About TexTek Solutions
TexTek Vision, Mission, Goals
TexTek Team
TexTek Services
TTS::NAIS Collaborations
TTS::THRC Promotions
Vision: To be a catalyst for stimulating textile and apparel industry?s productivity and innovations
Mission: To enhance textile/apparel industry's capacity through innovative technology, proactive strategy and exceptional service
System + Technology + Service = TTS Total Solution Strategy
Passion: Create competitive intelligence, simplify systems and apply total solution approach to stimulate continuous improvement and innovations to turn challenges into opportunites.
The TexTek Solutions Team is proud of serving global textile/apparel enterprises. We offer confidential and dependable customize consulting services and merge textile, technology, management, innovations and success seamlessly.
Our aims and objectives are as follows:
1. to promote professionalism, formulate proactive innovations and technology infrastructures to advantage textile enterprises
2. to conduct research and development related to textile science, engineering and technology
3. to advise interested organizations on the educational status of persons engaged in the practice of textile science and technology
4. to create and publish comprehensive textile intelligence to advantage textile enterprises
5. to encourage the acquisition of advance textile knowledge and expertise
6. to train teams for improving quality, performance and productivity; and contribute to the establishment of standards in textile industry
7. to collaborate with other groups, Canadian and International, in advancing the foregoing objectives
8. to always strive to exceed the expectations of our clients and employees
9. to maintain high standards of competence, integrity and ethics within the industry
The TexTek Solutions Team
E: textek@gmail.com
W: www.geocities.com/shafiul_i/textek
W: www.textek.bravehost.com
W: www.textek.piczo.com
Selected Recent Research Articles / Patents:
2007 Boiactive Silk Proteins as Geotextile Substrates, Textile & Clothing, Jan-Mar, 5-6
2006 Methods and apparatus for spinning spider silk protein, USP 7,057,023 June 6
2006 Emerging Textile and Clothing Technology, ITET J, Mar. 8(1) 1-5
2006 Global Textile & Clothing Trade Environment: Challenges & Growth Opportunities, Scholars J. Feb 21
2006 Enormous Opportunities to Work in Bangladesh, Chhutir Dine, Prothom Alo, Feb 18
2005 Textile & Apparel Trade - What's Next in 2006 and Beyond
2005 Value-added Textile Technology
2005 Specialty Textiles - 98th ITS Technical Session Review
2005 Methods and apparatus for spinning spider silk protein, US Patent Application 20050054830
2005 Microwave Irradiation Technique to Enhance Protein Fiber Properties
2004 Enhancing Sorption Properties of Natural Fibrous Protein Substrates. Part I: Absorption of malodorous gases
2004 Methods and apparatus for spinning spider silk protein, US Patent Application 20040102614
2004 Cutting Edge Technical Textiles - 97th ITS Technical Session Review
2004 Cutting Edge Technical Textiles - 97th ITS Technical Session Review - Internet Edition
2004 Antibiotic Silk Substrates for Healthcare
2004 Evolution of the Global Textile Fibre Market
2004 Textile Workers' Struggle for Subsistence
2004 High Performance Textiles - 96th ITS Technical Session Review
2004 Textile and Apparel Exports/Imports Trade Horizons
2003 From Silk to High Tech - 95th ITS Technical Session Review
2003 Fibres and Beyond - 94th ITS Technical Session Review
2003 Methods and apparatus for spinning spider silk protein, PCT International Publication# WO 03060099 A3, 24 Jul
2002 CTJ Pays Tribute to Shafiul`s Royal Charter Fellowship Award
2001 Pickspreading with Specific Reference to Set Mark
2001 Features Identification of Set Marks in Weaving
2000 Prevention of Set Marks in Weaving
The ideal of beauty is simplicity and tranquillity ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Motlebur Rahman; B.Sc. Text. Tech., CText ATI (Manchester)
Textile Technology & Production Management Specialist
Motleb's Resume 20031225MR-Resume.doc
Let our proactive professional team help you to build your business competitiveness
E-mail TexTek at textek@gmail.com.
We offer confidential and dependable customize consulting services to enhance:
"The silence between the notes makes music...."