(keywords = orgon, orgone, orgonomy, wr, cloudbusting)
(Deja news search
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(Editor note: The messages and items found in this search include negative and positive statements towards orgonomy. Some negative statements demonstrate the one sided and mechanistic view by individuals. Some other statements are broadcasted one liners by those who have never investigated what they have chosen to judge negatively. These negative and unsubstantiated statements are part of what Wilhelm Reich would consider as "the emotional plague of mankind". Some however are just orgonomy information or exchange. We post what we find in the searches. We leave it up to the reader to form their own opinions concerning what we found on the news groups.)
"If one wishes to combat the plague one must expose oneself
to it."
Wilhelm Reich, People In Trouble, pg. 187
Most recent item is listed last. Long items occasionally edited to show only text related to - orgone.
approved: wisner@uunet.UU.NET sender: Love-Hounds-request@uunet.UU.NET content-length: 1264 content-type: text errors-to: Love-Hounds-request@uunet.UU.NET x-gateway: Mon from love-hounds to; Mon, 8 May 1995 12:03:41 EDT newsgroups: x-mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL24] Endless Mike asked about "A Book of Dreams". I don't own a copy, but I read a copy from the library a few years back. The book is facinating, but frustrating because it is very dreamlike in its writing style. Peter writes of his father Wilhelm from the perspective of a child, and so many details are ommited. If it whets your appetite to find more about Wilhelm Reich as it did my on, it is just the begining of your frustrations. His own writings are very dry and difficult to trudge through, and I'm afraid much of the info that would interest a love hound(How does an Orgone acumulater work, how did Cloudbusters control the weather? ect..) was lost when the US Government declared Riech writings destroyed. It is difficult to find any objective writings about Riech, most begrudgingly admit that he was a genius in the beginings of his carrer but later that he lost his mind when he began working with "orgone Energy". No one seems to be willing to look objectively at his later work. The best source of objective information I have been able to find on Reich comes from Robert Anton Wilson's "Wilhelm Reich in Hell" which is a play, but the introduction is facinating. It should also be easier to obtain than the elusive "book of dreams".
approved: wisner@uunet.UU.NET sender: Love-Hounds-request@uunet.UU.NET x-gateway: ftp.UU.NET from love-hounds to; Tue, 9 May 1995 20:51:44 EDT newsgroups: errors-to: Love-Hounds-request@uunet.UU.NET Hello fellow Love-Hounds: No, this *isn't* a spam; it's a rare mention of Wilhelm Reich, at least in the mainstream press. The current issue of Newsweek (15th May 1995) has a profile of octogenarian artist William Steig. In addition to illustrating many a cover of the fabled weekly mentioned in the subject line, Steig has taken his offbeat talents to a series of award-winning children's books. His latest volume is entitled _Grown-Ups Get to Do All the Driving_, published by Harper-Collins. Anyway, on to the relevant content: <snip> "...And every day, this disciple of the radical psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich still climbs into his "orgone energy accumulator," a metal-lined wooden cabinet designed by Reich to capture "orgone energy," a natural atmospheric force that, according to Reich, can treat ailments ranging from cancer to impotence. A Reich disciple since the '40s, Steig has lately acquired an orgone blanket, and soon, he reports happily, "I hope to get an orgone vest." "About Reich, Steig never kids around." <snip> He may even live to enjoy that orgone vest. The article states that Steig suffers from emphysema and is going deaf. So much for the power of orgone energy--says the skeptic. Take care, Chris Beckwith American Kate Bush Society Publisher, "Letters from Orgonon" Now eagerly trading Kate Bush print and radio interviews and shows-- e-mail me privately for details.
MessageID: 3on1o1$
sender: references: <> organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) reply-to: (JJSchalles) newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.fandom I'd be curious to see what a couple of truely massive negative ion generators used in conjunction with MinnStf's fleet of pretty big air cleaners might do. Actually, the new ones might have ion generators, I didn't get around to taking a look at them. I see something like a Van de Graf generator hooked up to a Tesla coil and a room seething with blue, crackling Orgone energy. Eiiiieeeeeeee! jeff
references: <3q1p5i$>
organization: League of Immovable Paws
newsgroups: sci.fractals
Well, let's see...where to start? First of all, i'm new to this group and
so i have no experience with your posts, except for the one i'm responding
to. From what i gather you consider "Absolute Science" to be,
it seems that most of the points you argue pivot around semantics more
than anything else. Take your prime example: "water is wet".
The valididty and truth of this statement are entirely contingent on an
entirely arbitrary distinction you've drawn between water in it's various
states. There is nothing essential to water which confines it to a liquid
state. Depending on its environemtn, it could just as easily be solid or
gaseous, and even to distinguish between the water in question and the
context which determines its material state is entirely arbitrary. You
are confusing a linguistic artifact (i.e., the distinction between water,
steam and ice) with an Absolute Truth. As far as your interpolation of
the "big bang" down to small levels, where it might tend to prove
the "big bang" theory, i think your example of the newborn child
is equally arbitrary. By no means is a child a universe in itself. It cannot
be logically (i.e., causally) seperated from it's context. If you're going
to go around trashing the "Western" mode of thought (whatever
the hell that if we all thought the same), you might as well go
all the way and learn to criticize any sort of reliance on an origin-myth.
The birth of a child is no more absurd a concept than the "birth"
of the universe. "Birth" is just another one of those arbitrarily
determined linguistic artifacts. If you want to talk about explosions vis
a vis creation, there's no need to talk about something so vague as the
birth of a child. Why not a child's burp. The "big bang", as
i understand it, wasn't so much of an explosion as a cosmic hic-cough.
The mis-named "big bang" produced matter while the child's burp
produced undigested breast-milk. You seem to be rather terribly stuck in
the humanist tradition (a Western tradition to be sure), whereby the human
being is its own universe and an expression of some inner essence. You
keep implying that life doesn't follow the rules of science, which to a
large degree is true, but that doesn't mean that life (spirit) and matter
are entirely different things (another "Western" notion, if we
must resort to this hemishperic name-calling). Galileo didn't choose to
use a partridge because a parttridge is quite obviously a much more complex
machine than a ball. Spirit is not something apart from matter, nor is
it merely an abstract "expression" of matter, but it *is* matter.
Spirit is the formal content of matter, while matter is substantial form.
If these just seem like different ways of saying the same thing, you're
not far off. You seem to think that life has been entirely shunned by science,
and in doing so you've neglected a great many scientists. Wilhelm Reich
springs to mind. The Orgone energy he discovered/invented
was none other than the life- energy itself.
Fhar "Freedom exists and also the will exists; but freedom of the
will does not exist, for the will that aims at its own freedom aims at
the unknown."
--Thomas Mann, "Mario & the Magician"
|***May the Winnebago Bunny be with you!***
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