In the city of Los Angeles, on March 04, 1978, I entered the world. I have two brothers, and one sister. I curently live in a town named La Crescenta. It is located north of Los Angeles, aproximately 20-25 miles. I consider myself a fairely good student, and an outstanding worker. I currently am employed by Pacific Bell. For those of you who do not know, Pacific Bell is our phone company where I live. The pay is right, and the benifits are great. I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world, except full retirement. But enough about the boring stuff. What do poeple on the internet really want to know. Well, if you are using AOL, it probably means you are a sex pervert. So sorry people, but you aren't going to find any nude photographs in this site. I offer those of you with intrests in aviation an area where you may recieve pictures or information about the aircraft you really love. I also offer you and area where you may learn the real person behind the web page without worrying if I am some sicko sexual predator. I feel those people who use the internet to get laid should get themselves a blow-up doll. Below is a few pictures of me. I offer more than one, because anybody can come up with some "stud" in a photograph and send it to someone, but if the picture is really of the person who is showing it, then they can send two or more.
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