The National Flag is in bottle green and rectangular in size in the proportion of length to width 10:6 bearing a red circle on the body of the green. The red circle has a radius of one-fifth of the length of the flag. Its centre is placed on the intersecting point of the perpendicular drawn from the nine-twentieth part of the length of the flag and the horizontal line drawn through the middle of its width.
My Bengal of gold, I love you
Forever your skies, your air set my heart in tune
as if it were a flute.
In Spring, Oh mother mine, the fragrance from
your mango-groves makes me wild with joy--
Ah, what a thrill !
In Autumn, Oh mother mine,
in the full-blossomed paddy fields,
I have seen spread all over--sweet smiles !
Ah, what a beauty, what shades, what an affection
and what a tenderness !
What a quilt have you spread at the feet of
banyan trees and along the banks of rivers !
Oh mother mine, words from your lips are like
Nectar to my ears !
Ah, what a thrill !
If sadness, Oh mother mine, casts a gloom on your face,
my eyes are filled with tears !
Originally written in Bengali by--Rabindranath Tagore
Translated by Prof. Syed Ali Ahsan
Source: Bangladesh Diary, Ministry of Information.