments: Just checking it out. |
joana saraiva - 02/07/00 14:39:04 My How I found this page: yahoo | Comments: |
varry taylor - 02/03/00 18:41:44 My How I found this page: profusion search | Comments: thankyou for posting your research on the net, it makes life an awful lot easier when trying to locate articles. |
Phil Woolfall - 12/29/99 22:31:25 My How I found this page: Altavista search on Anomalocaris | Comments: Excellent summary of the Burgess Shale arguments which I found confusing having read Conway Morris's book first and then 'Wonderful Life' second. As merely a semi-educated layperson I didn't find the arguments always easy to disentangle. Incidentally I re d some of your previous guestbook entries with amazement. Do some people in the USA still believe in Creationism? How extraordinary! We are very lucky in the UK. Everyone either (a) is sensible enough to understand the overwhelming evidence for evolution y natural selection or (b) doesn't care. |
nathan - 12/09/99 03:14:01 My URL: My How I found this page: surfing | Comments: Interesting site... Please check mine out as well for more enlightening views! |
Adam Wiemers - 11/30/99 17:10:35 My URL: My How I found this page: Yahoo search | Comments: The debate between evolution vs. creation appears to be never ending. Rarely do people discuss the facts, instead they pit theory against faith. To me, there is little difference between the two. Some would believe that the discussion could not advance beyond this point, they say there are no facts. But I have to disagree. There are many facts available that are derived neither from scientific theory or biblical record. What are they? Please follow the url above ( scr.htm) to read my personal essay on the subject, revealing just a few of the many facts that are available to those interested in this debate. |
JoeBexar - 11/28/99 09:44:47 My URL: My Email:None How I found this page: Web search | Comments: I had a intense conversation with a family member who has recently joined the ranks of creationists. I refuted a number of his newly discovered views with simple observations. This site has provided me with more ammunition in my fight to live free from eligious assault. However, here are some interesting facts about churches in the United States: 1. The IRS estimates that about 49 billion dollars are donated to churches every year in the US. 2. Of that 49 billion, approximately 0% is taxed. This means that regular, hardworking, under-paid American taxpayers must augment in taxes the amount that churches do not. 3. Churches own 20% of land in all 50 states. Once again, the American taxpayer makes up the difference. 4. Any business owned by a church can operate under a tax free shelter. Maybe Bill Gates should sell some of his stock in Microsoft to the Pope. FREE YOUR MIND!!!! |
Becci - 11/22/99 01:39:43 My How I found this page: searched for info on the evolution/creationism debate | Comments: Looks like this page has been the source for a lot of controversy. By the way, I was reading the guestbook, and by far, my favorite messages have come from such geniuses as John Santangelo, who stated simply, "You are wrong, creationism is right." (would you like to explain your statement?) and "Taurus", who considers the Bible her proof that "evolution is garbage". News for you...I have proof of Santa Claus. Ever read "the Night Before Christmas"? I also have proof of unicorns, witches, and gingerbrea houses. Get my drift? To the creator of this page, thank you for allowing me to vent my anger in your guestbook. |
Denise Balboni - 11/19/99 07:34:24 How I found this page: Searched under evolution | Comments: Good page, but I would like more defense on the theory. More of proving that Creationists are wrong. |
- 11/16/99 02:57:49 | Comments: One Question- Why aren't the "links" such as a monkey-man or a frog-lizard ever seen walking around |
James Wilbourne - 11/09/99 14:44:50 My How I found this page: Class Project | Comments: Liked your page. Very Informational and gave both sides to the controversy, very good! |
Jason Jamerson - 10/12/99 13:23:23 My | Comments: |
Emilie - 10/12/99 02:55:40 My How I found this page: Yahoo | Comments: |
branden thomas - 10/07/99 12:25:10 How I found this page: no coment | Comments: evolutionism is a bunch of b.s. all sites like this are false and inacurate. i hate my bio class cause this is what we're studing. |
branden thomas - 10/07/99 12:22:12 How I found this page: no coment | Comments: evolutionism is a bunch of b.s. all sites like this are false and inacurate. i hate my bio class cause this is what we're studing. |
justin baker - 09/22/99 19:57:05 My Email:none How I found this page: looked in yahoo | Comments: I belive that you should hva something on the chicken and the egg |
sam - 09/22/99 13:50:41 How I found this page: my teacher made me | Comments: you suck |
John - 08/12/99 12:57:59 My How I found this page: Darwin ring | Comments: Very nicely done. The Kansas decision has recently left me a little hopeless about the general public's ability to udnerstand science and its predilection for comforting supernatural myths over stark reality. Sigh. |
Tracey - 08/01/99 05:56:47 My How I found this page: very informative-Thank you | Comments: It is a plesure to see people evolved to your level! Thank you so much for this. |
B.J.Terry - 07/31/99 06:54:36 My How I found this page: Chance search | Comments: Most interesting |
Cheryl Clark - 06/29/99 18:31:16 My Email:unlisted How I found this page: browsing | Comments: many people have the misconception that evolution is that human beings derived from monkeys but in all actuality it is that ew evolved from a lower life form not necessarily minkeys because that idea has not been proven. I believe science and religion ca and will exist in harmony someday. |
svehla - 06/24/99 11:28:14 My How I found this page: surfing | Comments: Hope your effort takes off its important and interesting work, what more can we ask for? svehla |
Adam Gwynne - 06/17/99 05:32:04 How I found this page: crap | Comments: |
Janet Sutter - 06/10/99 16:01:48 My How I found this page: yahoo | Comments: Thanks for your help with a friendly debate with a religious, non-scientific friend. I think I can blow her out of the water now! I had forgotten about Stephen Jay Gould and his excellent books. I have been away from school too long! |
Chalice Dallins - 06/01/99 03:11:21 My How I found this page: looked up the evolutionary theory | Comments: |
Seth Timpano - 05/31/99 23:01:17 My How I found this page: search engine | Comments: |
Seth Timpano - 05/31/99 23:01:06 My How I found this page: search engine | Comments: |
Sarah Laine - 05/25/99 14:35:45 My URL: My How I found this page: Searching Evolution for English CAT2 | Comments: I found this quite brief - Although it did raise some issues I had not yet considered - Thank-you very much |
JASON ENSLOW - 04/22/99 16:54:46 How I found this page: THROUGH YAHOO.COM | Comments: |
Abi Bloxham - 04/12/99 22:42:55 My | Comments: |
kara kiemele - 04/11/99 23:59:27 My | Comments: i did not find much but it was really nice so thank you. |
mary daloisio - 04/06/99 19:16:51 My How I found this page: yahoo search | Comments: Thanks for sharing! God Bless you! |
Morgan - 03/31/99 21:37:30 My | Comments: |
bioguy - 03/24/99 20:30:21 My How I found this page: surfing | Comments: I enjoyed your page...However, the late Carl Sagan is a Cosmologist not an Astronomer. Sagan also has a degree in biology and did Graduate work in this field. Sagan merely relates the evolution of the solar system and universe to evolution in biological s stems. |
Brown Suga - 03/23/99 02:55:11 How I found this page: school project | Comments: WOW!!!! |
Lee McKnight - 03/20/99 23:10:45 My How I found this page: surfing "evolution" | Comments: Good deal, but somewhere someone need to pre3ss point of exactly what a scientific theory is. In the scientific method (developed by Charles Darwin) a theory is more than a belief. It is a possible explanation for a natural occurance based on observation. Theories must also be testable and once tested presented for peer review. Creationism violates this scientific method and not enough consideration is given to this. |
stupidass - 03/16/99 16:38:01 How I found this page: school | Comments: this sucks |
jerry Brace - 03/06/99 16:19:50 My How I found this page: web search | Comments: I was looking for info on the age of the earth and the age of man and creation vs evolution, especially any videos available |
Rusty Steil - 03/05/99 00:16:04 My How I found this page: another site on Darwin's Web Ring | Comments: Thanks for creating this page, and maintaining Darwin's Web Ring! As a "rationalist", I appreciate knowledgable information and sound reasoning skills, especially information that is not too specialized for a non-expert but moderately well educated person to follow. ESPECIALLY when more technical information can be referenced or linked to. |
jacob smith - 02/01/99 22:05:51 | Comments: |
Len Cummings - 01/05/99 22:46:59 My How I found this page: Web Search | Comments: I am a lay person with a very high interest level in the area's of microbiology. After taking an early retirement I started to study the basic fundementals of how we got here as a species and I am looking to do some writting-from a laymans point of view-that may get me past the basic conflict that appears to exist between Genisis and volution in terms of how a life form may have started and diversified. |
Ray Phenicie - 12/15/98 15:49:52 My URL: My How I found this page: From Yahoo! | Comments: This is the correct URL for my page on evolution: a previous entry will lead no where at angelfire I think any positive good some one can do, such as this page to explain errors in thinking about evolution is a good and necessary thing. Great work! Ray |
Ray Phenicie - 12/15/98 15:43:48 My URL: | Comments: |
- 12/14/98 02:51:46 My How I found this page: luck | Comments: I like your page very much, it is very informative. Keep your head up and don't let the pugnacious creationist (and others) get you down. I live in South Carolina and it is very frustraing trying to explain evolution to them. Your page helps. |
EriC - 12/11/98 23:17:28 My How I found this page: through YAHOO! | Comments: I am a high school student from Franklin Tennessee. In my English class we are doing a mock trial of the Scopes vs. Tenn. trial. I have found this site VERY useful in my arguments, I am trying to find as much information why evolution is false and thi page has done wonders for me, I am going to blow away the defense. Thankyou, EriC |
John - 12/06/98 19:22:48 My URL: My How I found this page: Yahoo | Comments: I have studied evoloution alot, and have found many faults with it. If anyone has any so called "proof" that evoloution exists, write me and I can scientifically disprove it. |
bateman. g - 11/25/98 01:01:40 My How I found this page: creationism | Comments: Hello Robyn, I'm down here in the bible belt doing battle with the creationists and fundamentalists and was browsing a bit for ammo to use in support of science and reason when i stumbled upon your site. hope you don't mind the intrusion. thanks! g. bateman in dallas |
Flidais - 11/24/98 16:59:37 My URL: My How I found this page: I was searching for evolutionary concepts for biology class. | Comments: I think that we should stop wasting our time fighting about how that world was formed and start enjoying our lives, because our lives are just miniscule compared to the size and beauty of this majestic place we call our universe. So for all you people out there who are spending their lives looking for answers, stop and look around you. You find that you will enjoy life a lot more when you put your cares aside and make life worth living. Flidais |
Joel Schauer - 11/19/98 18:49:22 My How I found this page: Surfing on the net. | Comments: Hi, I was astounded by the amount of information that was presented to me through this site. It has given new insight to me than I've ever had. Thanks alot for your information and it is being put to good use! I promise. |
aaron hruby - 11/17/98 05:57:57 | Comments: I am a student at university of minnesota at mankato, formally known as Mankato state university. I am a psyche major in the process of writing a ten page paper on charles darwin. I am also a catholic but really not sure if I believe. I am not looking for reasons to not believe, nor am I looking to see it harle's theory is wrong. Just educating myself. I found this page to be interesting and informative. Thank you. |
Thomas L Robison - 11/12/98 02:55:48 My How I found this page: evolution vs creation from | Comments: I am kind of new to the internet,but am very interested in all aspects of evolution science, and against creationism and the religious right fanatics. |
Marvin Mitchell - 11/10/98 19:30:28 My How I found this page: Browsing for stimulating information | Comments: I think you are really on to something good here. In this religion constipated world it's great to have an intelligent outlet to discuss the issues. Sometimes I feel like I am surrounded by a bunch of sheep. BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. (he! he!) |
James Westmoreland - 10/29/98 23:02:48 My URL: My How I found this page: yahoo | Comments: This type of information is absolutely invaluable on a web full of creation science hype. Thanks for being here. |
Taurus - 10/29/98 20:29:26 My Email:N/A How I found this page: None of your business! | Comments: The theory of evolution is a bunch of garbage!! I have proof that evolution is garbage. My proof: READ THE BIBLE!!! Maybe you will Learn something! |
Brandi Lanclos - 10/28/98 17:34:17 My How I found this page: under controversies | Comments: I think it's creative and imaginative. I like it. |
- 10/27/98 21:31:13 | Comments: this site takes WAY TOO LONG to load!!!! |
Hans-Friedrich Tamke - 10/22/98 04:59:59 My URL: My | Comments: I think that both creationists and evolutionists ought to make the adjective creationary a part of their active core vocabulary. They can then use this adjective whenever they wish to compare and contrast creationary theory or thought with evolutionary th ory or thought. |
Alice Chang - 10/11/98 10:38:47 My How I found this page: Yahoo | Comments: Thanks for providing the information. The home page was so beautifully designed! I am a biologist and have strong conviction for the creation theory. However, being a scientist, I am constantly looking for updated discovery and evidence for both sides f the views. I can only comment that it's a leap of faith to adapt either one of the theories. I believe students need to be presented with both sides' view in order to make their own decisions. |
- 09/16/98 03:00:20 | Comments: You may be interested in the web site and publications of the former evolutionist, now 6-day creationist, Bolton Davidheiser. See: |
John P. Santangelo - 09/09/98 14:46:10 My URL:http://www.evolution is My How I found this page: who cares | Comments: you are wrong, creationism is right |
Christopher - 09/08/98 22:08:58 My URL: My How I found this page: yahoo search | Comments: Fantastic work and excellent writing. The very fact that your a devoted Christian *and* a evolutionist is very commendable and your points are right on target. Religiously speaking, I myself am a practicing Satanist (purely philosophicly, I am not a 'devil worshiper' - check out my page for more info if need be but I have all the respect for others of different beliefs. The Bible should not ever be taken as a Science Book, its not. Its a book based solely on spirituality, nothing more. Keep up the great work!! |
Phil from Woodinville - 09/08/98 06:17:00 My How I found this page: link from Talk Origins | Comments: Enjoyed reading articles. (3)? Looked for a reference to logo title: "Marriage made in heaven" Carl Sagan's "A Candle in the Dark" influenced me most by explaining how people come to believe the things they do. Also, how, as you point out, that the scientific method encourages scientists to challenge and confront each other, not conspire to hide th truth! Are you not afraid that you will someday throw the baby out with the bathwater? sincerely, Phil Krogh |
fungchong - 08/26/98 12:50:08 My URL: My How I found this page: from friends | Comments: that is a very good and useful web site for people getting learn aout the evolution theory... |
Francis Govers - 08/14/98 16:02:36 My How I found this page: yahoo | Comments: Liked the site. I am a former creationist who has come to his senses, and now campaign for more scientific reason and judgement in everyday life. I have become increasingly worried on the amount of pseudo-science and direct nonsense (UFO's, psychic friend network, creationism in schools, etc) that is out there. Thanks for having this site! (liked the no-nonsense tone and polite responses you have posted) |
Holly L. Benton - 07/11/98 23:07:37 My URL: My How I found this page: PWOTW | Comments: I found your pages extremely well presented, and your information is thought-provoking and comprehensive. I've always felt the truth of evolution lies somewhere between scientific theory and religious concepts. I enjoyed my visit here! |
James R. Presley - 07/11/98 18:02:59 How I found this page: Found with Yahoo search engine | Comments: I am very interested in anything concerned with evolution,especially where it concerns human origins. I do not currently have a computer of my own with IBM compatability or high-speed(56k-baud)modem. However, I might be able to be contacted at the Jackson,Tennessee Public Library on Saturdays, between 11 A.M. and 1 P.M. Thank you. [Jackson, Tennessee Public Library, mezzanine terminal] [July 11,1998;1:02 P.M.] |
Marie Byars - 07/06/98 04:39:53 My How I found this page: AltaVista | Comments: As a sophomore in high school, the first semester of biology thoroughly steeped us in Darwinian thought. Even as an [then] agnostic, I wrote off the theory as too problematic to be believed. As time went on, I veered off into the humanities but have enjoyed continued reading in non-fiction, including (no joke!!) science textbooks. I've even slogged through Darwin's own On the Origin of the Species, but the main detail I remember from it is its "dryness." Many, many books I read assume that Darwinian thought is believed by "everyone who's educated" , but the REASONS this is said to be true are not given. Maybe there are some compelling reasons people accept the theory which I don't understand. Nonetheless, here are some of MY stumbling blocks: 1) Genetics. The second semester of that biology course began with a thorough examination of Mendel and genetics, much of which, to me, seemed to COUNTER Darwinism, not provide a support for it. In specific, I wonder about the changing NUMBER of chromosomes. (I believe I learned in that class that humans have the same # of chromosomes as Black Molly Fish, but not as any of the "closer" primates.) Generally, when there are incompatible chromosome pairs, sterility results (mules). Also, whenever we see a fluke in the gene count of humans, it seems to relate to the sex chromosomes, which couldn't be the case in speciation. 2) Tailless Humans. I wondered why humans would "devolve" a tail?? As a smaller, increasingly more hairless species which took time to develop tools, would not natural selection be in favor of keeping a tail to scale up trees for defense? In fact, I cannot think of any good reason to devolve a tail, except a facetious one: fashion! (When humans began wearing clothes & it was important that clothes "hung" right to attract mates, natural selection favored losing the tail, which kept loincloths from looking as "hot".) It seems Lamarckian to chalk up its devolution to "non-use." 3) Lack of Predictiveness. I've seen the "guesses" on how humanity is to evolve into a larger-brained legless creature with darker skin (as ozone disappears), but this lacks the true predictive powers of Newtonian physics, chemical formulae, or even genetics. Even the social sciences seem to have better predictive powers. 4) Proto-cells. I remember examining Miller's experiments regarding the origins of life. Our teacher explained that somehow the protocells surrounded and absorbed enzymes, which allowed them to ingest more and more amino acids until they "blobbed apart" into daughter cells, anticipating asexual reproduction. Even she (a "Doctor") was stumped by the fact that enzymes don't replicate. From all appearances, cells would have to go on absorbing enzymes ad infinitum. 5) Symbiosis. How do two different organisms arrive at the necessary point in development at the same time. If they don't, how does one survive until the other evolves?? And are scientists who delve into this too deeply considered "at the fringe", part of the "Gaia movement"? 6) Punctuated Equilibrium & Occam's Razor. Are Gould and others of his bent being taken seriously and becoming "mainstream", or are they marginalized as "flakes"? And if "punk-eek" IS taken seriously, doesn't it substantially dull Occam's Razor? How central IS Darwin right now? 7) Recessive Genes. Even if natural selection favored certain traits, it seems like other traits would continuously reappear from recessive genes. I suppose that one could concede that, in time, with enough "weeding out", all the recessive genes might disappear. Still... 8) The "Fossil Record", a Priori Assumptions, and Circular Reasoning. Often, I see "the fossil record" used vaguely to support Darwinism. Yet, I'm not catching all the "leaps" made to do this. For one thing, it seems that no truly, verifiable, substantiated "missing link" has been found, only that species have disappeared. This could just be a record of extinctions over time, not transmorgations. Plus, as Darwin himself noted, some species seemed not to have moved along at all on the evolutionary scale. In dating fossil records, I'm struck by the thought that there seems to be some circular reasoning going on, which strikes me as having entered the realm of "philosophy". [Admittedly, my own world view has non sequiturs and circular reasoning, but I've never pretended otherwise.] The Carbon-14 dating record seems a specious argument, also, because it seems that even those invested in Darwinian thought admit to its inaccuracies past a few thousand years. It seems that a fossil is often dated because, according to a Darwinian view, it "must" be such-and-such million years old, and it was found in thus-and-so strata, while strata layers are dated, partly, by what fossil remains are found in them. Also, a lot seems to be extrapolated from meager remains. Bits and pieces are found, and from them, whole models are drawn up. Thus, the shift from strictly cold-blooded dinosaurs to perhaps some hot-blooded ones. And the "fleshing out" in fantastic colors makes the speculations seem more real than they have a right to be. If there are some compelling reasons, especially truly empirical ones, why Darwinism still holds so much attraction, I would like to know them. I'm honest-to-God thinking that I'm just staring another "philosophy" in the face, which, like most philosophies, is held for intensely personal and even emotional reasons. I truly am not coming up with any other explanations. [In all honesty, no matter the compelling reasons, I doubt I'll become a Darwinist myself.] Sincerely, Marie Byars, M.A., Theologian |
Mark - 07/05/98 20:45:34 My URL: My How I found this page: Dunno ! | Comments: Hey thanks for signing my guestbook. I'm glad my page could be of some help to you. Keep up the good work here and I'll be back to see any new developments that you make. Later, Mark !! |
Auntie Barb - 07/01/98 06:23:06 My URL: My How I found this page: friend | Comments: Great discussion board! |
Ray Phenicie - 06/30/98 01:21:34 My | Comments: for answers to the question about the lac of transitonal forms in the fossil record, you might want to look at "Time Frames" by Niles Eldredge,New York: Simon and Schuster 1985. Great Stie! |
Gary - 06/24/98 05:21:30 How I found this page: Wondering in the wilderness | Comments: Interesting site. Reinforces my belief that the most profound truths in nature, are to beautifly complex to be properly summarized in a single text. Need I say more. . |
mary ann allen - 06/24/98 02:19:19 My URL: My How I found this page: your request for a critique | Comments: You have really done a fine job on this site. I have sent the URL to one of my sons who I know will be interested in the discussions. Regards, Mary Ann Allen |
Rex Colina - 06/23/98 10:53:15 My Email:none How I found this page: | Comments: I hope that you would be able to prove the theory of evolution 'coz I'm going to have a debate concerning that topic and I would like to have a much more solid defense. P.S. SEnd me a snail mail if interested in discussing the theory. Adress:Rex Colina @ 4312 Forest Hills, Banawa Cebu City Philippines, 6000 |
Alotta Fachina - 05/31/98 20:24:36 | Comments: |
Nigel - 05/24/98 09:11:53 | Comments: According to creationists, God must have made a flawed universe in the beginning, and has had to tinker with it ever since to keep it going the direction that He wants. Are they unwilling to admit that, in the beginning, God stoked the universe with all he order (see Genesis) that it needed to develop into not only what it is today, but what it will be in the unimaginably (to us) distant future? The evolutionists might not recognize the same God that the fundamentalists describe, but we give Him far more credit. |
Ross - 05/23/98 04:15:48 My URL: My How I found this page: metacrawler | Comments: I also have a web page on the evolution creation controversy and while I differ in my conclusion I welcome all serious debate on this topic. We are all seeking the Truth. I have included a link to this site on my links page. |
Lisa Ramsey - 05/22/98 18:12:35 How I found this page: Yahoo | Comments: I do not believe in evolution. I believe in creation. I am a born again christian. I have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ into my heart. I can't agree more with the first person who made a comment. They seem to belive in God and I really think what th y had to say was great. If anyone out there is questioning whether or not God created the Earth, then they should definatlly ask him. You never know what kind of answer you will get, but I garuntee you that he will answer. |
Carly - 05/21/98 21:12:14 My | Comments: i am surprised that the author of this page, while a professed Christian, tries so hard to prove that our world developed through natural selection and not intelligent design. is God uncapable of creation that we need to try and come up with reasons fo the current earth's existence? also, i believe that how God made us is not the most important issue. all that really matters is we are His children, and He loved us enough to die for us. Robyn, please.... if you really want to know how the world came into being, why don't you ask God? He will only show you Truth. if us creationists are wrong, He will let you know. i would be more inclined to ask "He who is greater" than "he ho is in the world". love, in Jesus' name, carly. ; ) |
Autaumn - 05/07/98 08:39:29 My How I found this page: For a class, Yahoo. | Comments: This is a good page. I especially liked the illustration of the Darwin and Christian fish kissing. I thought it was cute that the Darwin fish had legs. I agree with your prospective that creationism & evolution can co-exist. It's nice to know someone lse feels the same. I wanted to let you know that I had to evaluate your site for my Psyc class. I thought that it was great! |
ray conder - 05/06/98 01:27:00 My How I found this page: accident | Comments: Interesting! Ray Conder, Memphis, TN |
Matt Choudoir - 05/01/98 17:55:31 My How I found this page: Yahoo Search | Comments: I found this page did a great job of contradicting many of the claims made by anti-evolutionists and creationists |
zoo - 04/29/98 14:12:45 My How I found this page: yahoo search | Comments: This sight is one of the best i have found that states facts on bolth sides for the subject of evolution and not just oppinions. |
David Norris - 04/28/98 06:35:01 My URL: My How I found this page: Doing a report on Creation vs. evolution | Comments: I have just started reading some of the Creationists points of views, and there constant slandering of science and frankly I think that thtey are full of it. |
jazz - 04/27/98 16:56:41 How I found this page: aol | Comments: This webpage is perfect for college students looking for a topic on a report. |
Firdaus - 04/23/98 13:54:12 My URL: My How I found this page: Banners from Geocities | Comments: I don't really know all this stuff because I'm a computer programmer but overall, the webpage is good.It's design is original and the information is valuable. I congratulate you on a job well done.I hope you will see my page too. Until next time, bye. |
Robyn Conder - 04/18/98 06:55:06 My How I found this page: creator | Comments: Well, it looks as if all my Guestbook entries have been lost. Guess it's time to start fresh. Please feel free to add your comments to the Guestbook! |
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