(keywords = orgon, orgone, orgonomy, wr, cloudbusting)
(Deja news search
we thank you)
(Editor note: The messages and items found in this search include negative and positive statements towards orgonomy. Some negative statements demonstrate the one sided and mechanistic view by individuals. Some other statements are broadcasted one liners by those who have never investigated what they have chosen to judge negatively. These negative and unsubstantiated statements are part of what Wilhelm Reich would consider as "the emotional plague of mankind". Some however are just orgonomy information or exchange. We post what we find in the searches. We leave it up to the reader to form their own opinions concerning what we found on the news groups.)
"If one wishes to combat the plague one must expose oneself
to it."
Wilhelm Reich, People In Trouble, pg. 187
Most recent item is listed last. Long items occasionally edited to show only text related to - orgone.
distribution: world organization: The Great Escape - Gardena, CA - (310) 676-3534 newsgroups: NAME, STREET, CITY, STATE, ZIP, PHONE, COMMENTS AAAPSCO, 3592 Main St., Lemon Grove, CA 91945, 619-460-1020 Fax 619-460-1021, Orgone shooter (Bio-Power energy accumulator) Accelerative Tutoring & Transformations Institute, 45350 Ukiah St, Mendocino, CA, 95470, 707 937 4591, accelerative learning plans Adventures Unlimited, Box 22, Stelle, IL, 60919,, archaeological expeditions to ancient civilizations American Society Dowsers,, Danville, VT, 5824-0024,, Arica Institute, 24 West 57th St., New York, NY, 10019,, growth integration of self Borderland Sciences Research Foundation, P O Box 220, Bayside, CA, 95524, 707 825-7733, Fax 707-825-7779 Borderlands BBS - 14;400bps: 8n1 BBS,,,,, 707 825-7779, Borderland Sciences Research Foundation Archives, internet .......................
Date:1995/08/04 Subject: Wilhelm Reich listserv From: (Alan Pogrebinschi) Date: 1995/08/04 Message-Id: <3vtf2q$> Organization: Empresa Brasileira de Telecomunicacoes Reply-To: Newsgroups: sci.psychology For those that are interested in Wilhelm Reich's work and Orgonomy, we have recently set up the Orgonomy Mailing List (OML). Visit OML at : Subscribe: mail to w/ word "subscribe" at the *body* Related sites: Tribe of Love: http:/ and PORE: Sincerely, Alan
Date: 95-08-04a [Post]
distribution: world
references: <3vmjgf$>
organization: noware
newsgroups: rec.martial-arts
In article <>, (Bella
Kinney) wrote:
> -> >Strange as it seems, chi is real.....
> -> I am really only a beginner with qi gong practice, but was still
> -> to use it personally to enhance a health situation.
> Thanks Bill, I am pleased to see another Healer speaking up for
> the life force. This is how I understand Chi energy, as a force for
> Healing. I place my hand near -not touching the injured place- and
> sort of push with my thoughts... focussing apon the colors I perceive
> till it seems enough. The person I am helping is usually wearing a
> puzzled expression and saying something along the lines of "No,It
> doesn't hurt anymore, why is that?" when I'm finished. People
> think I'm rather nutty anyway so I'm used to being thought crazed,
> then are people who ask me to help them also insane?
> It seems so limiting to dismiss things simply because they aren't
> well understood. Wilhelm Reich studied chi,( calling it
"orgone" ),
> they imprisoned him and
> burnt his books.
> Chi is very dangerous, very dangerous.
> You can heal people with it.
> Bella
This is what I've been taught: first use cool ki to heal, hot ki can
do damage. Further to not push but lead the ki as if drawing it through
from just beyond the target. Also to try to rub out the tapping with ki
like it was an eraser sending it through the region, and if your ki
is strong put a ki shield such as your hand as a barrier. I don't have
problem, but my sensei can generate enough ki to make bruises visibly
change color in about a minute, but the energy requirements require
a shield of some sort otherwise it is too much and seeks to store
in the organs by burning them out or by grounding.
I like to think of shielding as a field grounded to the ground
or my dion tien. ( any ki going into the body not the injury gets
drawn back in or pushed into the ground.
Another good healing technique is skin breathing in which
ki is drawn through the skin to the injury and the bad ki is
drawn away to the horizon. I can't make it work ( it is a
type of healing for healing the self ) but I notice in meditation
I almost don't need to breath while doing skin breathing. Others
I know have found it quite valuble.
Oh and if my advice seems elementary or low level to some out there,
it is because I'm an amature. If you have any better ways to explain/
do these things I'd love to hear it.
If anything I've said has offended you I take it back to the
point of denying I ever said it :)
MessageID: 40b450$
references: <3vmjgf$> <> organization: Netcom newsgroups: rec.martial-arts In <> (Bella Kinney) writes: > >-> >Strange as it seems, chi is real..... > >-> I am really only a beginner with qi gong practice, but was still able >-> to use it personally to enhance a health situation. > Thanks Bill, I am pleased to see another Healer speaking up for >the life force. This is how I understand Chi energy, as a force for >Healing. I place my hand near -not touching the injured place- and I >sort of push with my thoughts... focussing apon the colors I perceive >till it seems enough. The person I am helping is usually wearing a >puzzled expression and saying something along the lines of "No,It >doesn't hurt anymore, why is that?" when I'm finished. People often >think I'm rather nutty anyway so I'm used to being thought crazed, but >then are people who ask me to help them also insane? > It seems so limiting to dismiss things simply because they aren't >well understood. Wilhelm Reich studied chi,( calling it "orgone" ), >they imprisoned him and >burnt his books. > > Chi is very dangerous, very dangerous. > You can heal people with it. > Bella Well said! The life force is what I called it before I ever heard of ki. When I was a child I decided that God is "the life force", and he lives in everyone and everything. I've healed headaches by projecting this energy between my hands through peoples heads. I was taught this by a massage therapist. I also used, and saw her use the same technique to "neutralize" the magnetic field in one of those "lightning ball" things that sends electricity to wherever you touch it. (I don't know what it's called.) We found that the energy was strongest at the moment between breaths. (We were counting our breath Zen style at the time.) The energy that people call ki or whatever else they want to call it is indeed a physical energy. Nothing mysterious about it. A closed mind is difficult to open. Sometimes the back door works best. Aikido, Tai Chi, Shiatsu, and other arts (not necessarily martial) are instrumental in opening minds. They teach us not to oppose others, but rather to harmonize with their energy. One can harmonize in many ways. It doesn't have to be a physical attack for the principles of Aikido to work. Chad
Re: Newbie Observer with comments and question From: petert@bri.hp .com (Peter Tranter) Date: 1995/08/14 MessageID:
sender: (News User) references: <> organization: Hewlett-Packard newsgroups: sci.skeptic wrote: : I recently discovered the skeptics net and find it enthralling. : The level of discussion is consistently high. However, I am continually struck : by the degree to which the basic tenets of science are held up in the same : dogmatic fashion as religious people extoll their own beliefs. While western : science has done much to advance civilisation, isn't it at possible : that some legitimate phenomena can't be repeated upon demand in a laboratory : setting? Isn't it just possible that the universe doesn't conform in : every instance to phenomena that can be discovered and examined via the : "scientific method?" Yes, that's a danger. It might be that psycho kinesis exists but that its practitioners can't exercise it at will, and that the presence of critical minds dispel the energies. Also, the fact that the same things can be done by stage magicians and that some of the exponents have been caught in trickery doesn't disprove it. But it just doesn't seem very credible. Actually, I think most people would like it to exist, the world would suddenly become a more varied and exciting place with something else to play with, but that's no reason for just accepting it. It's right to be critical and to strive for confidence in the bodies of knowledge we have. There's nothing to be gained by being gullible and believing things which are not true. Also, any new theory has to account for existing well tried knowledge - like classical mechanics. On the other hand, one could be accused of being jaundiced. I must confess to having absolutely no time for Wilhelm Reich's Orgone energy. Having tried to detect "The Aura" and arranging for many others to do the same, I don't really have much patience for such claims any more. It also strikes me that actually testing some of these extraordinary claims is not something that would cross the minds of most of their proponents. As far as I can see, astrology is without any convincing evidential basis. : I freely admit that I lack the scientific background that most of you : here enjoy, and I am simply wondering how many of you out there are bothered : by the ethnocentrism so frequently on display. : I mean-- a whole new set of animals, including a goat with gill-like : slits were recently discovered in a remote area of Korea. Is that a victory : for science? Maybe. But the villagers who had been claiming to see the animals : for decades only to be dismissed until recently don't look quite so stupid : anymore, do they? Isn't there a lesson here-- in humility if nothing else? I must admit that my first reaction is that this seems unlikely, for several reasons. Do you mean it has gill slits or just something looking like gills? What does the purpose of these slits seem to be? If firm evidence exists to support the existence of this animal then it would be unreasonable not to believe it. Has anyone produced such a goat or a carcase? Where did you come across this report please? : Please don't take this as a flame of any kind. I am interested in : hearing what you folks might have to say on the subjects raised above. : --Steven V Pete Tranter.
Date: 1995/08/21
MessageID: 809036255$
approved: (dfa965941b2cfd6978aa9becb874a3eb) references: <809019220$> organization: Darwin Branch Memorial Trust return-path: <> newsgroups: misc.activism.militia > (Tony Aiuto) writes: > Isnt telsa the one with the "orgone" If he is its not paranoid its smart, Id > say! The guy with the "orgone" had his books and papers burned, his laboratory > destroyed and was thrown in jail! >>>> Nope. Wilhelm Reich (pupil of Freud) researched orgone energy, "cloud buster" weather control, "orgone" accumulator boxes and was hounded into prison by the FDA, where he later died. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Date: 1995/08/22
MessageID: 809102255$
approved: (acc653c8873148755f54be3a7687bf02) references: <808598287$> <808786266$> <809019220$> organization: Internet Network Corporation return-path: <> newsgroups: misc.activism.militia Tony Aiuto ( wrote: : In article <808786266$>, (Tres Dedos) wrote: : : How does a report of an experiment by Tesla that "no one has been able to : duplicate" change within a few words to the idea that wide-scale weather : control is "totally possible"? : : Do the words "paranoid logic" strike a familiar note. : : No E-Mails, please. : Sorry Tres, This newsreader is R for private reply! diddnt catch it : until it was too late : Isnt telsa the one with the "orgone" If he is its not paranoid its smart, Id : say! The guy with the "orgone" had his books and papers burned, his laboratory : destroyed and was thrown in jail! Telsa was among the greatest applied physicists in history. 70 years later much of his research allegedly remains classified. Among other things Tesla developed the use of alternating current for the practical and somewhat safer transmission of energy. Without Tesla's contributions your life would be much ore primitive than it is today. -rbb
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