(keywords = orgon, orgone, orgonomy, wr, cloudbusting)
(Deja news search
we thank you)
(Editor note: The messages and items found in this search include negative and positive statements towards orgonomy. Some negative statements demonstrate the one sided and mechanistic view by individuals. Some other statements are broadcasted one liners by those who have never investigated what they have chosen to judge negatively. These negative and unsubstantiated statements are part of what Wilhelm Reich would consider as "the emotional plague of mankind". Some however are just orgonomy information or exchange. We post what we find in the searches. We leave it up to the reader to form their own opinions concerning what we found on the news groups.)
"If one wishes to combat the plague one must expose oneself
to it."
Wilhelm Reich, People In Trouble, pg. 187
Most recent item is listed last. Long items occasionally edited to show only text related to - orgone.
date: 96-03-14aa
energy device
From: J
Date: 1996/03/14
organization: The Microsoft Network (
newsgroups: alt.magick
Looking for plans for Orgone energy concentrator(?) I believe a set was published in one of the REsearch books a couple of years ago. I am also looking for info on TOPY and OTO. Remember, "The Magicians of tomorrow will be armed with mathematical theory, organized observation, and experimentally-verified practice." A.C. from Magick
Orgone energy device
From: mole (Robert J. Maiolo)
Date: 1996/03/14
MessageID: 4i9cgl$
references: <>
organization: Concentric Internet Services
newsgroups: alt.magick (JOSH ENTREKEN) wrote:
>Looking for plans for Orgone energy concentrator(?) I believe
a set
>was published in one of the REsearch books a couple of years ago. I
>am also looking for info on TOPY and OTO.
The best book I've seen is DeMeo's Orgone Accumulator Handbook.
It runs about $13. It includes plans, epxeriments, and results of hisresearch.
On O.T.O. get a hold of Equinox Vol III # 10. Available from Weiser Publishing.
It includes all the founding documents of the order, essays on its core
beliefs and some damn fine poetry.
Let me know if you need help finding these books.
Robert J. Maiolo, Fr. P.F.D.V. 110, IIo O.T.O.
Page interview by William Burroughs from June 75 issue
From: debaser@moon.dataplusnet.
Date: 1996/03/17
MessageID: 4ifkh4$
organization: Internet Connect, Inc. The Wisconsin ISP 414-476-4266
I got this interview from the July, 1986 issue of "Guitar World". It's a "SPECIAL COLLECTOR'S ISSUE" featuring Jimmy Page. Many great interviews. The following originally appeared in the June, 1975 issue of Crawdaddy. corey --------------------- THE JIMMY AND BILL SHOW by William Burroughs When I was first asked to write an article on the Led Zeppelin Group, to be based on attending a concert and talking with Jimmy Page, I was not sure I could do it, not being sufficiently knowledgable about music to attempt anything in the way of musical criticism or even evaluation. I decided simply to attend the concert and talk with Jimmy Page and let the article develop. If you consider any set of data without a preconceived viewpoint, then a viewpoint will emerge from the data. ..................................... THE INTERVIEW I felt that these considerations could form the basis of my talk with Jimmy Page, which I hoped would not take the form of an interview. There is something just basically WRONG about the whole interview format. Someone sticks a mike in your face and says, "Mr. Page, would you care to talk about your interest in occult practices? Would you describe yourself as a believer in this sort of thing?" Even an intelligent mike-in-the-face question tends to evoke a guarded mike-in-the-face answer. As soon as Jimmy Page walked into my loft downtown, I saw that it wasn't going to be that way. We started talking over a cup of tea .......... We talked about Wilhelm Reich's orgone accumulator, and I showed him plans for making this device, which were passed along to me by Reich's daughter. Basically the device is very simple, consisting of iron or steel wool on the inside and organic material on the outside. I think this was highly important discovery. Recently a scientist with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration announced an "electrical cell" theory of cancer that is almost identical to Reich's cancer theory put forth 25 years ago. He does not acknowledge any indebtedness to Reich. I showed Jimmy the orgone box I have here, and we agreed that orgone accumulators in pyramid form and/or using magnetized iron could be much more powerful.....
of ElectroMagnetic Fields?
From: James
Daugherty <>
Date: 1996/03/18
MessageID: Pine.BSD/.3.91.960318063946.23561O-
to: New Paradigms Discussion <>
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Date: Mon, 18 Mar 1996 01:12:29 -0800 (PST)
Subject: MindNet Journal - Vol. 1, No. 49
MindNet Journal - Vol. 1, No. 49
V E R I C O M M / MindNet "Quid veritas est?"
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Editor: Mike Coyle <>
Contributing Editors: Walter Bowart
Alex Constantine
Martin Cannon
Assistant Editor: Rick Lawler
Research: Darrell Bross
Editor's Note:
The author of the following article, which originally appeared in Flatland
#11, is Jim Martin the editor of
Flatland, POB 2420, Fort Bragg, CA 95437-2420. Orders: 707.964.8326, Email:
Subscriptions: $16.00 for four issues (twice a year).
"Flatland Books - Since 1986 Flatland has been a reliable mail-order
source for hard-to-find literature. We offer a
wide listing of new books: imported, domestic; slick, handmade; ranging
from raw history, Reich's orgone,
situationist, media wrenchers, diggers, ranters, lodge brothers, spy vs.
spy, cryptocracy, fringe science, mind
control, UFOs, conspiracy."
Write for a free Flatland book catalog.
Flatland on the World Wide Web:
By Jim Martin
January 1994
We're ALL Test Subjects...
As I sit in front of my two-page computer screen display I am bathed in
electromagnetic fields measuring 15 milligauss. It has become common knowledge
that video display terminals (VDTs) emit harmful electromagnetic fields,
but it is less well known that there are much stronger sources of these
fields in and around the places we visit each day. Electricity is so omnipresent
in our society that it quite discomfiting to imagine that this ocean of
electromagnetic fields may harm our health. In his book, _Currents of Death_,
(Simon & Shuster, NY, 1989)
author Paul Brodeur consolidates recent research into the long-term effects
of continuous exposure to high-power electromagnetic fields. He also discusses
the antagonism of utility companies, the electronics industry and the military
towards such research, eerily reminiscent of the suppression of evidence
that low-level exposure to nuclear radiation was more perilous than previously
believed during the 1950s. Yet the issue remains: there is an identifiable
and not-yet-understood link between long-term exposure to these fields
and serioushealth problems.
For instance, in 1974 a researcher in Colorado named Nancy Wertheimer tried to discover common factors in children who had died of leukemia by obtaining their addresses from the Colorado Bureau of Vital Statistics. Without looking for any one factor in particular, she noticed that many of these houses were located along the trunk lines stepping down from power line transformers. Leukemia rates dropped off sharply in houses further removed from the main trunk lines. Digging into the issue further, she discovered that workers in occupations which exposed them to continuously high electromagnetic fields had developed cancer at a significantly higher rate than the rest of the population.
An orthopedic surgeon with the US Veteran's Administration,
Dr. Robert O. Becker also became convinced of the health hazards associated
with electromagnetic fields. He had been investigating the effects of minute
electrical currents on wound-healing in salamanders. (Animal lovers may
want to turn their heads at this point.) After amputating one of their
limbs, Becker found that the salamanders were able to regenerate that limbs
when stimulated by tiny electrical impulses. Pursuing this research, he
found that electrical stimulation speeded up the
rate of healing seriously broken bones in humans. While his research was
met with derision because current medical orthodoxy has no explanation
for such small electric impulses having any biological effects, today we
see the embodiment of this research every Sunday on televised NFL games;
if you see, on the sidelines, an injured player hobbling on crutches that
have a strange-looking black box attached to them, you are seeing a
healing technique developed by Dr. Becker. Players call it "getting
stimmed." Becker had strong evidence of the biological effect of electromagnetism,
both beneficial and malignant, from his research with salamanders. He was
concerned about long-term exposure, but when he spoke out he was removed
from his position with the Veteran's Administration. His discussion of
this freezing-out is in his excellent book _The Body Electric:
Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life_ (with Gary Selden, William
& Morrow Co., NY 1985). It is a useful discussion for anyone who wants
to understand how medical research functions today. Ideas inconsistent
with medical orthodoxy and corporate/government interests are quickly killed
by cutting of grant money.
Since there is no practical way to shield one's self from
an electromagnetic field, the only protection possible is to limit one's
exposure. For people in many occupations, however, this is impossible.
For instance, clerks at check-out stands are bathed in a high-power energy
field measuring over 200 milligauss that emanates from the laser bar-code
reader at waist-level. The distinction between safe and dangerous levels
of exposure have not yet been determined, but epidemiologist David Savitz
published a study 1986 that replicated Nancy Wertheimer's study in Colorado
and found that children living near transmission lines and subjected to
exposures of only 2.5 milligauss developed cancer at a rate 40% greater
than other children. Despite evidence such as this, many power companies
have set "safe" standards of emissions from transformers and
power lines at 100 milligauss. Even at that high level of "safety"
the check-out clerks at our supermarkets are exposed to twice the
acceptable dose, for eight hours a day. When I approached a woman at the
local supermarket to measure
the emissions from her check-out stand, her face registered shock when
the field meter I was using leapt off-scale. "So that's why I'm always
so nervous," she said. Since we have no organ to sense changes in
electromagnetic environment, it is often hard to notice over-exposure.
Signs include nausea, blurred vision, a metallic taste in the mouth, and
headaches. Electric blankets should be used under no circumstances, since
they emit 13-15 milligauss. Both the symptoms and the diseases associated
with exposure to magnetic fields are consistent with the late Dr. Wilhelm
Reich's research into cancer. He identified something he called
"oranur sickness" which, like radiation poisoning, was experienced
as a metallic taste in the mouth, headaches, nausea and blurred vision.
One of the hallmarks of this oranur sickness is that each organism reacts
in its own way to it, as it attacks the "weak point" in a biological
system. For instance, one might come down with an especially acute attack
of asthma without thinking any but "oh, there's that old asthma again"
noticing what triggered it. It is this feature of oranur sickness that
complicates the epidemiology of magnetic fields. Since symptoms and health
breakdowns vary from person to person, orthodox scientists can dismiss
any common factor especially subtle ones such as low-level exposure to
radiation, toxic chemicals, and electromagnetic fields. Thus, when I interviewed
residents of Dunsmuir, CA, who have been recently exposed to
toxic fumes resulting from a train derailment into the nearby Sacramento
River, they reported being told by medical workers at the local hospital
that their symptoms were "all in their heads."
However, levels of electromagnetic radiation in our environment
can be measured if not directly sensed. Using a
small Trifield meter (available from Natural Energy Works, POB 864, El
Cerrito, CA 94530) which measures magnetic field, electric field, and radio/microwave
field strength in the ambient atmosphere, I took readings around Fort Bragg
and Mendocino at the common stops along a typical day's business. I was
surprised that in some locations, readings were far lower than expected,
such as those next to the transformer located next to the Mendocino Elementary
School, while other locations had far higher readings than I would have
expected, such at the bank teller's window. Here are some sample readings.
Safe, background levels of magnetic fields that are consistent with the
earth's normal emissions are around 0.5 to 1.0 milligauss (MG). Borderline
readings occur at 1.0 to 3.0 MG, and high levels begin at 3.0 MG. (Readings
are in milligauss.)
: driver's seat:......... 7
: passenger seat:... 4
: back seat:............. 2
Main St., Ft. Bragg...............:...................... 0.5
Macintosh Plus VDT:................................ 15
Automatic stamp machine at post office:. 8
Automatic Teller Machine:......................... 8
Arcade Video Game:................................ 100
Xerox Machine:........................................ 100
Safeway refrigerated isle:........................... 8
Harvest Market meat case:...................... 75
Harvest Market fish case:......................... 4
Bar Code Reader at check-out:............. 200
Big River Substation (elementary school):. 0.5-7
These random measurements clearly show that it is virtually impossible
for any of us to remove ourselves from an ongoing, uncontrolled experiment
to test the limits of safe exposure of EMF. The parallels between this
situation, where "informed consent" is a meaningless slogan,
can be readily found in the new disclosures surrounding Cold War radiation
testing. It might be useful, at this point, to revisit those days, when
a "voice
in the wilderness" spoke out against "safe" levels of nuclear
radiation: Wilhelm Reich.
What, in the final analysis, brought the wrath of the
U. S. government down upon Wilhelm Reich, M.D.? Space does not allow a
full discussion of Reich's biography, but those interested won't find a
better place to start than
with Myron Sharaf's _Fury on Earth_. There were many dangerous aspects
to Reich's work, from advocating children's sexual rights, or his thorough
analysis of the patriarchal family in fascism and its roots in the emotional
character structures of everyday people, and even his invention of the
orgone accumulator(1). In my view, Wilhelm Reich was imprisoned
because he stumbled onto frightening facts about nuclear radiation
during the early 1950s, a critical point in that newly developed industry.
Simply put, Reich found that there is _no shielding possible_against
the biological effects of nuclear radiation. On January 5, 1951, in what
was called the Oranur Experiment, Reich placed a minute sample (1 milligram)
of radium inside a powerful orgone accumulator. Reich's shocking
report, which can be found in the now out-of-print _Selected Writings_,
details how radiation sickness is a function of the organism's response
to the
invasive insult, and not a direct result of the radiation poisoning itself.
Thus different people may be more susceptible to very minute doses(2),
while others may feel no noticeable effects; each person's reaction is
different according to their own emotional and biological structure.
It will be recalled that there was little understanding of the biological
effects of radiation in the 1950s. Many people remember that soldiers were
sent directly into test sites shortly after the dust cleared from nuclear
explosions. They wore no protection and were merely dusted off afterwards.
At this writing (January, 1994) the U.S. Department of Energy has released
many documents about the true nature of America's nuclear heritage. Dept.
Secretary Hazel O'Leary has offered full disclosure about the years of
chronic abuse of an unwitting
population of human guinea pigs by the scientific establishment and the
military. So far, reports have focused on the more insane and fascistic
injection of human beings with plutonium without informed consent. Less
has been reported about the facts that first came out: that throughout
the forties and fifties the military dropped radioactive dust over vast
areas of the Western States. To put this into perspective, the military
turned each of us into a huge cohort of experimental subjects in an on-going
test of the biological effects of radiation poisoning. President Clinton
has distanced himself from Dept. of Energy Secretary Hazel O'Leary, who
authorized the release of new information, characterizing her forthcoming
posture as "very emotional".
There is little public understanding today of the true
nature of Reich's research. However, the military, as of 1948, was fully
advised of his findings. Indeed, the AEC provided Reich with the radium
samples he used in the Oranur Experiment. When Reich first discovered the
specifically biological energy he called orgone, he waited before
publishing until he verified the phenomena under a variety of experimental
protocols. One such experiment, "TO-T", measured the temperature
difference between an orgone box (constructed with alternating layers
of metal and wood which create an enclosed field of concentrated orgone),
and a similarly constructed box that
lacked the metal lining, but had the same capacity for insulation. An orgone
box is generally warmer than the outside temperature, and the temperature
difference decreases as the atmosphere contracts before a storm.
Albert Einstein was one person who found the question intriguing enough
to invite Reich to his home to demonstrate the effect. Reich had written
him a cautious letter in the hopes that this "Father of the Atom Bomb"
would recognize that the experiments proved an exception to the Second
Law of Thermodynamics, the law of entropy, which requires that equal volumes
tend to equalize in temperature. Reich traveled to Princeton with several
devices with which to demonstrate the orgone energy. He described
his long session with Einstein as a meeting of minds. Einstein observed
the phenomena, and said, "If this is true, it would be a bombshell
for Physics." Einstein met once again with Reich and then suddenly
dropped the matter. Einstein's biographers have painted this meeting in
a ridiculous light, saying it was an example of Einstein's eccentricity.
Perhaps, but their exchange of letters, which Reich published later, belies
this assumption.(3)
This is important to remember: whatever the validity of Reich's
conclusions, _the phenomena he observed_, which alone stand in stark contrast
to any high school physics text, _was in fact real, corroborated and sustained
against objections_. The FDA launched a multi-million dollar investigation
of the orgone accumulator, declared it a fraud, and set about bringing
criminal proceedings against Reich. Reich's FBI files reveal a blistering
blizzard of letters directed towards getting rid of Reich from doctors
in the AMA, ministers of Christian youth
crusades, and one from the Atomic Energy Commission advising the FDA what
"a thorn in the side" Reich had been. Reich never sold more than
500 copies a year of any one of his self-published books while he was alive.
That an obscure, new line of research posed such a threat to the medical
establishment is on its face inconceivable. Reich had first made contact
with the Atomic Energy Commission on April 30, 1948, to discuss unusually
high Geiger counter readings in connection with his orgonomic research.
It would still be three years
before Reich embarked on the Oranur Project, a controlled experiment dealing
directly with the biological effects of radiation poisoning. In between,
Reich kept the AEC completely informed of his research via meetings, letters
and phone calls, as he grew closer and closer to an essential national
security issue (i.e., keeping the public in the dark about the real danger
associated with radioactivity), while simply trying to figure out why he
was getting such unusually high readings on his Geiger counters.
In re-reading his original documentation, I was impressed with Reich's ability to distinguish between observed facts, corroborated by others; new theories drawn from and supported by these facts; and finally speculation based upon insufficient evidence. Of utmost importance in his research method was an awareness of the attitude of the observer, basic trust in one's own perceptions and observations. Although he alerted them when his Geiger counters told him something was amiss, he did not trust the response offered by the AEC: don't worry, everything is fine. In this as in other matters he seems to have been virtually alone.
Reich's intent for the Oranur Experiment was to investigate
the treatment of radiation sickness with the orgone
accumulator. For years, he had success in treating terminal "lost-cause"
cancer patients with the medical device although he never claimed having
found a cure, as the FDA would charge. Since it was well known that radiation
sickness could lead to leukemia, Reich planned to investigate the matter
at his laboratory in Rangeley, Maine.
As Oranur research progressed, it was decided to test the effect of orgone-charged
radium on lab mice in
comparison to untreated radium. In preparation for this, a sample of radium
was placed in a 20-layer accumulator. After five hours, Reich subjectively
noticed a change in the atmosphere, which he described as heavy and oppressive.
This subjective change was verified when Geiger counters in the room went
Workers in the area suffered all the classic symptoms of radiation poisoning.
They had discovered the Oranur Effect. When the radium sample was removed
from the accumulator, it was placed in a steel-and-concrete safe away from
living quarters. Yet the noxious effects, as well as abnormally high Geiger
readings persisted in the accumulator and the room in which it was situated.
It was as if the atmospheric orgone had "run amok", as
Reich put it, concluding that the placement of the radium inside the accumulator
had set off an atmospheric chain-reaction which persisted long after it
had been removed. The next morning, the mice were dying even though they
were in an adjacent room, and Reich awoke with a full-body tan in the dead
of a Maine winter.
Reich would subsequently state that "it is the organismic
OR [orgone] energy within living bodies which
continues to react to the NR [nuclear radiation] material for months and
even years." In checking background counts around the safe in which
the orgone-charged radium had been disposed, he discovered a more
disturbing phenomena: that the steel and concrete enclosure itself comprised
an orgone accumulator and that the Oranur effect was still evident.
It's hard to discount Reich's documentation of all this, given the complete
records and
corroboration of his coworkers. He found a persistent, overcharged atmosphere
continuing long after the experiment had been concluded. _The New York
Times_ (2/3/51) reported that there were unusually high background radiation
levels recorded from Rochester, New York to Canada during the last week
of January.
There was a bright side. Both the experimental mice that
had survived and the workers involved with the project exhibited full recovery
and more: they were far better able to withstand the effects of radiation
in subsequent work. Reich had found what he was looking for. There were
positive indications that Reich had found a method of _immunizing against
the effects of radiation_. By then, the FDA was mounting its case against
Reich, aimed
first at silencing him on the question of orgone energy. He had
been ordered by the FDA and federal courts to cease distribution of the
orgone accumulator. When an assistant, Dr. Michael Silvert, transported
the devices across state lines, he and Reich were charged with the violation
of the court injunction. Unbelievably, the 59 year-old scientist, researcher,
and teacher was sentenced to two years in prison and, as with many people
his age, this proved to be a death sentence.
The rest of the story is now known. It's estimated that it will cost $200
billion to clean up after the nuclear testing of the Cold War. But are
we all participating in a new experiment to establish safe levels of electromagnetic
Chronology of Radiation and Biowarfare Testing Disclosures Through 6/1/94
Dr. Joseph G. Hamilton at University of California Hospital in San Francisco
proposes a radioactive aerosol as a
military weapon. Tests lethal-dose exposure on terminal patients. One of
the "terminal patients" had been misdiagnosed; he only had an
ulcer. (L.A. Times 2/8/94)
Miami, FL; radioactive needles placed in Army private'snostrils.
Vanderbilt University Medical Center; 751 late-term pregnant women given
radioactive water 30 times background radiation at a free clinic. (L.A.
Times 2/8/94)
12 "battlefield radiation" tests conducted over Tennessee and
Utah. Air Force drops radioactive cluster bombs
dispersing as much as 15,000 curies in open-air fallout tests. (L.A. Times
San Francisco: ships spray city with bacteria from offshore. (NYT 2/25/94)
Virginia: Aspergillus fumagatus, a lethal bacteria, released upon workers,
mainly black, at Norfolk Naval Supply Center. (L.A. Times 2/8/94)
Nationwide test: 235 newborns and infants injected with radioactive iodide.
In Memphis, 6 of 7 newborns selected were black. No one kept track of the
subjects, who are now 39 or 40 years old. (St. Louis Post Dispatch 12/25/93)
Marshall Islands: Navy moves its ships and personnel when it learns of
a wind change prior to above-ground testing. Fails to relocate native islanders
as well.
Chico, CA: 140 tons of hot shit (radioactive dog feces) accumulates at
DOE facility (aka UC Davis Laboratory for
Energy-Related Health Research, also known as the "Beagle Club"by
former workers) near UC Davis, where 1,200 beagles were fed, injected with,
and exposed to radiation, including tritium. One worker has claimed that
the sewage system has at times overflowed into Putah Creek, near Lake Berryessa.
(L.A. Times 2/8/94)
Eskimos in N. Alaska, few of whom spoke English at the time, were given
an apple and an orange for their participation in Army tests to inject
them with radioactive iodine. (L.A. Times 2/8/94)
British smuggle radioactive debris in a diplomatic pouch on regular commercial
34 underground nuclear tests in the U.S. release radiation into the atmosphere.
Massachusetts: Retarded children at the Fernald School in Waltham given
low-dose radiation in their cereal.
1500 military personnel given LSD by US Army Chemical Corps.
Nerve Gas agent kills 6,000 sheep in Utah. (NYT 2/25/94)
Prisoners in Oregon and Washington agree to have theirtesticles dipped
in radioactive water for $5.00 a week.
Russia, Arzamas-16; elite Vympel (Pennant) commando units stage a "terrorist
attack" and quickly seize nuclear bomb factory, to test security at
Soviet Military facilities. Vympel also thwarted an attempt to steal fissionable
material from a plant in the Urals. However, when Vympel refused President
Boris Yeltsin's order to storm the parliament house in October, 1992, they
refused and talked the opposition out instead, which was seen as a capitulation.
Yeltsin transferred Vympel under the control of the Interior Ministry,
whereupon the majority of commandos resigned their commissions.
Rep. Lane Evans (D-Ill.) asked the White House to investigate any radiation
testing that may have been done on US troops during the Gulf War.
Chernobyl nuclear power station declared unsafe by the International Atomic
Energy Association. Officials now admit that thousands died in the blast,
and the subsequent clean-up takes up 12% of the Ukranian national budget.
(Reuters 3/31/94)
To date: An estimated cost of $200 billion to clean up after the nuclear
research of the Cold War, nationwide.
30 deaths from Hanta viruses, long a focus of military biowarfare researchers.
There remains no independent scientific or ethical review of human testing
conducted by military and intelligence researchers.
The Department of Energy funds 175 human test studies involving 725,000
people. (AP 4/5/94) The Nuclear Regulatory Commission reports that it licenses
as many as 200 of the largest medical institutions in the country to conduct
human research. (AP 2/3/94)
(1) For a full discussion of current experimental evidence concerning the
operation of the orgone accumulator and its beneficial use in healing
see The Orgone Accumulator Handbook, by James DeMeo, PhD., Natural
Energy Works, POB 864, El Cerrito, CA 95430
(2) A former worker at the San Onofre Power Plant sues over a rare form
of leukemia 1/94. Since she had never
been exposed to levels of radiation deemed "unsafe" by the Department
of Energy, and having a cancer which has been positively linked to radioactive
exposure, the issue the court must decide is whether any level of exposure
can be deemed "safe."
(3) Reich, W. The Einstein Affair. Orgone Institute Press, Maine,
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organization: Huh? What Organization?
newsgroups: talk.politics.misc,alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater,,
=>>In <> (Mark S. Bilk) writes: =>>> =>>>In article <4ifjh4$>, Hanson =>><> wrote: =>>> =>>>Interested readers will find related information in the books =>>>_The Mass-Psychology of Fascism_ by Wilhelm Reich, and _The Chalice =>>>and the Blade_ by Riane Eisler, both highly recommended. You guys are getting a little overwrought. So why don't you have a little sit-down in one of Wilhelm Reich's "orgone boxes"? You might also invite author William S. Burroughs - practitioner of unsafe sex, killer of his wife by handgun, and author of "Junkie" - who I read is even to this day a devotee of Reich's discredited crackpot theories. Burroughs apparently spends much time in his "orgone box", summoning up the ethereal and luminescent powers of the orgasm (Reich's key contribution to the the body of Western rationality and knowledge). Oh, wasn't it sad that Reich was so unfairly "harrassed" by the authorities for purveying his ridiculous theories and devices to the feeble-minded and gullible? He died in the federal pen in 1957. And, did I neglect to mention that in his latter years Reich compared himself to Socrates and Jesus Christ in explaining his own pathetic "martyrdom"? Or his sound conviction that the "CORE Men" - cosmic orgone engineers - had been visiting us from other planets? Well, you see where such revelatory insights will get you in this hardhearted and closeminded world. =>>Thank you for this. I'll take a look at the books. The snarling is =>>just more of that right wing open-mindedness we've heard so much =>about. I just bet you'll take a long hard look at Reich. But you're right that you won't find much openmindedness here. Hanson has thus far offered-up in defense of his bizarre political convictions: (EXHIBIT A) the lunatic, half-baked _Journal Of Psychohistory_ and (EXHIBIT B) the insane scribblings of convicted felon Wilhelm Reich. I don't know who Riane Eisler might be, but I'll just bet she's another way-out-there doozy of a "psychologist". Does she also have a criminal record? Hanson, with intellectual "resources" such as Reich and _The Journal Of Psychohistory_, I don't think you're in any apparent danger of colliding with The Weekly World Nooze. You've put pedal to the metal and left it crippled and panting in the dust of your full-bore lunacy. Most importantly, I'm beginning to understand why you think the "suicide note" is legitimate; why Bonnie and Clyde Clinton are martyred innocents; and why you believe yourself to be a "liberal": you've simply exhausted yourself from all that banging on the inside door of your "orgone box." You are getting more pathetic with every passing hour. Wilhelm Reich would understand your plight.
Point Gravity
Date: 1996/03/24
MessageID: 4j27mp$
organization: Z.A.P.
keywords: Gravitics
newsgroups: sci.physics.electromag
(word processor parameters LM=8, RM=75, TM=2, BM=2) Taken from KeelyNet BBS (214) 324-3501 Sponsored by Vangard Sciences PO BOX 1031 Mesquite, TX 75150 There are ABSOLUTELY NO RESTRICTIONS on duplicating, publishing or distributing the files on KeelyNet except where noted! April 9, 1993 BROWN4.ASC -------------------------------------------------------------------- This file shared with KeelyNet courtesy of Woody Montier. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Vangard Note.. This file brought up a curious comment regarding a possible correlation between stock market fluctuations and some kind of planetary correspondence that could be detected by Townsend Browns' Electrometer, an electrostatically energized device suspended in oil. Further information regarding this effect is taken from File : 24-185, Subject : Special Inquiry into "The Townsend Brown Electro-Gravity Device", a Comprehensive Evaluation by the Office of Naval Research, with accompanying documents, dated 15 September 1952. -------------------------------------------------------------------- from the Los Angeles Times - Tuesday Morning, April 8, 1952 Flying Saucers 'Explained' by Men of New Research University Here Two metal-plexiglass disks suspended from a central pylon swung through slow circles in a darkened room yesterday as spokesmen for a new university sought to convince newsmen they have solved the flying saucer mystery. "We have hesitated to divulge our findings," said Mason Rose, president of the University for Social Research, "because they read too much like science fiction..." Substance of the alleged discovery, credited to Inventor Townsend Brown, is that saucers operate in a field of "electro-gravity" that "acts like a wave with the negative pole at the top and the positive pole at the bottom." -------------------------------------------------------------------- Travel Like Surfboard "The saucer travels like a surfboard on the incline of a wave that is kept continually moving by the saucer's electro-gravitational generator," explained Bradford Shank, third spokesman for the group claiming knowledge "almost too sensational, too spectacular." All three men are convinced that flying saucers are real, "controlled by an intelligence rather than a pilot" and capable of speeds up to that of light - 186,000 miles a second. Their research is new and novel, they insist, and "it is distinctly improbable it has been duplicated anywhere in the world." Experiments coupling electricity and gravitation that apparently go even beyond Einstein's unified field theory. Asked about official government study of their findings, Rose said details had been given to "some Navy admirals" but as yet there was no censorship. He talked guardedly about military "interest" in the work but declined to mention specific agencies. He spoke too about the early trials and tribulations of Marconi, Edison and the Wright brothers. The three men said space travel will be possible within 10 years. At one point Shank was asked if he had a degree. -------------------------------------------------------------------- "Superior Intelligence" "No," he acknowledged, "I'm free of those encumbrances. That's why I find it so easy to talk in these new terms." To all deadend questions there was the answer, "A superior intelligence thousands of years ahead of ours would have many answers we don't know about." For more than four years Brown has been attempting to predict the ups and downs of the stock market with electronic apparatus he installed in the basement of a building on S. Spring Street. His equipment, he said, registers small variations in sidereal or cosmic rays which bombard the earth from outer space. These rays, in some yet unexplained manner, are suspected of influencing human psychology. Brown declined to say how his stock market "barometer" has worked. <END> -------------------------------------------------------------------- (source as noted from the title page of BROWN4.ASC on KeelyNet) Confidential Security Information An Investigation relative to Thomas Townsend Brown by Willoughby M. Cady Office of Naval Research, Pasadena (a possible clue as to the construction of his electrogravitic detector mechanism follows) 2.4 There has been briefly inspected a third electrical device, purporting to be a communication equipment operating on waves related to the electrogravitic effect. It appears that the transmitter is simply a relaxation oscillator consisting of a high tension DC power supply, a high (value) resistor, and a condensor which periodically discharges through a short gap. The receiver, shown in Figure 2, consists of two Pyranol capacitors 0-5mf, two titanium oxide capacitors 500mmf, a Brush recorder, and a bypass capacitor 0.1mf to prevent the recorder from oscillating. Two terminals in the circuit are charged as indicated before reception and left floating during reception. The bridge of four capacitors is housed in a cabinet, indicated by a dashed line, which forms an obviously imperfect shield against electromagnetic radiation, when the transmitter is operated in an adjoining room, the Brush recorder jumps with each spark. Mr. Brown states that the effect is present, but reduced, if the 25KV potentials are not applied. If the Pyranols are short circuited and removed, the effect is still reported present. No attempt has been made at conscious electromagnetic shieldings of either the transmitter or the receiver. In the writer's opinion the response may be the result of a chance rectifying contact. The relation between the communication device and the mechanical effects which form the topic of this report (levitation) appears so remote that no further mention will be made of the former. Figure 2 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ ÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄ ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ ÄÄÄÄÄ Unshielded ³ ÄÄÄ Enclosure--| ³ \|/ ³ ³-------------------------³---------------------------³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ .5mf ===== ===== .5mf ³ ³ cap ³ ³ cap ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ -25KV *ÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ* +25KV ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ 500mmf ===== ===== 500mmf ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ³ ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ ³ ÚÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ ³ ³ ³ Brush ³ ===== .1mf ³ ³ ³ Recorder³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÙ ³ ³ ³ ÄÄÄÁÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÁÄÄÄ ³ ³ ÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄ ³ ³ ÄÄÄ ÄÄÄ ³ ³-----------------------------------------------------³ -------------------------------------------------------------------- The Brown Electrometer 5.0 In a small thermostated room in the second basement of the Banks-Huntley Building, (address censored), Los Angeles, there is a continuing experiment which shows an extension of the basic phenomenon. This apparatus is the Brown Electrometer. This device is housed in an oil-filled tank of half-inch steel, perhaps two feet in diameter and a foot deep, with a half-inch steel cover. In the tank there is suspended a horizontal disc 12" in diameter and one inch thick, made of six segments of pine wood alternating with six of marble around an 8" hub of Bakelite. The sections are separated by 1 X 2 X 1/16 inch copper strips. Alternate strips are grounded to a central metal stem supporting the disc which is attached to a music-wire suspension 0.018" in diameter and 6-3/8" long; the remaining copper strips connect to a central iron tit at the center of the hub, which dips into a cup of mercury. The disc is surrounded by a grounded metal shield which is attached to the tank and which stands at a clearance of 1/2 inch above and below the disc and 1-1/2 inch radially; this shield is centrally perforated at the top and bottom for the suspension and the tit. A sequencing device in a cabinet below the tank causes a half-wave smoothed DC power supply to impress upon the mercury cup a well- regulated negative potential of 11.1KV resulting in a leakage current of 0.45ma. The sequencer leaves the voltage on for 30 seconds, causing the disc to rotate several degrees. After 30 seconds, a short spark is made to jump from a point projecting about 9 inches horizontally in air from the stem of the disc, and perforates a rice-paper strip wound on a drum which rotates once each day. The voltage is then turned off and the disc returns to its relaxed position, which is recorded by a separate spark. The cycle repeats every three minutes. The apparatus appears to be well engineered and extremely reliable. 5.1 Mr. Brown has given attention for several years to the variations in the deflections of this electrometer. On the spark record the rest position is 50 units and the deflected reading is about 80. Until about a year and a half ago (written in 1952, so estimated mid 1950), the deflected position was about 20, but suffered a gradual change to its present value at that time. Aside from reversal of sign, the deflection undergoes fluctuations whose character is less dramatic but still large, e.g. 10-50%. The cause of these fluctuations has been sought by Mr. Brown by seeking for correlations between them and various outside influences, such as magnetic storms, temperature, pressure, the time of the year, civil time, lunar time, siderial time, and the Dow-Jones average. Only the last five correlations are claimed. Tabulated data are available only for the year 1937. Hourly recordings throughout the year are tabulated, for both civil and lunar time. The writer has seen no convincing evidence that the stock market and the automatic record are correlated, although it is claimed that a chi-square analysis has been performed, with POSITIVE RESULTS. (the tables are intentionally not included in this file since they simply furnish data, if you wish a copy of the tables as taken from the document, drop us a line here at KeelyNet) 5.3 By the foregoing sketchy analysis of the data from the Brown Electrometer, the following conclusions are implied: a) Through the weeks and months the data drift significantly; b) There is NO evidence of a solar diurnal period synchronizing with the sun, as claimed by Brown. c) There is NO evidence of a lunar diurnal period synchronizing with the moon, as claimed by Brown. On the contrary, the data appear most emphatically to deny such a period. 5.4 Two related experiments have been described by Mr. Brown which throw light on the reason for the deflections if not on the reason for their fluctuations. 5.4.1 In one, the sector disc was held stationary while a grounded metal disc was suspended over it in the oil, by a torsion fibre. When the sector disc was charged a motion of the adjacent oil was noted by Mr. Brown. The suspended disc deflected, but not when a glass plate was interposed between the sector disc and the suspended disc. 5.4.2 The other related experiment concerns an oil-immersed annulus described by Mr. Brown as 2 feet in diameter and six inches thick, made of LEAD OXIDE (PbO) and paraffin in eight segments separated by eight copper strips alternately charged positive and negative. By means of a probe the potential distribution on the PbO and parrafin surfaces was explored and it was noted that whereas the gradient was uniform across the edges of the lead oxide sectors, the gradient on the parrafin was steepest near the negative electrodes. This observation means that the steepest gradients ARE ALL IN THE SAME DIRECTION, e.g. CLOCKWISE. It was also noted that the application of high voltage to the electrodes of this disc caused a lively motion of the oil. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.4 (see paragraph 5) The disc of the Brown Electrometer shown in Figure 5, develops a torque in response to an applied voltage. The field in the oil is strongest in the regions A. B. C. D. where the oil is in contact with the electrodes separating the pine sectors P from the marble sectors M. (circles are almost impossible to draw in ASCII, but here goes since you really need to see the diagram - KeelyNet) Figure 5 DA P - Pine /-------|---------\BC M - Marble BC \ M | P / \ / \ __|__ / \DA DA \ P \ / + \ / M / \ / \ / - \ / \ | M \ / + + \/ | | | | P | CB |-------| - - |--------|BC | P | + + | M | | / \ / \ | \ / M \ - + - / \ / AD \ / \ ______/ \ P \AD \ / P | M \ / CB \________|_________/CB AD The Rotor of the Brown Electrometer (note between each P and M section, the alternating charges) Positive ions formed at the electrodes as in a corona discharge will produce positive space charges at the regions A. & D. while regions B. & C. will have negative space charges. In the oil these will cause effects analogous to the electric wind in air. If the fields A. B. C. D. are equally strong the ion densities will be such as to give no net torque to the disc. We will assume, on the other hand, that the surface of the pine sectors allows a leakage current; this will have the effect of reducing the field in the regions A. & B. and will leave the regions C. & D. dominant in the production of force. The positive ions at D. will TEND TO ROTATE the disc CLOCKWISE while the negatives will tend to rotate it counterclockwise. Since their mobilities differ there will be a net torque in one or the other direction, as observed. If the chemistry of the oil or the insulating sectors changes with the surface conductivity of the marble could become larger than that of the pine, causing a reversal of the torque. Aside from surface conductivity, other attributes may distinguish the marble from the pine. For example, a net torque might be caused by the influence of different dielectric constants from the field distribution, or if alternate sectors all project slightly beyond the electrodes. A net torque may result from or be influenced by the surface conductivity of the pine and marble. If one is more conductive than the other, the field pattern will be made unsymmetrical (see paragraph 5.4.2 above) and the torque will be altered. It is possible that the slow fluctuations in the Brown Electrometer are caused by changes in the surfaces. The faster fluctuations may be caused by particles suspended in oil, which may temporarily rest at such points as A. or B., changing the corona there temporarily. 8.5 The experiment reported in paragraph 5.4.1, would seem to corroborate the idea that a swirling of the oil is essential to the operation of the electrometer. This idea is in accord with the electric wind theory, whether or not the discussion in paragraph 8.4 is valid in detail. 8.6 It is claimed that the deflections of the electrometer show certain periodicities. If these are real they show inadequacy of the electric wind hypothesis. Their reality is assessed in the crude and preliminary analysis contained in paragraph 5.2 and summarized in paragraph 5.3. There is no manifest solar diurnal period and no manifest lunar diurnal period. No test has been applied for the claimed siderial diurnal period or for the correlation with the value of financial securities. Neither has it been possible to determine whether the slow changes in deflection are repeated annually as claimed; however the fact that the deflections once annually permanently reversed direction would seem to discourage this claim. This reversal is attributable to changed surface conductivity of the sectors of the disc. It is concluded that the short study (paragraph 5) of the readings of the Brown Electrometer does not weaken the hypothesis that all the (censored: probably reads, "phenomena reported by Mr. Brown") are the result of electric wind. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Vangard Note We had a call from a Mr. Paul Stowe relating the use of lead oxide by Brown in the construction of his "gravitator". Mr. Stowe thinks a layered version of this lead oxide might be used to construct a "collector" as postulated by Bearden in his paper "The Final Secret to Free Energy" and listed on KeelyNet as FREENRG3.ZIP. The following refers to the thrust developed in one experiment but the interesting point is the description of the construction of the condenser dielectric. "The condenser dielectric was either homogenous or laminated.In one laminated version, 10,000 sheets of 0.001 inch lead foil were separated by an equal number of 3 X 3" sheets of 0.0008 inch cellulose acetate in a formica box (sounds like an orgone accumulator to me), to make 10,000 condensers in a series arrangement weighing 10kg." "The acceleration exhibited by this device when suitably mounted is claimed to have been 2.5cm per sec^ (where the symbol ^ = squared) when the electrodes were charged, evidencing a force of 25,000 dynes or about 25gm; the homogeneous type is stated by Mr. Brown to have had comparable thrust. The force was usually TOWARD the positive electrode, although in some units it was toward the negative; this effect was attributed to a "polarization"." "The force is stated to have been STRONGER at some time than others, correlating with the position of the sun and moon. Data are displayed which relate to the angular speed of a pivoted gravitator, and which show half a dozen large fluctuations in a day; some of these can perhaps be construed as being dips simultaneous with the rise or setting of the sun or moon." -------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have comments or other information relating to such topics as this paper covers, please upload to KeelyNet or send to the Vangard Sciences address as listed on the first page. Thank you for your consideration, interest and support. Jerry W. Decker.........Ron Barker...........Chuck Henderson Vangard Sciences/KeelyNet -------------------------------------------------------------------- If we can be of service, you may contact Jerry at (214) 324-8741 or Ron at (214) 242-9346 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Fourth Millennium 1937 Russell Street Berkeley, Ca 94703-2256 fax/data (510) 204-0631 ftp ----- soon website ------
Eisler, And The Origin Of Human Suffering (was: WAYNE MANN AND "JOHN
From: msb@netc (Mark S. Bilk)
Date: 1996/03/25
references: <4icng3$> <4iju60$>
<4ikocd$> <>
organization: Cosmic Church of the Orgone Goddess
newsgroups: talk.politics.misc,alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater,,
In article <>, Garry
N. Ray
<> wrote:
>=>>In <> (Mark S. Bilk) writes:
>=>>>Interested readers will find related information in the
>=>>>_The Mass-Psychology of Fascism_ by Wilhelm Reich, and
_The Chalice
>=>>>and the Blade_ by Riane Eisler, both highly recommended.
>the ethereal and luminescent powers of the
>orgasm (Reich's key contribution to the body of Western
>rationality and knowledge).
Reich made several contributions; what he called "the physical Orgone
energy" is only one. While the existence of this pheno-menon is still
uncertain, there has been a lot of evidence, accumulated in many different
types of experiments, that something is going on in this area that cannot
be accounted for within the conventional paradigm. Personally, I have experienced
a definite sensation from a type of orgone apparatus, which was
not otherwise explainable.
Another of Reich's discoveries was the existence, in people and animals
afflicted with cancer, of certain unusual bacteria. These were found independently
(without knowledge of Reich's work, as far as I know) by Dr. Virginia Livingston
and other physicians and scientists, who found them to have a causal relationship
to the disease.
But Reich's most significant contribution was the discovery of the cause
of much of the emotional illness, and almost all the social problems, of
humankind today. It is a contagious and pandemic disease that he called
"the Emotional Plague". It is passed from each generation to
the next, not by pathogenic microorganisms or genetic deficiencies, but
by domineering, restrictive, anti-sexual treatment of children by parents
and other adults. In individuals, the disease consists of an inability
to breathe and move freely, and an inability to fully experience feelings
(especially tender feelings of pleasure, joy, love, and compassion), along
with an obsession to dominate and hurt others.
The resulting social consequences are a hierarchical power structure, male
supremacy, hatred of homosexuals, greed, exploi-tation, racism, bigotry,
and the mass murder of many tens of millions of people ("war").
Reich named this group of phenomena the "Emotional Plague". These
are the same characteristics correctly attributed to conservatives by RHanson
in his article.
Reich's discovery that these phenomena are due not to inherent human nature,
but to a contagious emotional illness, certainly ranks as one of the most
important in human history. He was not the first to work in this area,
but the depth and complete-ness of his analysis made it much more useful
than the previous work.
Interested readers can find more information, and a source for Reich's
books, at these Web locations:
Reich, a psychologist, became aware of the disease when he found that
the aforementioned destructive emotional characteristics in his patients
could be minimized by getting them to relax, breathe, have a fulfilling
sexual relationship, etc. He conceptualized this as changing from an "armored"
to an "unarmored" mode
("muscular armor" being the chronic tension of muscles resulting
from inadequate breathing and deep inner fear and rage). Later he identified
the effects in the society at large that were caused by serious armoring
in individuals.
Decades after his work, an entirely independent line of research was undertaken,
beginning with the work of archaeologist Marija Gimbutas, and continued
by cultural historian Riane Eisler. They observed that entire *cultures*
existed in either of two modes, which they called "Dominator"
and "Partnership". Dominator cul-
tures had a hierarchical power structure, evangelistic and intol-erant
religions, male-supremacy, xenophobia, war, genocide, etc. (in other words
all the characteristics of the Emotional Plague), while Partnership cultures
did not.
These researchers were eventually able to trace how the Dominator cultures
spread around the world, destroying the Partnership cultures (along with
many of the people who lived in them). The very existence of Partnership
cultures proves that domination, male-supremacy, xenophobia, and war are
culturally programmed, and *not* part of human nature. See these excellent
_The Chalice and the Blade_, by Riane Eisler, 1988, ISBN 0-06-250-289-1,
HarperSanFrancisco, $13.
_Sacred Pleasure: Sex, Myth, and the Politics of the Body_, by Riane Eisler,
1995, ISBN 0-06-250293-X, HarperSanFrancisco
>=>>>In article <4ifjh4$>,
Hanson <> wrote:
>=>>Thank you for this. I'll take a look at the books. The snarling
>=>>just more of that right wing open-mindedness we've heard so
>Well, you see where such revelatory insights will get you in this
>hardhearted and closeminded world.
>I just bet you'll take a long hard look at Reich. But you're right
>that you won't find much openmindedness here.
Hatred of what is gentle and true is unfortunately a standard response
of many conservatives. But there are those who still question whether blame,
restrictions, and punishment are the only possible remedies for social
and personal problems.
The programming of domination and fear of pleasure in childhood takes a
somewhat different course for each child, and some people retain or recover
the ability to take in new information during their lives. So some people
reading this may take a look at those books, and discover that many strange
and troubling aspects of the world around them have a readily understandable
(albeitunexpected) origin.
Note that Reich's analysis of individual and social problems, including
fascism (much of which is now called "conservatism" in the U.S.),
has little or no connection with his ideas about Orgone energy.
Whether or not that energy exists, the pandemic contagious emotional illness
definitely does exist, and is visible in people and social institutions
all around us once it is pointed out.
The transmission of this disease from generation to generation isn't mysterious
either; it occurs by the same simple process that causes molested children
to sometimes become molesters themselves--chronic emotional trauma causes
emotional illness, and certain types of emotional illness eventually motivate
the person to inflict similar trauma on others, particularly children.
Such a self-replicating illness has been called a "memetic virus",
by analogy to genetic (biological) and computer viruses. All three are
essentially *patterns of information*, which use humans, living cells,
and computers, respectively, to reproduce themselves. Further information
on Memetics is available here:
>Oh, wasn't it sad that Reich was so unfairly "harrassed"
by the
>authorities for purveying his ridiculous theories and devices to the
>feeble-minded and gullible?
His patients were in no way feeble-minded, and reported that the therapy
helped them. His colleagues included numerous physicians and scientists
with excellent credentials and experience, who used the same techniques,
as appropriate, to treat themselves and their families.
>He died in the federal pen in 1957.
Reich was imprisoned for disobeying an order of the Food and Drug Administration
against renting his anti-cancer devices; the Federal government also burned
all of his books, even those that didn't mention orgone energy.
The same FDA is attacking people today for selling anti-oxidants and other
life-extension substances. For example, it continues to ban the sale of
the amino acid tryptophan, most likely because, as a safe, effective, and
inexpensive sleep aid, it used to compete with the costly and profitable
sleep drugs marketed by drug companies. Many executives and scientists
of these companies regularly switch back and forth between jobs at those
firms and jobs with the FDA.
The agency has also tried several times to ban the sale of all vitamins
in amounts larger than the small quantities that they decree are necessary.
If they had been successful, millions of extra deaths would have resulted
from heart disease, that were prevented by using sufficient amounts of
vitamins C and E. And many billions of dollars more profit would have been
made by drug companies selling symptomatic cold remedies, if people had
been prevented from taking adequate vitamin C.
>And, did I neglect to mention that in his latter years Reich compared
>himself to Socrates and Jesus Christ in explaining his own pathetic
His explanation was correct. The people who murdered Reich, Jesus, and
Socrates were motivated by the same social/emotional disease--the same
one that causes *you*, Garry, to hate and deride anyone (such as liberals)
who examine and talk about the real causes of social problems.
>Or his sound conviction that the "CORE Men" - cosmic
>orgone engineers - had been visiting us from other planets?
He believed, rightly or wrongly, that flying saucers (which have been observed
by many people with impeccable credentials and reputations, such as military
and civilian aircraft pilots and police) were powered in some way by Orgone
energy. They are certainly powered by *something* that we are unable to
>Hanson has thus far offered-up in defense of his bizarre political
>convictions: (EXHIBIT A) the lunatic, half-baked _Journal Of
>Psychohistory_ and (EXHIBIT B) the insane scribblings of convicted
>felon Wilhelm Reich. I don't know who Riane Eisler might be, but I'll
>just bet she's another way-out-there doozy of a "psychologist".
>she also have a criminal record?
Garry, it's a shame that Joe McCarthy is dead--you would have had a ready-made
career with him as a smear-artist, er... speech-writer. I think your best
bet now is the _American Spectator_magazine; your ability to make up really
derogatory lies about people you don't like, and then blithely pass them
off as the truth, is just the kind of talent they're looking for.
The Modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in
moral philosophy, that is, the search for a superiormoral justification
for selfishness.
-- (William Taney)
A boy asked his mom what a Republican is; she said "it's someone who
doesn't like to share!" -- (John Burwell)
The threat of powerful adults without any sense of generosity toward other
people, the sort of people who decide that poverty is mainly the fault
of people who are poor and that nobody is discriminated against - that
is a threat to the future.
- Stephen L. Carter, _The Culture of Disbelief_
-- (Andrew Laurence)
on Reich, viruses, static electricity
From: blaine@freenet.ed ()
Date: 1996/03/26
MessageID: 4j8rak$
organization: Edmonton FreeNet, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
followup-to: talk.politics.misc,alt.conspiracy,alt.pagan
newsgroups: talk.politics.misc,alt.conspiracy,alt.pagan
Mark S. Bilk ( wrote: : Reich made several contributions; what he called "the physical : Orgone energy" is only one. While the existence of this pheno- : menon is still uncertain, there has been a lot of evidence, : accumulated in many different types of experiments, that : something is going on in this area that cannot be accounted for : within the conventional paradigm. Personally, I have experienced : a definite sensation from a type of orgone apparatus, which was : not otherwise explainable. He also claimed a connection between orgone and static electricity. The common term "life energy" is much the same as Reich's orgone, but it does not seem to be energy, in its scientific definition. Perhaps it's a form of negentropy which can organize various forms of energy (static electricity, bio-electro-chemical processes, weather and climate). A few years ago, some scientists (details unknown) used a newly-invented microscope that can "see" static electricity. They found many surprises, such as non-homeogeneity, which implies there is some sort of organizing principle. : Another of Reich's discoveries was the existence, in people and : animals afflicted with cancer, of certain unusual bacteria. : These were found independently (without knowledge of Reich's : work, as far as I know) by Dr. Virginia Livingston and other : physicians and scientists, who found them to have a causal : relationship to the disease. Reich called them T-baccilli. Cancer researchers have long suspected that retroviruses (which are not the same as bacteria) might be a cause - but their actual discovery is unknown to me. Details, please? : But Reich's most significant contribution was the discovery of : the cause of much of the emotional illness, and almost all the : social problems, of humankind today. It is a contagious and : pandemic disease that he called "the Emotional Plague". On a related note, William S. Burroughs considered Christianity to be an actual (or metaphorical) virus, a true parasite living only to reproduce and find more hosts. : The resulting social consequences are a hierarchical power : structure, male supremacy, hatred of homosexuals, greed, exploi- : tation, racism, bigotry, and the mass murder of many tens of : millions of people ("war"). Reich named this group of phenomena : the "Emotional Plague". These are the same characteristics : correctly attributed to conservatives by RHanson in his article. Not just conservatives. Liberals have it too, and are often less conscious of it than conservatives. (Elworth Baker, in _Man in the Trap_, pointed this out.) Reich himself noticed the EP inside European communist parties, and eventually withdrew from all politics, both "left" and "right". : These researchers were eventually able to trace how the Dominator : cultures spread around the world, destroying the Partnership : cultures (along with many of the people who lived in them). The : very existence of Partnership cultures proves that domination, : male-supremacy, xenophobia, and war are culturally programmed, : and *not* part of human nature. See these excellent books: Again, the virus principle. : Such a self-replicating illness has been called a "memetic virus", : by analogy to genetic (biological) and computer viruses. All : three are essentially *patterns of information*, which use : humans, living cells, and computers, respectively, to reproduce : themselves. Further information on Memetics is available here: See my comments on Burroughs. : The agency has also tried several times to ban the sale of all : vitamins in amounts larger than the small quantities that they : decree are necessary. If they had been successful, millions of : extra deaths would have resulted from heart disease, that were : prevented by using sufficient amounts of vitamins C and E. : And many billions of dollars more profit would have been made by : drug companies selling symptomatic cold remedies, if people had : been prevented from taking adequate vitamin C. That is very poor capitalism. If the drug companies (and FDA) were not afraid of competition and new ideas, they could have made millions from vitamins and other supplements. P.S. Check out the Doctor Who episode, "The Evil of the Daleks". It has many (unintentional) Reichian concepts in it! Reply by e-mail preferably, please. ==================================== BLAINE GORDON MANYLUK email: EDMONTON, AB
From: petrich@netco (Loren Petrich)
Date: 1996/03/31
references: <4icng3$> <4ikocd$>
<> <>
organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 261-4700 guest)
newsgroups: talk.politics.misc,alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater,,
In article <>, Mark S. Bilk
<> wrote:
>In article <>, Garry N. Ray
<> wrote:
>>=>>In <> (Mark S. Bilk) writes:
>>=>>>Interested readers will find related information in
the books
>>=>>>_The Mass-Psychology of Fascism_ by Wilhelm Reich,
and _The Chalice
>>=>>>and the Blade_ by Riane Eisler, both highly recommended.
I'm not familiar with the first one, but I think the second one is a very
interesting one, even if to be taken with a grain of salt (I sometimes
think that Ms. Eisler oversimplifies a bit here and there).
And check out Ms. Eisler's new book _Sacred Pleasure_.
>>the ethereal and luminescent powers of the
>>orgasm (Reich's key contribution to the body of Western
>>rationality and knowledge).
>Reich made several contributions; what he called "the physical
>Orgone energy" is only one. ...
Call me an uptight Western rationalist, but I have a hard time taking orgone
energy seriously.
>But Reich's most significant contribution was the discovery of
>the cause of much of the emotional illness, and almost all the
>social problems, of humankind today. It is a contagious and
>pandemic disease that he called "the Emotional Plague". It
>passed from each generation to the next, not by pathogenic
>microorganisms or genetic deficiencies, but by domineering,
>restrictive, anti-sexual treatment of children by parents and
>other adults. In individuals, the disease consists of an
>inability to breathe and move freely, and an inability to fully
>experience feelings (especially tender feelings of pleasure, joy,
>love, and compassion), along with an obsession to dominate and
>hurt others.
Inability to breathe and move freely? I wouldn't endorse that, even though
I think that there is a lot to be said for the other stuff.
>The resulting social consequences are a hierarchical power
>structure, male supremacy, hatred of homosexuals, greed, exploi-
>tation, racism, bigotry, and the mass murder of many tens of
>millions of people ("war"). Reich named this group of phenomena
>the "Emotional Plague". These are the same characteristics
>correctly attributed to conservatives by RHanson in his article.
>Reich's discovery that these phenomena are due not to inherent
>human nature, but to a contagious emotional illness, certainly
>ranks as one of the most important in human history. He was
>not the first to work in this area, but the depth and complete-
>ness of his analysis made it much more useful than the previous
I'd give him more credit for the description than for his "discovery"
of the cause -- it seems to me that cross-cultural studies are what really
suggest culture-dependency.
In _Sacred Pleasure_, Ms. Eisler asks the question of how this "emotional
sickness" got started, and she suggests various traumatizing events,
such as droughts. She also suggests that it becomes
self-perpetuating because of its effects on upcoming generations -- a sort
of cultural virus.
>Decades after his work, an entirely independent line of research
>was undertaken, beginning with the work of archaeologist Marija
>Gimbutas, and continued by cultural historian Riane Eisler. They
>observed that entire *cultures* existed in either of two modes,
>which they called "Dominator" and "Partnership".
Dominator cul-
>tures had a hierarchical power structure, evangelistic and intol-
>erant religions, male-supremacy, xenophobia, war, genocide, etc.
>(in other words all the characteristics of the Emotional Plague),
>while Partnership cultures did not.
That either-or dichotomy is IMO very simplistic -- it's more like a continuum.
And one thing that is a problem is how to organize large-scale societies.
Egalitarianism is relatively easy for small ones, though maintaining it
in large ones can be different. However, there is usually no trouble managing
large-scale societies on authoritarian principles.
> _The Chalice and the Blade_, by Riane Eisler, 1988, ISBN
> 0-06-250-289-1, HarperSanFrancisco, $13.
> _Sacred Pleasure: Sex, Myth, and the Politics of the Body_,
> by Riane Eisler, 1995, ISBN 0-06-250293-X, HarperSanFrancisco
>Hatred of what is gentle and true is unfortunately a standard
>response of many conservatives. But there are those who still
>question whether blame, restrictions, and punishment are the only
>possible remedies for social and personal problems.
I wonder if such characters would enjoy a taste of their very own medicine;
but I wonder if that would have any real effect, since they never tire
of whining about being persecuted when something bad happens to them --
EXACTLY what they complain about in others.
>The transmission of this disease from generation to generation
>isn't mysterious either; it occurs by the same simple process that
>causes molested children to sometimes become molesters themselves--
>chronic emotional trauma causes emotional illness, and certain
>types of emotional illness eventually motivate the person to
>inflict similar trauma on others, particularly children.
>Such a self-replicating illness has been called a "memetic virus",
>by analogy to genetic (biological) and computer viruses. All
>three are essentially *patterns of information*, which use
>humans, living cells, and computers, respectively, to reproduce
You anticipated me :-)
[Reich as a martyr for his therapies...]
I'd be careful about endorsing eccentric cures and therapies, since there
are lots of ways for them to *seem* to work.
>He believed, rightly or wrongly, that flying saucers (which have
>been observed by many people with impeccable credentials and
>reputations, such as military and civilian aircraft pilots and
>police) were powered in some way by Orgone energy. They are
>certainly powered by *something* that we are unable to duplicate.
I think that flying saucers are a 20th-century mythology.
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date: 96-03-31ab
FAQ: - Love- Hounds - Kate Bush
From: uli@zoodle. (Ulrich Grepel)
Date: 1996/03/31
Segment 29 of 33
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This is based on Peter Reich's book "A Book Of Dreams" (you can
see this book in the video, in Donald Sutherland's pocket). Peter writes
about his experience in his youth, when Wilhelm Reich (his father) got
problems with the government due to his questionable actions as a scientist.
Wilhelm got arrested and died while in prison, and this experience later
made the then-9-years-old Peter write "A Book Of Dreams". Wilhelm
was arrested for refusing to appear at an arrangement
hearing that resulted from a lawsuit by the American FDA for selling his
"orgone energy
accumulators" across state lines. The FDA said it was quackery to
sell these boxes made of aluminum and wood as therapeutic devices; Reich
insisted it was serious science and refused
to have anything to do with these "spurious" legal restrictions
on hisresearch and therapy. Of course, he was quite mad by then - this
was nearly a decade after he claimed that orgone energy was not
simply the libidinal buildup that resulted from a lack of proper sexual
release, but was also the substance out of which the whole universe was
formed. Interestingly, several well-known people, including Norman Mailer,
had orgone accumulators. More about Wilhelm Reich can be found in
the file
[part of this is from JAC (see credits section)]
There is no such thing as a song called Cloudbursting (regard the spelling),
and there is no remix of Cloudbusting called The Meteorological Mix, despite
of what EMI America wants to tell us.
EMI UK isn't really better, for the real spelling of what the world knows
as the Organon Mix should have been Orgonon Mix (Orgonon was the name of
Reich's home/center in Maine, Orgone energy was Reich's subject
of studies). [IED]
The song name comes from hunting clouds, not from breaking them, and the
remix called Meteorological Mix is from The Big Sky. There are two remixes
of Cloudbusting: The Orgonon Mix and the video version.
Hello Earth:
At the end of "Hello, Earth" the German words are:
"Tiefer, tiefer, irgendwo in der Tiefe gibt es ein Licht" This
means: "deeper, deeper, somewhere in the depth there is a light."
They are not spoken by Kate, but by Gabi Zangerl, a friend of Kate.
The choir part of this song was inspired by Werner Herzog's film Nosferatu
that features a very similar chant. Recently it became known that the chant
originates from Georgia, it's a traditional lyrical song from Kakheti-Kartli,
the easternmost region of the (former Soviet) Republic of Georgia, the
area around Tbilisi, the capital. The song is actually best transliterated
as "tsintsqaro" (At the Spring, By the Source or At the Well),
a boy meets girl love song. You might find this song, also spelled as Tshintsharo
or Zinzgaro, on some CDs with traditional Georgian music (eg "The
Marvels of Polyphony in Sakartvelo", CD Ethnic Sound Series #17, Victor,
Japan 1987).
[W, CHB]
5.7. The Sensual World
The Sensual World
This song at first should have included the original lyrics of the end
monologue of Molly Bloom in James Joyce's "Ulysses", but Kate
didn't get permission, so she had to rewrite them.
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