(keywords = orgon, orgone, orgonomy, wr, cloudbusting)
(Deja news search
we thank you)
(Editor note: The messages and items found in this search include negative and positive statements towards orgonomy. Some negative statements demonstrate the one sided and mechanistic view by individuals. Some other statements are broadcasted one liners by those who have never investigated what they have chosen to judge negatively. These negative and unsubstantiated statements are part of what Wilhelm Reich would consider as "the emotional plague of mankind". Some however are just orgonomy information or exchange. We post what we find in the searches. We leave it up to the reader to form their own opinions concerning what we found on the news groups.)
"If one wishes to combat the plague one must expose oneself
to it."
Wilhelm Reich, People In Trouble, pg. 187
Most recent item is listed last. Long items occasionally edited to show only text related to - orgone.
Date: 1996/04/01
Reich, Eisler, And The Origin Of Human Suffering (was: WAYNE MANN AND "JOHN
(Mark S. Bilk)
references: <4icng3$> <>
<> <4j8qpi$>
organization: Cosmic Church of the Orgone Goddess
newsgroups: talk.politics.misc,alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater,,
In article <4j8qpi$>, <> wrote: >Mark S. Bilk ( wrote: > >: Reich made several contributions; what he called "the physical >: Orgone energy" is only one. While the existence of this pheno- >: menon is still uncertain, there has been a lot of evidence, >: accumulated in many different types of experiments, that >: something is going on in this area that cannot be accounted for >: within the conventional paradigm. Personally, I have experienced >: a definite sensation from a type of orgone apparatus, which was >: not otherwise explainable. > >He also claimed a connection between orgone and static electricity. What sort of connection? >The >common term "life energy" is much the same as Reich's orgone, but it >does not seem to be energy, in its scientific definition. Perhaps it's a >form of negentropy which can organize various forms of energy (static >electricity, bio-electro-chemical processes, weather and climate). Seems to me that "negentropy" means a (local) *condition* of increasing order and organization, but this is a *description* rather than a physical occurrence which can have an effect. To have an effect on water vapor (clouds), people, etc., it would have to be *something* with negentropic characteristics. But you may well be correct that it is not "energy" as our science currently knows it. >A few years ago, some scientists (details unknown) used a newly-invented >microscope that can "see" static electricity. They found many surprises, >such as non-homeogeneity, which implies there is some sort of organizing >principle. This sounds very interesting! If you can figure out where you heard about it, I'd love to know. >: Another of Reich's discoveries was the existence, in people and >: animals afflicted with cancer, of certain unusual bacteria. >: These were found independently (without knowledge of Reich's >: work, as far as I know) by Dr. Virginia Livingston and other >: physicians and scientists, who found them to have a causal >: relationship to the disease. > >Reich called them T-baccilli. Cancer researchers have long suspected that >retroviruses (which are not the same as bacteria) might be a cause - but >their actual discovery is unknown to me. Details, please? Summarizing a large body of research, these mycobacteria (related to TB bacilli) are found in far higher than normal numbers in people and animals with cancer, and if administered to animals in a particular way will cause cancer in them. Similar bacteria (the crown-gall bacillus) produce tumors in plants by injecting them with a small ring of DNA (a plasmid). The cancer bacteria produce a substance which is indistinguishable from the hormone Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), which is immune-suppressive, and they are inhibited from producing it by exposure to abcisic acid, a substance related to vitamin A, which is produced by mammalian liver from beta-carotene (which may be why carotene protects against cancer). Both abcisic acid, and vaccines made from the killed bacteria, are effective against cancer. Livingston's books: _Cancer, A New Breakthrough_ ($4.95) _Compendium - Microbiology of Cancer_ ($8.95) (Reprints of published research articles by several scientists) _Conquest of Cancer: Vaccines and Diet_ ($11.95) are available from: The Livingston Foundation Medical Center 3232 Duke St. San Diego, CA 92110 619-224-3515 800-245-3515 I strongly recommend these books, especially the first two. The research they describe, as well as the events that led up to it, are extremely interesting. >: But Reich's most significant contribution was the discovery of >: the cause of much of the emotional illness, and almost all the >: social problems, of humankind today. It is a contagious and >: pandemic disease that he called "the Emotional Plague". >: The resulting social consequences are a hierarchical power >: structure, male supremacy, hatred of homosexuals, greed, exploi- >: tation, racism, bigotry, and the mass murder of many tens of >: millions of people ("war"). Reich named this group of phenomena >: the "Emotional Plague". These are the same characteristics >: correctly attributed to conservatives by RHanson in his article. > >Not just conservatives. Liberals have it too, and are often less >conscious of it than conservatives. (Elworth Baker, in _Man in the >Trap_, pointed this out.) Baker was an extreme conservative and an obsessive anti-communist (and anti-socialist). He describes conservatives as being much more healthy than liberals, because he wholeheartedly embraced many (what we would call today) extreme right-wing ideas himself. For example: The liberal's need to identify with the underdog is most passionately expressed in his stand on the racial question. In this, as in all his causes, the liberal is hysterically impatient. His anxiety will not allow him calmly to consider what is best for the Negro or for the whole country in the long run. Thus the Negro must have all rights and privileges immediately; some lib- erals even advocate giving the Negro preferential treament to compensate for past wrongs, which would only result in reverse bias. The liberal fails to see that one may oppose segregation without calling for enforced integration. He tries to correct social wrongs by legislation, but the real problem goes back to bio- physical readiness, which means responsiblility. This requires change of structure, reorientation, and education, through grad- ual rather than sudden processes, for both Negroes and whites. Because the liberal has little feeling for true responsiblility, he also ignores the Negroes' share of responsibility for their behavior and situation in life. He rationalizes and excuses Negro law- lessness and rioting as expected behavior from their long suppres- sion. At the same time he agitates that the Negro be given a re- sponsible say in the affairs of the country. One must also mention the degree to which the collectivist attitude is built into the civil rights movement. The liberal does not speak about this or that particular Negro whom he knows personally, he talks about "The Negro." To him the Negro is not an individual, self-respecting person, but just a representative of "Negroness." ... -- _Man in the Trap_, p. 173 So, to Baker, there was a "racial question". He would have delayed racial desegregation indefinitely. And he does not mention the role of white racism, with its denial of education, freedom of residence, and economic advancement, in the causation of the "Negroes' ... situation in life". Apparently he also does not believe that black people should be allowed to vote. And Baker seems not to have noticed the incredible irony in the conjunction of these two paragraphs, wherein he himself speaks of "The Negro" or "Negroes" in general *seven times* in the first one. This book was published in 1967, so Baker does not have the excuse of ignorance. >Reich himself noticed the EP inside >European communist parties, and eventually withdrew from all politics, >both "left" and "right". In fact, Reich himself became infected with the anti-communist mania (created in large degree by a systematic program of conser- vative lies and propaganda) that swept the U.S. in the 1940's, 50's and '60's. But I don't think he ever abandoned the idea of "work democracy"--the natural cooperation among people in the production of the things they want and need. Although he denied the connection, this political-economic ideal was similar to left-wing anarchism. We have to face the fact that many of the people who have given us very important knowledge have not been perfect themselves (much as it would simplify our thinking if they had been). We can't accept all of their ideas blindly, but instead have to examine them carefully and thoughtfully for ourselves. A superb book on Reich from a leftist viewpoint (and with a lot of feeling) is: _Reich for Beginners_, by David Zane Mairowitz, Writers and Readers Publishing Cooperative (New York, London) and Unwin Paperbacks (London), 1986, ISBN 0-04-921032-7 or (U.S.) 0-86316-031-X, $6.95. >: The [FDA] has also tried several times to ban the sale of all >: vitamins in amounts larger than the small quantities that they >: decree are necessary. If they had been successful, millions of >: extra deaths would have resulted from heart disease, that were >: prevented by using sufficient amounts of vitamins C and E. >: And many billions of dollars more profit would have been made by >: drug companies selling symptomatic cold remedies, if people had >: been prevented from taking adequate vitamin C. > >That is very poor capitalism. If the drug companies (and FDA) were >not afraid of competition and new ideas, they could have made millions >from vitamins and other supplements. But not as much as they would lose in sales from their very high profit-margin prescription and OTC drugs. The idea that capital- ists actually *want* competition is a very blinding and dangerous delusion. They often use all sorts of lies and dirty tricks to weaken and destroy their competitors, instead of facing them fairly in the marketplace. >P.S. Check out the Doctor Who episode, "The Evil of the Daleks". >It has many (unintentional) Reichian concepts in it! Thanks!
date: 96-04-01aa
Reich, Eisler, And The Origin Of Human Suffering (was: WAYNE MANN AND "JOHN
From: msb@netc (Mark S. Bilk)
Date: 1996/04/01
references: <4icng3$> <>
<> <>
organization: Cosmic Church of the Orgone Goddess
newsgroups: talk.politics.misc,alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater,,
In article <>, Loren Petrich <> wrote: >In article <>, Mark S. Bilk <> wrote: >>In article <>, Garry N. Ray <> wrote: >>>=>>In <> (Mark S. Bilk) writes: > >>>=>>>Interested readers will find related information in the books >>>=>>>_The Mass-Psychology of Fascism_ by Wilhelm Reich, and _The Chalice >>>=>>>and the Blade_ by Riane Eisler, both highly recommended. > > I'm not familiar with the first one, but I think the second one >is a very interesting one, even if to be taken with a grain of salt (I >sometimes think that Ms. Eisler oversimplifies a bit here and there). > > And check out Ms. Eisler's new book _Sacred Pleasure_. Yes, it's excellent. And it mentions the work of both Reich and James DeMeo (see, who has done research on the relationship of climate to the origin of Dominator culture, and has also investigated orgone devices. >>Reich made several contributions; what he called "the physical >>Orgone energy" is only one. ... > > Call me an uptight Western rationalist, but I have a hard time >taking orgone energy seriously. You're an uptight Western rationalist! 8^) Seriously, there should be no inherent conflict between rationality and all the aspects of living things. To me, the indisputable demonstrations of psi phenomena (e.g., Russell Targ's remote-viewing experiments), as well as UFO observations by very reliable people, prove that our current conception of the physical world is not yet complete (which, in view of the history of science, should come as no surprise). >>But Reich's most significant contribution was the discovery of >>the cause of much of the emotional illness, and almost all the >>social problems, of humankind today. It is a contagious and >>pandemic disease that he called "the Emotional Plague". It is >>passed from each generation to the next, not by pathogenic >>microorganisms or genetic deficiencies, but by domineering, >>restrictive, anti-sexual treatment of children by parents and >>other adults. In individuals, the disease consists of an >>inability to breathe and move freely, and an inability to fully >>experience feelings (especially tender feelings of pleasure, joy, >>love, and compassion), along with an obsession to dominate and >>hurt others. > > Inability to breathe and move freely? I wouldn't endorse that, >even though I think that there is a lot to be said for the other stuff. If you breathe fully and deeply for five or ten minutes, and consciously "unlock" (stop holding) your chest, diaphragm, upper and lower spine, abdominal muscles, pelvis, etc., you may exper- ience an oscillation of your entire lower body at about 4 Hz., similar to the involuntary movements you may have when making love. This movement (which is one aspect of what Reich called the "orgasm reflex"), does not occur in most people, because their breathing, sexuality, and general bodily functioning have been inhibited in many different ways by their parents and other people in their environment. It does occur in people who practice Tantra. This is just one example; of course, breathing itself is one type of movement. Children learn to inhibit their breathing in order to quiet down those of their natural feelings and movements which their parents and teachers disapprove of (e.g., sexual feelings and movements, and "fidgeting"). The breathing inhibition also quiets the terror they feel when they directly perceive the Emotional Plague in the adults that have total power over them. To put it simply, the child's defense against the Plague in the parents, soon *becomes* the Plague in the child. >>The resulting social consequences are a hierarchical power >>structure, male supremacy, hatred of homosexuals, greed, exploi- >>tation, racism, bigotry, and the mass murder of many tens of >>millions of people ("war"). Reich named this group of phenomena >>the "Emotional Plague". These are the same characteristics >>correctly attributed to conservatives by RHanson in his article. > >>Reich's discovery that these phenomena are due not to inherent >>human nature, but to a contagious emotional illness, certainly >>ranks as one of the most important in human history. He was >>not the first to work in this area, but the depth and complete- >>ness of his analysis made it much more useful than the previous >>work. > > I'd give him more credit for the description than for his >"discovery" of the cause -- it seems to me that cross-cultural studies are >what really suggest culture-dependency. That's what suggested it to Gimbutas and Eisler, but it was obser- vations of his individual patients that originally suggested it to Reich. It started when a neurotic suddenly improved after entering a sexual relationship. Reich eventually realized that lack of, or inhibition of, sexual functioning was a cause of emotional illness. Then he realized that this was common in the society around him, and was in fact caused by certain social institutions (e.g., anti-life "Christ"-ianity). >>Decades after his work, an entirely independent line of research >>was undertaken, beginning with the work of archaeologist Marija >>Gimbutas, and continued by cultural historian Riane Eisler. They >>observed that entire *cultures* existed in either of two modes, >>which they called "Dominator" and "Partnership". Dominator cul- >>tures had a hierarchical power structure, evangelistic and intol- >>erant religions, male-supremacy, xenophobia, war, genocide, etc. >>(in other words all the characteristics of the Emotional Plague), >>while Partnership cultures did not. > > That either-or dichotomy is IMO very simplistic -- it's more like >a continuum. True. > And one thing that is a problem is how to organize large-scale >societies. Egalitarianism is relatively easy for small ones, though >maintaining it in large ones can be different. However, there is usually >no trouble managing large-scale societies on authoritarian principles. But there is much less *need* or *desire* to manage people in large-scale societies if they are egalitarian (Partnership). If people aren't programmed to dominate and harm each other, they usually won't do so, resulting in much less need to control them; the obvious advantages of cooperation and caring will generally provide the guidance for their interactions. This type of non- forced economic and social relationship is what Reich called "work democracy". >> _The Chalice and the Blade_, by Riane Eisler, 1988, ISBN >> 0-06-250-289-1, HarperSanFrancisco, $13. > >> _Sacred Pleasure: Sex, Myth, and the Politics of the Body_, >> by Riane Eisler, 1995, ISBN 0-06-250293-X, HarperSanFrancisco >>He believed, rightly or wrongly, that flying saucers (which have >>been observed by many people with impeccable credentials and >>reputations, such as military and civilian aircraft pilots and >>police) were powered in some way by Orgone energy. They are >>certainly powered by *something* that we are unable to duplicate. > > I think that flying saucers are a 20th-century mythology. Then what is the explanation for all these observations (some tracked on radar, too) by so many reliable people? How can we trust 300 lives to them in a 747, but not believe them when they give a detailed report of seeing a saucer up close?
RI-503i Understanding Dennis Erlich's motives
(Anthony Hobbs)
Date: 1996/04/02
MessageID: 4jpi7s$
distribution: inet
references: <> <4irf7j$>
<4ivq66$> <>
organization: Actrix - Internet Services
In article <>, tom <> wrote: > John Laviolette ( wrote: > : Same deal with Wilhelm Reich: harmless crackpot comes up with a few > : good ideas, combines them with questionable science-- and the > : government freaks out and pushes his looney button. Most people believe that Reich's "looney" phase started with his discovery of bions in 1937, after he'd been thrown out of most of the countries of Northern Europe. Persecution does strange things to a man. > : Pretty soon, > : the guy's in a field somewhere shooting at flying saucers, And making it rain in the desert, and thus inspiring a damn cool Kate Bush song. > Actually, I think the gov't persecution started *after* Dr. Reich started > shooting at saucers (and started winning). It's more like Reich pushed > the gov't's loonie button (and be sure, most government agencies do have > one). Why do you think that, when they moved in to burn all the materials related to the Orgone Energy Accumulator, they also burned his other books like _The Murder of Christ_ which had nothing to do with the OEA? The problem with Reichian studies today, of course, is that the people who run his legacy are the equivalent of "Bobbies". "Willies", perhaps? They're not the true sucessors of the man who drove around the streets of Vienna handing out free contraceptives to teenagers, and wrote _The Mass Psychology of Fascism_, the original text of which (not the bowdlerised English translation approved by his drooling followers) should be compulsory reading in all politics courses. -- Anthony "Slug of Doom" Hobbs, GCP: musician and amateur ranter, Wellington, NZ. ...or will these changing times, motorways, powerlines, keep us apart? Well, I don't think so - I saw some grass growing through the pavement today.
Date: 1996/04/03
Movie : "Bird" question ?
(Dale Smoak)
Date: 1996/04/03
references: <4j5h74$>
organization: North Shore Access
In article <4jt6fr$> Richard Tabnik <> writes: BTW, although there may be other copies of that music elsewhere, how do you really know what the producers of the Bird movie did with the tapes? Are they storing them? If so, where and for how long? How careful are they? It is not as simplistic as „they didn¼t erase the tapes¾. There is more to this scene, as I have said... Eh? Wilhelm Reich once said something to the effect that that „people don¼t have to be taking their orders from a central location to be part of a conspiracy; they just are like that!¾. Whether it is your kneejerk hostile reactions to my postings, exclusion from books and the press, or the consistent exclusion of anyone associated and/or truly influenced by him from gigs and the media, the fact remains. Hmmm, I had never considered the possibility that I might unknowingly be part of this conspiracy. I'll definitely have to start reading those ingredient labels more carefully. -- Dale Smoak | |
Date: 1996/04/05
Movie : "Bird" question ?
From: Richard
Tabnik <>
MessageID: 4k208g$
references: <4j5h74$><4jddet$8kc$>
<4jhcum$> <>
<4jt6fr$> <>
content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
organization: Jazz!
mime-version: 1.0
x-mailer: Mozilla 1.1N (Macintosh; I; 68K) (Dale Smoak) wrote: >In article <4jt6fr$> Richard Tabnik <> writes: > > BTW, > although there may be other copies of that music elsewhere, how do you > really know what the producers of the Bird movie did with the tapes? > Are they storing them? > If so, where and for how long? How careful are they? It is not > as simplistic as „they didn¼t erase the tapes¾. There is more > to this scene, as I have said... > >Eh? ..more meaningless remarks. I discuss your points factually and seriously. Furthermore, the people who own those tapes now make it impossible for Lennie's estate to ever get paid for that music, unless they release it. There are no plans, as far as anyone has heard. That is a real crime. I was trying to make the point that 'erasure' is not so simple; I actually think you understood that but dig being a drag. Too bad. This doesn't seem like a sincere discussion/debate about jazz from your side. > > Wilhelm Reich once said something to the effect that > that „people don¼t have to be taking their orders from a central > location to be part of a conspiracy; they just are like that!¾. Whether > it is your kneejerk hostile reactions to my postings, > exclusion from books and the press, or the > consistent exclusion of anyone associated and/or truly > influenced by him from gigs and the > media, the fact remains. > >Hmmm, I had never considered the possibility that I might unknowingly be >part of this conspiracy. I'll definitely have to start reading those >ingredient labels more carefully. Again you try to substitute attitude for discussion, sarcasm for facts. It's such a waste. I hope that I have dealt with these topics informatively fo those sincerely interested. It really is surious why you can't communicate. Best wishes for a happy life in a peaceful world. Sincerely, Richard Tabnik, Jazz Alto Saxophonist e-mail: <> WWW Page: <> "The Jazz Musician's function is to feel."-Lennie Tristano
Date: 1996/04/05
Reich, Eisler, And The Origin Of Human Suffering (was: WAYNE MANN AND "JOHN
(Loren Petrich)
references: <4icng3$> <>
<> <>
organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 261-4700 guest)
newsgroups: talk.politics.misc,alt.feminism,alt.activism,,alt.conspiracy,alt.pagan
[Newsgroups trimmed to some more appropriate ones...]
In article <>, Mark S. Bilk <> wrote: >In article <>, Loren Petrich <> wrote: >> And check out Ms. Eisler's new book _Sacred Pleasure_. >Yes, it's excellent. And it mentions the work of both Reich and >James DeMeo (see, >who has done research on the relationship of climate to the origin >of Dominator culture, and has also investigated orgone devices. I hope I don't have to take orgone seriously :-) But the hypothesis about hostile climates generating militarism and dominator-ish behavior does seem like it has a plausible cause-and-effect chain. And one difficulty I have with pacifism is that many pacifists do not quite address the problem of how to keep militarists at bay without becoming just like them. ... To me, the indisputable demonstrations >of psi phenomena (e.g., Russell Targ's remote-viewing experiments), I've seen some skeptical views of such things, and I've yet to see a *really* strong demonstration of ESP -- something like me thinking of something that is not very well-known and someone else successfully reading my mind. Like drawing a picture of some scene from some computer game I like to play. My mother once went to some fortuneteller who told her that she was "very religious" -- and she does not even believe in religion. >as well as UFO observations by very reliable people, Celestial objects do not come with name tags on them. Lights in the sky could be any of a number of things. Why hasn't anyone found any spacecraft that suffered a mechanical breakdown -- a spacecraft that does not look like the stereotypical flying saucer, for instance (bad aerodynamics). ... It started when a neurotic suddenly improved after >entering a sexual relationship. Reich eventually realized that >lack of, or inhibition of, sexual functioning was a cause of >emotional illness. ... Interesting thought. >But there is much less *need* or *desire* to manage people in >large-scale societies if they are egalitarian (Partnership). If >people aren't programmed to dominate and harm each other, they >usually won't do so, resulting in much less need to control them; >the obvious advantages of cooperation and caring will generally >provide the guidance for their interactions. This type of non- >forced economic and social relationship is what Reich called >"work democracy". Then why not try to create such a society? Or at least a sub-society of our current one? I hope it's not necessary to build a floating city just to do so. However, an effort to do so might be more difficult than (say) manipulating people with political demagoguery. >> I think that flying saucers are a 20th-century mythology. >Then what is the explanation for all these observations (some >tracked on radar, too) by so many reliable people? Remember, celestial objects do *not* come with name tags on them. Although I'd be happy to report on one that did. -- Loren Petrich Happiness is a fast Macintosh And a fast train My home page: Mirrored at:
Vosper's Mind Benders part 1
From: av282@FreeNet.Carleton.CA
(Martin G. V. Hunt)
Date: 1996/04/05
MessageID: 4k30mc$
Segment 10 of 70
Previous Article Segment)
All 70 Article Segments)
pseudo-science, opinions and folk-lore. He presents a com- prehensible psycho-therapy that can certainly increase happiness and self-confidence. From this limited success, Hubbard predicts and promises the most astonishing fur- ther benefits. No superman in a pulp comic, no hero of space-opera, can equal the mental prowess of his Operating Thetan. No postulated goal of the Eastern Mystic can equal the assured ability and supremacy of a fully trained Scien- tologist. Hubbard outperforms any other science-fiction writer. Not only are his fantasies more extraordinary and more carefully worked out, but people actually believe them There have been many fads of an extravagant nature that have been believed by many people, often with little more justification than that it seemed a nice thing to believe in. Wilhelm Reich's Orgone Energy (or Life Energy) and his Orgone Box: Pyramidology and its pseudo-archaeological determination of the sacred Cubit and the sacred Inch; Dr. S. C. Hahnemann's Homoeopathy and his Law of Similia: Iridiagnosis, in which all physical ailments can be diagnosed by inspection of the iris of the eye; Count Al- fred Korzybski's General Semantics: Naturopathy; Phre- nology; these and many more, people have believed in, have accepted "proofs" with an astonishing naivety. Most of these subjects have contained a basis of factual observa- tion upon which a superstructure of wild assumption has been built. Scientology bears striking similarity to most of the other pseudo-sciences. It has been developed and firmly control- led by one man whose words are regarded by followers as sacrosanct. The attitude to criticism is that the critic is either supported by a vested interest with aims to keep the human race at a primitive level, or he is insane, or perhaps both. Successes are loudly claimed: failures are Ignored or studiously explained away. The originator is openly des- cribed by his followers as a genius of supreme stature and divine inspiration and he obviously regards himself in the same way. The subject is the ONLY way to resolve difficul- ties and it does so with an ease that makes other researchers in the same field appear as bone-headed dolts. The leader and his followers assume an authority for judgement of human affairs which is not borne out in reality. Unlike all the other fads and eccentricities, Scientology
Date: 1996/04/09
Origin of Universe
(Ralf Cozza)
MessageID: 4keqcq$
references: <>
organization: MHVNet, the Mid Hudson Valley's Internet connection
newsgroups: alt.atheism (Brandon Goodwin) wrote: >I recently read an article by a person who compared evolution and the origin >of the universe. Although I agree the two are non-comparable, I believe >some similarities exist. For example, the THEORY of EVOLUTION and the >THEORY OF STELLAR EVOLUTION both presume changes throughout time by causes >explained with science. However, what neither of them can explain is where >the original material came from to change. Gases form the universe, >galaxies, solar systems, etc. Where did these materials come from? Cells >evolve into what is known as mankind. Where did the cells originate? I am >curious as to why so many people degraded this person for his comments. >Maybe, if someone can give me a scientific explanation for the origin of the >materials which evolved, I can share it with my friends. Thanks > Good question, Brandon. I also got nowhere asking about the origin of the Big Bang. Many answered that it was a meaningless question. I think it is a *significant* question, and in my opinion, anyone who puts you down for asking it has lost the sense of childlike wonder that Newton and Einstein both explicitly identified as necessary for great scientific contributions. You might want to check out Wilhelm Reich for a refreshing viewpoint on cosmological and biological processes. Most people are too rigid in their thinking to appreciate his work. (He called such pathological rigidity the "emotional plague" of the character armor, an ego-defense mechanism of the individual.) Ralf
Date: 1996/04/12
Subject: E4E:
Psychotherapy with MDMA in Switzerland
Message-Id: <>
Article Segment 10 of 15
Previous Segment)
All 15 Segments)
So they were more interested in the intellectual analysis of
the method
than actually getting involved with it.
Yes, they were not interested in experiencing it themselves; they were
really interested in doing anything, only in discussing it.
What do you really feel the basic effect of MDMA is?
I would say it takes away fear, it takes away the superego of the patients
- they allow themselves to feel more, to be themselves, to act the way
are; it also helps them to get more into contact with their body, into
their physical body, to have more body awareness, and to get closer to
their feelings. And simply to feel their needs. I mean, very often they
have been totally unaware of their primal needs - needs of closeness, needs
of touch, needs of heart contact.
In the groups, is the atmosphere happy, or is it mainly feeling pain?
When you take MDMA the first time it's beautiful. It opens up everything
and you feel "Ah! That's great!", but later on it's much more
difficult for
the patients because they get into their sadness, into their pain, they
realise where they are closed up, that they can't open their heart. So
feel the deeper you get, the more difficult it is with MDMA. This beautiful
feeling of happiness goes away and you really get down to your deep
problems, and then you can work psychotherapeutically.
Have you ever come across bad effects such as paranoia?
No, I never have. Perhaps because I choose my patients carefully.
What about physical bad effects? Unpleasant effects that get in the way?
Sometimes their jaws get tense. But it doesn't bother them.
Do they ever suffer from difficult aftereffects?
One patient felt she had some energy running through her body for a while.
She could not stop the energy flow, she felt nervous and restless for about
six weeks. That was the most difficult aftereffect I have ever seen.
Once a patient suffered for about a week from nausea. In the following
individual session I discovered that the nausea had to do with unexpressed
feelings of anger. When this was resolved, the symptoms went away.
Did she have a particular character type? Do you think you could recognize
the type and avoid giving the drug to them in the future?
I would say she is not at all in the body. It was the first time and she
couldn't really handle this feeling of being in the body. It was so new
her, and it was stress-producing. She couldn't handle the feeling of energy
Do you relate MDMA to energy flow, such as the Chinese 'Chi' or Reich's
'Orgone Energy'?
As a body therapist I work a lot with energy, and I realise that with MDMA
there is opening up especially of the block here [she put her hand on her
heart]. It opens the chest block, then of course the energy flow is better,
and it also affects the whole body.
So the energy flow is liberated. And do you think MDMA works by relaxing
the muscles that store the neuroses?
Probably, it just opens up the blocks. Usually patients have held back
feelings. When you have a block in the body it is because it is too painful
to allow the feelings to flow. MDMA is able to open up the blocks because
it also releases the feelings - or releases the feelings and then the
blocks open, you can say it either way.
So it works on a physical level in the same way as bodywork?
Definitely for me, yes.
But I also use MDMA because of its spiritual value. MDMA is the drug that
really opens up the heart, and in normal therapy I also work with opening
up the heart. That, for me, is the main goal. For me it's not important
that people are totally de-armoured, but that they get in contact with
love; love for themselves. That is why I really like to work with MDMA.
Do you think this is a separate effect to the release of neurotic tensions?
For me MDMA is the drug that opens up the heart, and is much more specific
than LSD. This is my main goal, to open up the heart and then to work from
the space of the heart.
So that's the goal of your therapy, or do you think it should be the goal
of all therapy?
That's my way.
Date: 1996/04/17
What Prouty says about "right wing" jazz
From: Charles
Date: 1996/04/17
MessageID: 4l1tnr$
references: <>
organization: The Internet Exchange
newsgroups: alt.conspiracy.jfk
> Robert Gregory <> writes:
> On Fri, 12 Apr 1996, Michael Kelly wrote:
> > >Does anyone know where I can find a copy of "Secret
Team"? I've been
> > >trying for years but can't find it. Publisher says Prouty
> > >re-publish this summer but no firm plans. Any suggestions?
Fun Fact to Know and Tell:
Herr Prouty was not the first to come up with the "Mr. X" and
"Secret Team" terminology. Gerald L. K. Smith used both of these
terms in The Cross and the Flag in the 1950's and he "copyrighted"
them. If he were alive today he could sue for plagiarism if he weren't
laughing so fuggin hard..... Someone sent me a pamphlet from a fiend of
Colonel Charles Thurout Pichel head of the Shickshinny Knights of Malta,
and HE used the term "Mr. X" as if it were the persona of an
unknown boogyman who was out to get him. His phrase was "the mysterious
team" but that was apparently not as effective as Smith's phrase "Secret
Team" which connotes much more sinister operations. This guy worked
for the "College of Orgonomy" out of Pennsylvania and
he makes
international tours with the Russian psychic who bends spoons with brain
waves. Gotta get this guy for the next COPA conference, he would be a big
hit with that crew. He is a former shrink who believe "liberalism"
is a "treatable psychiatric condition" that is the direct result
of a suppressed sex life in early adolescence. Yowza.
Date: 1996/04/17 --size is large = 104k
Die ganze Wahrheit Full
truth From:
sender: (Norbert Marzahn)
newsgroups: de.soc.politik
x-charset: ISO-8859-1
Date: 1996/04/19
Sweet Movie
From: (Marten Sahlen)
MessageID: 4l7j56$
references: <>
organization: Ericsson Telecom AB
newsgroups: alt.cult-movies
Matthew Moses <> writes:
> On Thu, 18 Apr 1996, Scott Gladfelter wrote:
> > Does anyone know anything about a japanese film titled 'Sweet
> > I've been told it's a rare must see, but I have no clue what
it's about!
> "Sweet Movie" is not a Japanese movie, it's by Czeck director
> Makavejev (probable misspell) and was filmed in several European
> countries & in several languages, none of which is Japanese.
You got the name right, but Dusan is from (ex-)Yugoslavia.
> It's got
> two "plotlines" that intersplice: one follows two revolutionary
> lovers in their tugboat who don't speak the same language but debate
> nevertheless; eventually the woman murders the man in a vat of sugar.
> The other story follows a woman as she goes from being won as a game
> prize (memory serving me correctly here?) to being covered in chocolate,
> with lots of gross surprises in between.
It can be worth noting that both "Sweet Movie" and the preceeding
"WR - Mysteries of the Organism" are based on the theories of
Wilhelm Reich (= WR of course). He basically believed that a sexually
promiscuous living was THE way for an individual to set oneself free from
the shackles of society. These ideas are more or less a common feature
in most
of Makavejev's movies, but especially in these two.
In "Mysteries of the Organism", which is sort of a semi-documentary,
also visits the late Reich's living relatives, and to some extent explores
Reich's theory of "Orgonomy" (orgones = units of cosmic
energy). OK, I'm
digressing, but Reich fabricated so called orgone boxes which he claimed
cure most illnesses, and then sold them to the public. This brought Reich
conflict with US authorities, and as a consequence he was imprisoned, and
he died
in jail in 1957.
> in my opinion, and it's certainly Makavejev's most accessable &
> fun films. Pretty shocking stuff included herein
Yeah, it's probably Makavejev's best film, but as for most accessible...
you seen his later "mainstream" films like "Coca Cola Kid",
"Montenegro", or
Talking about shocking stuff... "Sweet Movie" features a dining
sequence at a
Reichean society's compound, that leaves every other nominee in the endless
"disgusting eating-scene" thread far behind. Here we are talking
authentic vomiting and defecation.
Marten Sahlen
"He who dares wins"
Date: 1996/04/20
Rockefeller-UFO Connection: Shades of an Alien Conspiracy?
organization: OzEmail Pty Ltd - Australia
newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo
The following article is from New Dawn's brand new Web site at:
featuring 800k of sample articles, news, links and info on conspiracy,
the 'New World Order', cover-ups, UFOs, mind control, Big Brother, metaphysics,
intell agencies, psychiatric abuse, the Middle East, ancient civilisation,
prophecy, etc etc.
Visit one of Australia's leading 'alternative' magazines online!
Shades of an Alien Conspiracy?
Extracted from New Dawn No.35 (March-April, 1996)
(C) Copyright 1996 by New Dawn International News Service,
GPO Box 3126FF, Melbourne, 3001, Australia
Late last year, the New York Daily news ran a curious story on 85-year-old
billionaire philanthropist Laurence Rockefeller who is funding a special
report on UFOs to be sent to President Clinton and other world leaders.
Michael Luckman, director of the New York Center for UFO Research, says
the Rockefeller report entitled 'The Best Available Evidence,' "features
testimony from former military officials and astronauts that contradicts
Air Force denials of an alien landing." The billionaire's name again
pops up as a VIP attendee at Bill Clinton's birthday party held on a Rockefeller
estate in August last year. The New York Daily News of August 24 reported
that while President Clinton was on the prowl for campaign cash, Laurence
was on the look out for ETs.
"Rockefeller has been pressing the Clinton administration to open
the government's UFO files," the Daily News notes. Apparently, Laurence
thinks it's time the government came clean on the subject of UFOs, particularly
the rumored crash of a spacecraft in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. Is Laurence
just another 'truth seeker', or could there be a more sinister motivation
behind his devotion to this obscure quest? Certainly, there's no doubt
that the Rockefellers constitute one of the world's wealthiest and most
influential dynasties. Laurences' brother David, a longtime chairman of
Chase Manhattan Bank, heads the family's global corporate empire. The
Rockefeller family played instrumental roles in establishing powerful supranational
bodies like the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations
and the Bilderberg Society. If anyone doubts the global power of the Rockefeller
dynasty and their active behind-the-scenes involvement in international
affairs, just consider these remarks by investigative author Malachi Martin
in The Keys of This Blood. He states: "Television commentator Bill
Moyers found out during a fifteen-day, globe spanning trip in the company
of David Rockefeller that 'just about a dozen or fifteen individuals made
day-to-day decisions that regulated the flow of capital and goods throughout
the entire world.'" As Bill Moyers himself said, "David Rockefeller
is the most
conspicuous representative today of the ruling class, a multinational fraternity
of men who shape the global economy and manage the flow of its capital.
Rockefeller was born to it, and he has made the most of it. But what some
critics see as a vast international conspiracy, he considers a circumstance
of life and just another day's work... In the world of David Rockefeller
it's hard to tell where business ends and politics begins."
History of Social Engineering
A quick history lesson reveals that the Rockefeller family has a long and
some would say - infamous - record of involvement in shaping social causes.
Thirty years ago when the radical student movement was gaining momentum
in North America, the Rockefeller dynasty was surprisingly quick to offer
funds. A student leader James Simon Kunen, in his book entitled The Strawberry
Incident, tells about the 1968 Students for a Democratic Society convention
in which, "men from Business International Roundtables,... tried to
buy up a few radicals. These men are the world's industrialists and they
convene to decide how our lives are going to go. They offered to finance
our demonstrations in Chicago. We were also offered ESSO (Rockefeller)
money." The Black Panther leader Eldridge Cleaver warned that the
megarich were buying themselves a revolution. He wrote: "There is
a danger to the healthy development of the American Revolution in the fact
that often revolutions are manipulated by the ruling class to appear to
be a bigger threat than they really are." Consider this comment by
Frank Capell in the U.S. Review of the News: "Of course, we know that
these radical students are not going to take over the government. What
they are going to do is provide the excuse for the government to take over
the people, by passing more and more repressive laws to 'keep things under
control'." Rockefeller money effectively bought the 60s student revolt
and steered it in the direction desired by the U.S. Establishment. The
opportunity for constructive social change was lost thanks to the 'support'
of 'Rockybucks'. Just ponder some of the social programs and new ideas
taken to heart by the Rockefellers in the past. Rockefeller's Standard
Oil was once, well before the turn of the century, a near monopoly. It
was perceived by the public, quite rightly, as an utterly ruthless brigand
which would stoop to blackmail, murder, bribery, bombing and intimidation
to maintain its power. To 'survive' Rockefeller embarked on a gigantic
"philanthropy" program to finance the pet schemes of the
U.S. ruling class. The paternalistic, elitist nature of one such scheme
was set out in Rockefeller's General Education Board Occasional Paper No.1,
which declared: "In our dreams we have limitless resources and the
people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hands. The
present educational conventions fade from our minds, and unhampered by
tradition, we work our own goodwill upon a grateful and responsive rural
folk.... The task we set before ourselves is a very beautiful one, to train
these people as we find them to a perfectly ideal life just where they
are. So we will organise our children into a little community and teach
them to do in a perfect way the things their fathers and mothers are doing
in an imperfect way, in the home, in the
shop, and on the farm." Rockefeller the ignoble robber baron was transformed
into Rockefeller the great civiliser and humanitarian. The all-wise father
guiding and chastening his wayward children. By the 1920s John D. Rockefeller,
the founder of the Rockefeller dynasty, was funding the notorious "racial
hygiene" think tank Eugenics Records Office. Its ideas of mass sterilization,
the 'inferiority' of Black people and "breeding better humans"
directly influenced Adolf Hitler and provided 'scientific legitimacy' for
the Nazi race laws. This did not stop the ubiquitous Rockefeller Foundation,
a decade later, offering huge grants to the Black civil rights leader and
preacher Father Divine. By 1941 Father Divines' Peace Mission had over
a million members and was quickly gaining public attention. Father Divine's
widow wrote that her husband maintained his freedom of thought and action
by refusing Rockefeller financial aid. Others were not so fortunate.
Dr. Wilhelm Reich, shortly before he mysteriously
died in prison in 1957, told prison psychologists that the Rockefeller
Foundation "made me a tool of its socioeconomic interpersonal relations."
Both the American Medical Association [see New Dawn No.33 & 34] and
the psychiatric establishment, who had persecuted Reich for years
received substantial funding from the Rockefeller clan. Rockybucks All
Around Laurence Rockefeller has been splashing out substantial sums of
money (aka 'Rockybucks') to prominent UFO/alien researchers and fringe
research foundations.
He has channelled (pardon the pun) money into Dr. John Mack, the Harvard
psychiatrist famous for his book on so-called 'alien abductions'. Laurence
is alleged, based on well substantiated rumours and published information,
to have also made a contribution of prestige and perhaps money to help
Dr. Mack resist efforts at Harvard
to censure him for his 'alien abduction' beliefs. At a meeting of the Rhode
Island Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), Mack likened the abductee experience
to that of an endangered animal being hunted and temporarily debilitated
in order to be moved to a safe place. The animal does not know that it
is being "hurt" for its own good, for the survival of its species.
Mack believes the 'greys' (aliens) are trying to tell us in a cryptic way
- through the abduction experience - our species is in danger. In order
to save us from extinction, they are playing God by doing some evolutionary
tinkering with our DNA.
Greens and Greys
"... intelligences of the highest power are absolutely appalled that
this one species is so out of control, so insensitive to the living ecosystem
of the earth..." - Dr. John Mack, Harvard Psychiatrist
Mack also managed to link ufology and ecology - another of Laurence's longtime
causes, which is quite a paradox considering it's no big secret Nelson
Rockefeller - a dynasty patriarch - singlehandedly destroyed the Amazon!
Then again, times change and so do strategies if you want to stay ahead
of the rest. (Even if Laurence was on a guilt trip for past family excesses
- and it is customary for the megarich to make token endowments to "liberal"
social causes - his current endowments are rather strange.) Mack's bridge
between UFOs and ecology is evident in a recent book of articles compiled
by the Sierra Club. Entitled Ecopsychology, Mack asks: "How do we
invent a new psychology of our relationship to the earth?" Critics
accuse Mack of founding a new religion in the "green politics"
of the aliens. His response that he "cannot help it if this is the
communication coming through," digests well with Laurence who concurs
with the aliens that we must immediately stop destroying our
precious earth. Mack states "it's not as if there's no truth to the
warning" adding that this message comes through to people who are
"not environmentally sophisticated." Still on the ecology front,
Laurence Rockefeller also funds the Green Earth Foundation headed by Terence
McKenna. McKenna scouts the globe collecting psychoactive plants, which
he is permitted to cultivate in Hawaii. One of McKenna's theories is that
psychoactive substances used by native cultures in religious ceremonies
induce telepathic links with alien cultures. He believes the patriarchal
"dominator" cultures of the past few thousand years have failed
us and
the earth, and calls for an "archaic revival", which requires
a return to humanity's last "sane" moment 15,000 years ago on
the plains of Africa "rocked in the cradle of the great horned mushroom
goddess."Another of Rockefeller's UFO-related activities is his close
cooperation with the low-profile BSW Foundation, headed by wealthy New
Yorkers Sandra Wright Houghton and Bootsy Galbraith. They, too, both embrace
the view shared by Rockefeller that the earth is being visited primarily
by benevolent ETs who pose no threat to the established
Human Potential Foundation
The Human Potential Foundation (HPF), founded by U.S. Senator Claiborne
Pell and based in Falls Church, Virginia, is another project funded primarily
by Laurence Rockefeller. According to Dick Farley, who worked for the organisation
for about three years, Rockefeller's interest in HPF seemed to be the promotion
of "alternative religious and psychiatric/psychological paradigms,
including so-called 'UFOs' and 'abductions,' having 'Global
Mind Change' potentials. Rockefeller put more than $700,000 through the
'HPF' from 1991 to 1994, as Common Cause Magazine recently reported."
The President of HPF, 'retired' naval intelligence officer Cdr. C.B. "Scott"
Jones, Ph.D., was a contractual consultant to the Defense Nuclear Agency
(1981-1985) before next working for Senator Pell as Special Assistant (1985-1991),
ostensibly looking after Pell's "paranormal" interests (Jones
is also listed in John Mack's book
alongside Laurence Rockefeller).
The Human Potential Foundation stages conferences like last year's gathering
of luminaries that included author and investigative reporter Ruth Montgomery,
UFO author and psychologist Leo Sprinkle, transpersonal and para-psychologist
Charles Tart, native American historian Paula Underwood, environmental
activist Don Ware, futurist John Petersen, orientalist and author Zecharia
Sitchin, psychiatrist and author John Mack, clinical researcher Richard
Boylan, editor of Omni Magazine Keith Ferrell, founder of CONTACT James
Funaro, Director
of United Nations University Jerome Glenn, and others. Entitled "When
Cosmic Cultures Meet," the conference dealt with a range of interesting
subject matter. Joan d'Arc of Newspeak, who attended the conference, said
the problem she found with "the 'Have-You-Hugged-Your-Gray-Today'
school generally prevailing at the HPF conference is nobody was saying
perhaps ETs and abduction experiences are very bad news."
And whose job will it be to make official contact with our space helpers?
Joan was handed a questionnaire at the HPF conference that asked attendees
to place in order of importance which government/military bodies should
be given the job. No doubt the chosen body will also announce the arrival
of our space brothers. They are apparently a little shy when it comes to
human interaction, choosing instead to 'abduct' and study us on an individual
basis. All Laurence's pet projects contain a familiar theme: Aliens are
here to help us, perhaps aid us along the evolutionary ladder. Is it a
case of he who pays the piper calls the tune?
Alien Invasion?
"In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget
how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside,
universal threat to make us realize this common bond. I occasionally
think how quickly our differences would vanish if we were facing an alien
threat from outside this world."
- President Ronald Reagan, in a speech made to the 42nd General Assembly
of the United Nations, Sept. 21, 1987
If aliens were visiting earth secretly, and wanted to eventually make their
presence known, who would they approach? Instead of saying to somebody
'take me to your leader', maybe they worked out for themselves (being more
advanced than us) that the Rockefeller family, being one of the world's
most powerful families (with a penchant for 'steering' social movements
and heralding the 'New World Order'), were the people to approach. After
all, the real power in this world is not in the hands of governments, but
resides with the big transnational
corporations. Now, this being the case, Laurence (their roving ambassador)
is doing the right thing by the aliens and polishing their public image.
Next comes the announcement of their presence, which presently requires
some effort to "condition" the masses for this mind-blowing revelation.
If this theory holds, a gradualist introduction to the aliens is happening
right now. The process of gradualism being the form of social conditioning
favored by such ruling class Rockefeller-dominated world planners as the
Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg
Society and the Trilateral Commission. UFO researcher Glenn Campbell in
his Groom Lake Desert Rat newsletter No. 30 proposes the following: "Let
us suppose that the UFO cover-up is real and the government is neither
dumb nor nefarious... The panic associated with the War of the Worlds radio
broadcast of 1938 still impressed the memories of those in power. A determination
was made by competent authorities that the populace was not yet ready for
the news, or perhaps that the news was not ready for them. More time was
needed for experts to study the problem - both the aliens themselves and
the possible public reaction - and to prepared a plan. This might be a
very long-term plan....
"The planners devoted much attention to how the news should be released
with minimal social disruption. Ideally, elements of the truth should be
let out gradually over time, but how could this be done? The SGE ['special
government entity'] could not publicly admit any limited alien contact
without being forced to reveal it all. (Can you imagine the press of the
planet demanding any less?) Like the fall of communism, once the wall cracks,
it will come down all at once, with no further opportunity for information
management. "The goal of gradual release would be to acclimate the
population emotionally to the form and ideas of the alien presence
without triggering a total release. This can probably be done more effectively
by selective fictions than by truth, because fictions can be controlled.
A hoax need contain only that portion of the truth which is ready to be
introduced to public. The rest can be a fabrication, just persuasive enough
to get it distributed on the Fox
network. Indeed, some part of the story must ultimately fall apart to assure
it doesn't go too far, as the hoax must eventually be dispelled to make
room for a larger truth."
To further bolster this theory, on the weekend of March 18-19, 1995, with
no prior announcement, the Walt Disney Company conducted a sneak telecast
of a UFO documentary in five U.S. states: Connecticut, Tennessee, Alabama,
Florida and California. This amazing documentary, featuring CEO Michael
Eisner (another prominent member of the ruling elite), put the Disney reputation
behind many startling statementssuch as these:
"Mankind is in the midst of the most profound event in history: Actual
contact with intelligent life from other planets. "Intelligent life
from distant galaxies is now attempting to make open contact with the human
race, and tonight we'll show you the evidence. "From beyond the boundaries
of our perceptions, intelligent beings are beckoning mankind to join the
galactic community. It's an invitation which is both wondrous and terrifying.
"Alien ships seem to arrive in waves and, if the last few years are
any indication, planet Earth is experiencing a tsunami of sightings. "
As early as 1947, the large alien ships began to arrive,
navigated by living creatures. Their advanced physics allowed them to traverse
the galaxy and pierce Earth's atmosphere with amazing speed. More than
one alien craft crashed and was recovered for secret U.S. military research.
"This is the actual site where the Roswell saucer was
discovered along with the bodies of three extraterrestrial missionaries
who didn't survive the collision. The debris and the dead were impounded
and taken away for top-secret study, while a classified investigative committee,
called the Majestic 12, was organized by President Truman and a government
cover-up was initiated with a calculated disinformation campaign. "For
governments determined to maintain their authority,
extra-terrestrial contact is pure dynamite. "When [Jimmy Carter] assumed
the office of President of the United States, his staff attempted to explore
the availability of official investigations into alien contact. As this
government memo illustrates, there are some security secrets outside the
jurisdiction of the White House.
"In November of 1975, essentially every SAC [Strategic Air Command]
base in the United States was visited by UFOs. "Indications are that
government, military and scientific leaders will soon release nearly a
half-century of official documentation of ongoing alien encounters on Earth.
"Statistics indicate a greater probability that you'll
experience extraterrestrial contact in the next five years than the chances
that you will win a state lottery.
"[Most] Americans will likely explore outer space aboard crafts of
alien origin." Many UFO researchers feel that Disney's "stealth"
documentary broadcasts were tests of the public's ability to handle the
revelation of an alien reality and the government cover-up.
Four-Part Strategy
Richard Boylan, ufologist and attendee at the HPF conference, claims in
Perceptions magazine (January/February 1996) the ETs have a four-part game
plan to reveal their presence: "First, they are apparently increasing
the pace, boldness and openness of their appearances. Peter Davenport,
director of the [U.S.] National UFO Reporting Center, stated that the center
has been swamped by UFO reports since the first week of July 1995, and
that the numbers are escalating. Not only are there more incidents, but
the center now receives reports of many UFOs in a single sighting. "Second,
an increasing number of close-encounter contactees are coming forward to
acknowledge their experiences topsychotherapists, investigators and the
public. Many professional researchers and therapists report increasing
numbers of these unsolicited testimonials. "Third, many UFO contactees
and researchers feel compelled to bring the ET presence to public awareness.
Reports from around the country verify that many people are feeling such
an urgency of purpose. "Fourth is the attitude shift in many government
leaders toward allowing the release or leaks of UFO information..."
Boylan also suggests that well-informed sources in both the Republican
and Democratic national committees are trying to assess whether UFOs, and
particularly government secrecy about them, might be a legitimate issue
in the upcoming U.S. presidential election. "In an apparent attempt
to avoid being taken by surprise in the politics of UFO disclosure, Republican
National Committee Chairman Hailee Barbour and other RNC officials have
reportedly contacted several astronauts to learn what they know about UFOs.
For its part, the Democratic National Committee is considering putting
one or more UFO-related questions on a national survey questionnaire they
are preparing for the 1996 election. "Actually, the subject may have
already become a campaign issue. During the week of September 17, 1995,
two national figures referred to UFOs. When former President Jimmy Carter
was asked a question about them, he answered by relating an account of
how a former CIA director had used a psychic to precisely locate a downed
secret U.S. plane. This was a veiled reference to intelligence agencies'
use of psychics to study UFOs and extraterrestrials. "The same week
presidential candidate Bob Dole disparaged President Clinton's economic-policy
claim that more than 2% growth is impossible without inflation, commenting,
'That's like the Air Force saying UFOs are impossible.'" With all
this talk about UFOs, alien abduction, and secret government files, just
what are the Rockefellers up to? Are the Rockefellers engineering the release
of secret government information on the ETs - another tit-bit to get us
used to our new visitors? And if there really are no aliens, are the powers-that-be
preparing humanity for a staged alien visitation using advanced technology
they've kept secret? Also, even if these 'visitors' turn out to be more
psychological than physical, the phenomena is still a potent force worthy
of manipulation for some 'higher' cause. Whatever the case, the Rockefeller
family is no friend of the people. In the end of the day, staying top dog
is their highestpursuit, even if it means doing deals with aliens.
'When Cosmic Cultures Meet', by Remy Chevalier, PARANOIA, Vol.3, No.3,Fall
'Earth vs. the Flying Saucers', by Joan d'Arc, NEWSPEAK, Vol.2, Issue2.
'UFO Reality is Breaking Through', by Richard Boylan, Ph.D,Perceptions
magazine, Jan/Feb 1996.
'Autopsy Dissected', by Glen Campbell, Groom Lake Desert Rat #30 New York
Daily News, Aug. 24 & Dec. 18, 1995
The above article is from New Dawn's brand new Web site at:
featuring 800k of sample articles, news, links and info on conspiracy,
the 'New World Order', cover-ups, UFOs, mind control, Big Brother, metaphysics,
intell agencies, psychiatric abuse, the Middle East, ancient civilisation,
prophecy, etc etc.
Visit one of Australia's leading 'alternative' magazines online!
Subject: Re: Chi Experiences From: (Thomas D.) Message-Id: <4lkth5$> References: <4khdkc$> <4kjc5t$> <4knl98$> Organization: InterServ News Service Newsgroups: alt.philosophy.taoism Hi, the experiences you describe are similar to mine - i am practising "Crane Qigong" for now 5 years, i learned it during my studies in mainland China. It is different from most forms i have seen so far, it is a "modern" form which combines Taijiquan-techniques with the more motionless meditative form of classical Qigong (Ch'i-kung). A few months ago i came across Wilhelm Reich and his orgone.. and I have the strong feeling, that the orgone is exactly the same as Qi (Ch'i) in Chinese medicine. I tried to rebuild some of his experiments, but i am lacking a good microscope... I will go on comparing these two things and eventually publish my results. Can anybody suggest (Chinese or English) books on the problem? I am struggling with a "cognition-problem" - how to transfer an esoteric experience to the daylight of exact science. In other words, it is a metaphysics-physics-problem ;-) I will try to keep in touch Thomas (calling from Germany)
Date: 1996/04/25
Science and Occult History (Long)
From: Mark
Nuttall <>
references: <4lg08b$> <4lj7eu$>
to: "George E. Hrabovsky" <>
cc: nagasiva <>
content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
organization: Dept of Computing, Imperial College London
mime-version: 1.0
newsgroups: alt.magick.tyagi,sci.history,alt.magick,alt.astrology
x-mailer: Mozilla 2.01 (X11; I; SunOS 4.1.3 sun4m)
George E. Hrabovsky <> writes:
> The categorization of matter as composed of fundamental elements is
> most obvious which comes to mind. In antiquity this was thought to
> earth, water, air, and fire; (which interestingly enough corresponds
to the
> four states of matter: solid and semisolid, fluid, gas, and plasma).
> four elements were thought to be indivisible.
George, please forgive me if I'm mistaken but you give the impression of
having missed the point here. The division into four elements - at least
to a modern occultist - is a division of {manifest stuff} into more-or-less
psychically distinguishable categories. Other possible divisions are possible
- I think the Chinese use wood and stone in replacement of a couple of
the above. The distinction is made as part of the psychological / psychophysical
toolkit which the magician's consciousness becomes. `Air,' `Fire' etc are
sets of qualities of consciousness, not to be taken literally.
> This lead to ideas about the structure of matter as atoms composed
> electrons, protons, and neutrons which were indivisible. The structure
> the hadrons (neutrons and protons) was then puzzled out as being made
up of
> up and down quarks, which not only are thought of as indivisible,
> inseparable. Now there are ideas about the structure of quarks, but
I think
> the point is made.
Such `atomist' theories go as you know back to certain tribes of antique
Greek philosophers. There are several issues raised here. Firstly: in magickal
work, `reality' (such as the word is meaningful) applies both to inner
psychic and bioenergetic processes as much as the nature and structure
of the `external' universe.
`Science' - physics, chemistry, etc etc has gone to great efforts to exclude
the nature of subjective, inner experience from its enquiries. `Reality'
is to be `explained' through a body of algebraic expressions by which matter
and energy may be manipulated. Well and good... but `consciousness' has
been ignored as a factor in physical processes. You're a physicist... you
know full well that there is No Such Thing as an objective observer, and
that a quantum level the very term `structure of matter' does not carry
the same meaning as it does at an atomic or molecular level.
Physical science is still suffering from a chronic dose of Cartesian dualism.
One's thought processes and consciousness may, we are told, be safely excluded
from factors determining the results of experiment.. even though Bohr,
Heisenberg et al have demonstrated IN OUR OWN LANGUAGE (calculus) that
no such dualism applies in actuality.
> Are you suggesting that modern science does not inspire?
Modern science has a woefully limited field of enquiry. Science can be
insprational but (certainly as I was taught) there is little or no room
for questioning certain fundamental beliefs about `Reality' .. such as
implications of non-dualistic states of consciousness, Jungian synchronicty
and its apparent/potential links with quantum mechanics/Bell's theorem,
etc... nor does it investigate practical techniques for producing such
of consciousness. These are the things that truly inspire me now.
> Indeed, in my opinion, science is magick at its highest level.
This is to elevate the mathematical modelling of physical processes to
a level above that of <union with God> which is the true aim of magickal
endeavour. The <angle brackets> denote a general term rather than
a specific dogma.
> All science is, in reality, is a method of study. As a scientist one
> to treat as reality that which can be verified by independent experiment
> observation.
True. Very true. Problems occur when scientists decide that the methods
of other groups are `unscientific' or `superstitious nonsense' or `wholly
subjective' and, without further investigation, write off the conclusions
the other groups and often as not refuse to discuss the matter further.
This reification of institutionalised ignorance is very common. Let me
give you an example: Yoga. This is a body of knowledge well over 5000 years
old referring to experiments and observations made by a large number of
practitioners over that time. Yoga is a SCIENCE of inner, `subjective'
realities. It's approach is one of, Do these exercises and see what happens.
Results have a markedly reproduceable nature... after a while folk's perception
of `inner' and `outer' realities start changing. Other things happen. Regularly.
Yoga talks about the `subtle body.' Nonsense! Howls western science, There's
No Such Thing, Kirlian photography notwithstanding. What western science
contrives to fail to
understand is that if one does the practices provided then one comes to
first-hand, experiential contact with the phenomena under discussion. This
is just one example of `western science's' blindess to the fetters imposed
legitimate fields of enquiry through it's ``certainty'' of what is ``real''
and what is ``imaginary.''
I have a physics degree, a decent BSc. I have frequent, first hand experiential
contact with my `subtle body.' This experience is utterly unlike anything
non-practitioners of yoga or any other viable similar technology have ever
encountered. Could I get my `results' published? Recall that Wilhelm
Reich died in jail. For all that there are many independent observers
of these phenomena, they are not acknowledged by ``science.'' Why do you
think that is, George?
> Science is a community, and the stated facts of the community
> are the facts that are agreed upon by the community AS A WHOLE! The
> individual can make significant progress only when the individual's
> are reporducable. This does not say anything about the relative value
> beliefs, which by their nature are a leap of faith. In magick this
leap is
> necessary, in science it can kill people
As indicated above, faith is not a prerequisite for magickal practice.
It is enough merely to keep an open mind and be open to unfamiliar experience.
> Sir, this is patently absurd. As a theoretical physicist I get complaints
> all day that I am not dealing with reality. That the mathematical
> that I create are far removed from the experiments of my fellows.
On the
> other hand, as an ordained minister I believe that the spiritual is
far more
> important than the physical.
Do you appreciate that the method of science may be applied with great
efficaciousness to the aims of religion? Do you recognise that this has
been done in India, China and elsewhere for millenia? Do you accord the
knowledge derived from these experiments the same standing as the knowledge
of the `external' world developed here in the west? If not, why not?
You're an ordained minister: if `the divine' is `real' can one not perform
investigations and experiments? The history of such work is the history
of the western tradition of magick, known to the profane as `alchemy' and
`astrology' among other names. Leibniz and Newton, the founders of Calculus
were both dedicated alchemists.. and it was from the alchemical pursuits
(most particularly the hebrew Cabala) that their mathematical ideas arose.
Einstein also paid great attention to this body of work. Have you repeated
their experiments in this field?
> Much of what was thought of as magick has been shown to be outdated.
Who thought of these things as magick in the first place? Magick's main
techniques are geared towards
1. Effecting one's will.
2. Union with <deity/cosmos/AllThing>, ie, Gnosis.
Are these outdated? There's long been all types of pseudo-psychic charlatenry
and quackery around the magickal fringes... ignore it. On the other hand,
bear in mind the many records of Christian saints levitating. It's not
just the Hindus who experience such phenomena.
> It is my opinion that there is much to be learned by science and by
> the more mystical arts (I do not call them sciences). Incidentally,
> stop calling magical arts sciences unless you expect to hold them
> to the same standards as REAL sciences (physics, chemistry, ...).
Real science starts out with someone saying:
I did these experiments, with these parameters, controls, precautions,
Other folk try the procedure and either get the same results, or not. If
they do, a variety of models may be proposed to `explain' the observations.
These models may be tested: they should make predications which may themselves
be subjected to experimental verification.
George, the magickal arts do indeed in many many ways fit this criteria.
They do consist of a body of TECHNIQUE the application of which RELIABLY
delivers RESULTS.
> The true sciences tell us about the physical world around us.
And this from an ordained minister! The above sentence is an arbitrary
definition. Might I not as a yogi state
The true science leads us to union with God
and then refer to `other parts of reality' like those manifest fragments
of <Cosmos> appearing before us as structured vortices of energy,
more commonly termed `matter'?
> The magical arts and religious studies tell us about the other parts
> reality, which cannot be measured physically. Since we live in
> the physical world, we need to know about it. As a magician it is
> stupid to not seek to learn about one's environment. As a
> scientist it is stupid to believe that you can measure everything.
For all that inner experience is not very usefully measured physically,
it is an act of gross stupidity, surely, to assert that `reality is that
which is measurable on a recording device' ie
Reality is that which is known to the five senses
since any instrument is but an extension of one or more senses? This is
approaching the saying
The spirit is not measurable
Reality is measurable
The spirit is {not a suitable subject of enquiry/ not real/ illusory}
Both the above indented bits are 100% ass-backwards. Manifest energy/matter
is measurable, but Reality must be commensurate with Eternity, surely?
> My suggestion is to learn some real science.
I got a physics degree.
> Do not approach it superficially, but really dig into it. You will
> at its core, the magick of intuition and understanding of the world
> us.
My suggestion is to learn some real magick. Not's approach it superficially,
but really dig into it. You will find true Science at its core, the true
Science of the Gnowledge of the Divine, the real reason and cause of existence,
true wisdom and perfect happiness.
> Actually, you are, probably on purpose, overlooking the part about
> verification by REPEATED experiments. This is the true test of science,
> opposed to philosophy.
Remember to keep up your magickal practices for at least a year or so,
to make it a true test over repeated experiments. Ensure that you keep
a diary to note the changes that occur during your life in this time. `Philosophy'
is just talking the talk.. real magick is walking the walk.
> Science requires that before anything is accepted as true fact, it
> verified through repeated trials, by different laboratories. Only
then do
> we get a theory.
Your laboratory is your own consciousness. You are the lab and the scientist,
the subject and object. Gnow thyself.
> There are no occult sciences.
A gratuitously ignorant assertion, I'm afraid. `I know of no occult sciences'
would have been a statement of Truth.. so near, and yet so far...
> A science is a methodical method of studying a collection of phenomen
> the scientific method.
> If you believe that conjuration or divination is a science, I would
> truly be happy to look at your verifiable data (as this would be proof
> to show to others).
The proof is to be had by repeating the experiments yourself.
> The reason they are called pseudoscience (a term a personally find
> distasteful) is that the practioners of such arts decry science and
> pretend to be scientists. When did you perform your last controlled
> experiment that could be repeated precisely by someone else?
I do not decry science, only the artificial limits placed on legitimate
fields of enquiry by the currently established priesthood. My last controlled
magical experiment took place this morning: I performed a Lesser Banishing
Ritual of the Pentagram. Instructions for this procedure are widely available.
I would recommend its practice perhaps twice daily for a minimum of six
months, supplemented with yogic breathing exercises perhaps 10-15 mins
daily. Anyone can do these things: but if the results are known before
starting to be `a load of pseudoscientific nonsense' rather than `a definite
shift in the individual's state of consciousness' then what's the point
in starting?
> What I know to be true is that as a scientist, am I am hardly the
> I find that every time we discover something new (a fairly frequent
> occurance) it raises many more questions than it answers.
The `human aura' `astral body' `body of light' `chi' `prana' `orgone' is
a real phenomena, and may be experienced by each individual that makes
a real go at one of the many available practices for activating it. This
fact has been
known for millenia, and the knowledge has been put to good use for the
same period of time. This does indeed raise questions.. like, why is it
still a dangerous heresy to say so?
> Making broad statements about the inner workings of a field you are
> not part of is both malicious and stupid.
> There are no occult sciences.
George, you made a good effort but still came out sounding at least as
opinionated as Tyagi. Did you read
? What do you make of the document?
The bottom line seems to be this: We have a body of technique that produces
results, reliably and repeatably. Unfortunately, the results are obvious
for the most part only to the practitioner. Your instruments define the
limits of your field of enquiry. Simply because we do not give our results
in joules, equations and silicon chips should not invalidate the applicability
of our results and nowledge within the appropriate field of enquiry, that
consciousness? Would you agree with that, at least?
Mark Nuttall, Phone (+44) 171 5948237 Fax (+44) 171 5818024
[Dept of Computing,Imperial College, 180 Queensgate, London SW7 2BZ] [93
Date: 1996/04/25
The Bible & Rainbow
From: 102723.1063@CompuServe.COM
(Vince Henri)
MessageID: 960425072652_102723.1063_GHT70-2@CompuServe.COM
distribution: world
original-to: Peter Gibbs <73623.2507@CompuServe.COM>
original-cc: Rainbow 1 <>
organization: Cygnus Support
newsgroups: alt.gathering.rainbow
Hi rain-in-the-face ! I have some info on this subject I'll comment off yours. Maybe we could meet somewhere in Cserve. >rain-in-the-face writes: >the most glaring yet commonly ignored example of that kind of bad translation is >the word "LORD," running bear writes: This happened after Kings, which is really the story of the fall of the Jews. These people got involved with the gods of the Romans after they were defeated and lost faith. Earlier scholars suggested "Jehovah;" "Jah," as in Jah love and Elijah, comes from the same source. When we first started to learn to speak, we were commanded/compelled/???? to give THIS existence a name. We named the Great Spirit E-O-IH, which were different sounds the wind made. Later it evolved into Jehovih. >Think about this. In Exodus, God frees the Hebrews from oppression by the >Pharaoh. The prophet Samuel (whose name is Hebrew for "Name of God") >warns thepeople against having a king. The purpose of the forty years in the desert was to bring the Faithists back to purity, back to reality, back to earth, back to their Creator. When they reached the promised land they were very strong, powerful in harmony, purpose and love. Their was no problems with their neighbors at that time, who admired and benefited from this power. They prospered and expanded into an amazing vegetarian civilization with no enemys. Life became easy and some started to forget where it all came from, put their will in front of Jehovih's Will. There was a plague of blackbirds. Some who had forgotten thought it was easier to eat the blackbirds than to fight with them over the growing plants. Fifty thousand people died because their systems were not accustomed to blood. The became much more aggressive and started argueing over their communial lands and material things. They needed to be arbitrators to settle these claims. At that time the word for lawyer was synonymous with the word for devil. Eventually they needed a final Judge to settle these claims, i.e., a King. Before that time there were no "leaders" other than their "Fathers", Rabbi's, who they loved and respected. The result was two Laws.???? >All of these sounds are examples of something called phase shift. Waves >shifting phase allow energy to flow between quantum levels of the universe. >When this happens with sound waves, you hear a sound which cannot be >adequately described, only experienced. When this happens with light waves, > you get -- guess what -- >? A rainbow! The _Zohar_, one of the cornerstones of Jewish mysticism, >describes this. There is no doubt in my mind and I agree that different sounds accomplish different things, sound wave can be changed to light waves and light waves to sound waves, yet this last statement is misleading. Near the end last Third World, when humankind had become so dank, there was a consenses of the collective conscious, all of us through out the universe, the ONE, to put an end to it, so it could have a new beginning. Those who could still hear the VOICE, those who had not forgotten, were instructed to build boats. Of course they were thought to be anything from insane to criminal, who else would build a boat on top of a mountain where there was no water. Those that built the boats were our great grandfathers and grandmothers of all the races. There were 152 ships and our ancestors were on them or we wouldn't be here. Since everything moves in spiraling spinning waves, the shape of the vortex, like on all seashells and everything else, measurements were made by the degree of the arcs of a circle. There was no ship called Noah's Ark, but there is a specific place in our universe, the arc of Noah, the place where the so called 'flood' happened, about 50,000 years ago. I came to this information first through Wilhelm Reich, then the Hopi and finally a book called the Oahspe, which is a history of the affairs of this earth from the librarys of essentially, the collective conscious. The Oahspe specificilly told me to ' follow the rainbow ', be part of the Rainbow Family. The rainbow appeared on this earth for the first time after the flood as a sign from the Great Spirit, the collective consciousness. It is apparent from the 'signs of the times' that humankind is in a similar situation that caused the ' flood', what humankind is up to now is dank. The new beginning, the purification, the Fifth World has already begun. >Final Note: The New Jerusalem Bible is the only one I know of that uses >"Yahweh" instead of "LORD"; it's also pretty cool that one of the translators of >the NJB was a certain professor J.R.R. Tolkien. I also recommend Doris >Lessings _The_Marriages_Between_ Zones_Three,_Four_and_Five_ as a >source on phase shift. ~ ~ ~ Rain- ~:-) in-the- ~ ~ ~ Face I pop off like anybody else, but I am aware that I will be held accountable for my words, what I have made manifest especially in regards to the Rainbow Family of Living Light. It is not my desire to spend a lot of time in the future going around looking for and taking care of the little piles of shit I may drop along the way and I'm sure I will take care of them because ' what goes around, does come around '. I'm as sure of that as I am that I will have rain-in-the-face. The Rainbow is the promised vehicle to keep LIGHT on this planet in it's darkness. That's our Job. We can go forward or backward, there is no standing still. We are either helping or hurting the Rainbow Light. We know the ones who are false because they try to direct us to do their will, their light. The true Fathers, Elders, Rabbi's, teach us how to find the LIGHT within ourselves and let IT show us what to do. Enable, not disable. Be resolute, strong and faithful to your LIGHT, we may even need to be brave. We will stand our ground without the use of deadly force, even in the face of deadly force from the darkness. Deadly force IS the darkness. Do not fear....easy to say....I find myself in fear at least half the time, even when I know there is only ONE TIME and SPACE and that that other is only an illusion. I mean....Who's in charge of this TIME and SPACE..... Anyway.... Peace and Love ! ! Four Corners Tribe.Rainbow Running Bear
Date: 1996/04/26
Chi Experiences
(Derek Gladding)
references: <4khdkc$> <4kjc5t$>
<4knl98$> <4lkth5$>
organization: The World of Cat on a Stick
newsgroups: alt.philosophy.taoism (Thomas D.) wrote:
>the experiences you describe are similar to mine - i am practising
>"Crane Qigong" for now 5 years, i learned it during my studies
>mainland China. It is different from most forms i have seen so far,
>is a "modern" form which combines Taijiquan-techniques with
the more
>motionless meditative form of classical Qigong (Ch'i-kung).
>A few months ago i came across Wilhelm Reich and his
orgone.. and I
>have the strong feeling, that the orgone is exactly the same as Qi
>(Ch'i) in Chinese medicine. I tried to rebuild some of his
>experiments, but i am lacking a good microscope... I will go on
>comparing these two things and eventually publish my results.
>Can anybody suggest (Chinese or English) books on the problem?
>I am struggling with a "cognition-problem" - how to transfer
>esoteric experience to the daylight of exact science. In other words,
>it is a metaphysics-physics-problem ;-)
My introduction to energetics came simultaneously through Reichian
techniques and Tai Chi. The Reichian theory is that energetic blocks
in the body exist to separate off parts of ourselves that are
repressed, hence the "mellowing" effect of Tai Chi practice.
One experiment you could try is to allow blocked regions of Chi to
express themselves. One year ago, I had a almost completely
disconnected right arm - I gave it control of my body image below the
neck through visualisation and almost immediately the whole right side
of my body warped and twisted into what _it_ thought it looked like.
(a piece of advice - only do this kind of experiment if you're
prepared to deal with the results, they can be quite disturbing)
My experiments on myself, and discussions with friends, seem to
indicate a simple mapping:
fragmented self <-> fragmented energy body <-> skeletal deformation
If you look at the number of English expressions such as "spineless",
"unable to stand on your own feet", "badass" - this
seems to be
something that has been forgotten.
There are obviously a number of complexities over and above this, but
it's a good working model.
>I will try to keep in touch
>(calling from Germany)
- Derek
The more you know, the more you know | Derek Gladding
You don't know what you know | (h)
Now and Zen, you goof again | (w)
You never blow your trip forever |
Date: 1996/04/26
Subject: Re: Chi Experiences From: (Alfredo Barbuti) Message-Id: <4lq8mg$> References: <4khdkc$> <4kjc5t$> <4knl98$> <4lkth5$> Organization: Dept. of Informatics, University of Oslo, Norway Newsgroups: alt.philosophy.taoism On 24 Apr 1996 (Thomas D.) writes: [...] > A few months ago i came across Wilhelm Reich and his orgone.. and I > have the strong feeling, that the orgone is exactly the same as Qi > (Ch'i) in Chinese medicine. What is the Wilhelm Reich's orgone? > I tried to rebuild some of his > experiments, but i am lacking a good microscope... I will go on > comparing these two things and eventually publish my results. [...] Good luck! Ciao Alfredo
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