[Here is a questionnaire that you can fill out if you would like your consulting business listed free of charge in a directory of consultants. Your local library may have a copy of the directory. It only lists consultants and consulting organizations in the United States and Canada. Please do not return the questionnaire to me. Send it to the directory editor at the address in Michigan.] Complete This Form for FREE Listing In Consultants & Consulting Organizations Directory A Reference Guide to Concerns and Individuals Engaged in Consultation for Business, Industry, and Government. Published by THOMSON GALE Return questionnaire to: Consultants and Consulting Organizations Directory Thomson Gale 27500 Drake Rd. Farmington Hills, MI 48331-3535 U.S.A. telephone (248) 699-4253, ext. 1781 fax (248) 699-8069 E-mail: Julie.Gough@cengage.com Name of Firm or Independent Consultant: Year Founded: Address: Phone: Toll-Free: Fax: Company E-Mail: Website: Principal Executives (Names, Titles, and e-mail addresses): Number of Staff: Annual Consulting Revenues: (omit if not for publication) MAJOR SUBJECT AREAS: Each company is listed in one major subject section. Check the box of the one subject that best reflects the activity of your organization. [ ] Agriculture, Forestry, and Landscaping [ ] Architecture and Interior Design [ ] Art, Graphics, and Communications Media [ ] Business and Finance [ ] Computer Technology, Telecommunications and Information Services [ ] Education and Personal Development [ ] Engineering, Science, and Technology [ ] Environment, Geology, and Land Use [ ] Health, Medicine, and Safety [ ] Human Resources Development [ ] Management [ ] Manufacturing/Industrial/Transportation Operations [ ] Marketing and Sales [ ] Politics and Social Issues Description of Consulting Services: Industries Served: Geographic Areas Served: Recent Publications/Videos by your Organization and/or its Principal Executive: (Provide full bibliographic information.) Seminars/Workshops: (List titles and topics of programs sponsored and presented by your organization.) Computer and Special Services: (Include descriptions of unusual computer hardware, software, systems, or databases used in consulting work, as well as any other special services not covered above.) Indicate the appropriate SIC codes for your firm (if known): Indicate the appropriate description(s) of your firm: [ ] small business [ ] minority-owned [ ] serves government [ ] women-owned Please indicate any Branch Offices: U.S. and Foreign (List complete street address, P.O. Box, City, State, Country, Zip or Postal Code. Attach additional sheets if necessary.): Prepared by (Name, Title, and Date): [end of questionnaire]