abrasax,zonnetempel,langste nacht,...
maanlanding was bedrog en censuur bij het Belang van Limburg
kabala en de betekenis achter cijfers
dutroux uit '96 en het bedrog van de maanlanding uit '69
koning voetbal
some newsgroup-reactions about "moon landing was fake"
Intermediair en lezersbrieven over het bedrog van de supersonische vliegtuigen
1917 : Russische Revolutie 1947: Eerste UFO 1957 : eerste DOG in space 1997...DOG=GOD?
persoonlijke voorstelling
persoonlijke voorstelling - versie 2
enquete-vraag : U laat zich noteren als iemand die gelooft in de maanlanding en de ruimtevaart
Speech of president J.F.Kennedy about space-travel and moon landing
enquete-vraag : U laat zich noteren als iemand die NIET gelooft in de maanlanding en de ruimtevaart View
summary-overzicht 1
proof- version 0
proof version 1 ..SPACE TRAVEL around the earth needs 28000km/hr, but this velocity is NOT YET reached by a man-made-object of more than 1 kilogram...
proof version 2
proof version 3
maanlanding was bedrog en reklame voor de pil en de ruimtereligie
summary-overzicht 2
studenten-krant VETO over de eerste Tour-overwinning van Eddy Merckx en de maanlanding ...beiden op maan-dag 21/7/69
Eddy Merckx en maanlanding versie 2
newslettre about moon landing by a engineering student
newslettre about moon landing by a engineering student - summary of all the reactions
news-lettre-reactions on this subject of the NASA
korte uitleg over wiskunde - 1
korte uitleg over wiskunde - 2
As an American who always felt great pride in the success of the NASA lunar missions of the late 1960's and 70's, I now believe strongly it was fake...
This conspiracy has been going for years now and nobody has done a damn thing to expose this!
Which shows you, that above anything else, the moonlanding was a bureaucratic triumph rather than a scientific one. JY
J.F.K was assassinated because of his intentions to tell the public
solar wind can move the flag...
This is the BIGGEST hoax in the history of Mankind!
That's one small step for Man...One giant leap for Mankind!
and now look many decades later we were proven right.
There was a TV program about this on Channel 4 in the UK on Monday.
stupid ad for the pill
My menstrual cycle is very
short, 23 days
I've noticed that all the girls on my floor here seem to cycle at the same time
The thing is, ANYTHING can mess up your cycle. Being happy, being sad, worrying, having a nice holiday, spliting up with someone..
I've discovered that over the years my cycle and flow have changed a number of times, and have been told and read that it's quite normal.
Correlation between menstruation and migraines
Tennessee passes Biblical menstruation law
I kinda like bleeding once a month
pretty profound lack of understanding for the
nature of menStruation
Don't let them put you on drugs for life.
If your menstruation cycle is lasting longer than
a month, ...stupid ad for the pill
My menstrual cycle is very
short, 23 days (double)
menstruation and breath
I've had 3 cycles: 42 days, 35 days, and 42 days (number 4 started today).
E-mail : Mark Peeters