Top Ten Firearms of the 20th Century ;
A XX. szazad tiz legjelentosebb lofegyvere Ez egy kicsit szubjektiv lista, mely azt veszi figyelembe , hogy
szazadunkban melyik 10 fegyver gyakorolta a legnagyobb hatast
a fegyverek tervezesere, a hadseregek fegyverzetere, es
nem utolsosorban a piacra. Tehat ha egy fegyverbol sokat adtak el de
semmi uj nincs benne, vagy eppen totalisan ujszeru, de keveset adtak el belole
,es senki sem ismeri ,akkor nem kerul fel ide.;
This list is subjective a little,it takes into consideration which 10 guns
had in this century the greatest effects to design
and manufacture of firearms, arming the law enforcement and armies,
and the most important: the trade of guns.
However, if a gun is a bestseller, but it haven't any new , or the
entire gun is absolutely new
but nobody buy it ,or unknown : never have place in this list.
Parabellum P08 (Luger)cal:9x19
parabellum legfokeppen az urmerete miatt kerult ide,
de a csuklos zarolasa is eleg erdekes.
Rendkivul kozismert pisztoly, a kepen egy
Stoeger altal gyartott rozsdamentes peldany lathato.
The most interesting on this gun is its caliber,
but its locking method is also significant. Here shown a
Stainless Steel Stoeger modell.
Original P08 in action
Colt M1911A1 cal .45ACP. John Moses Browning
eredeti mestermuve , a Browning-fele rovid
csohatrasiklassal torteno reteszeles elso verzioja. Az egyik
leghosszabb ideig (75 ev) szolgalatban tartott pisztoly.;
Original masterpiece of John Moses Browning, the
first version of Browning's tilting barrel system.
It's one of the longest service time (75 years) pistols.
If you click on the blue letters you can watch a Colt Gold Cup
Ultimate Stainless .45 Series 80.
Browning Hi-Power (1935M G.P.)Egy masik termeke Browning zsenijenek
. Tobb mint 50 orszag rendszeresitette vilagszerte, ez volt a brit SAS kommandok legendas fegyvere.
Napjaink korszeru nagykapacitasu pisztolyainak elofutara, melyet sokan masoltak(nak) ; This is
an other child of Browning's genius.Used by more than 50 countries
worldwide, it was the legendary handgun of SAS commandos.It's the
forerunner of todays wonder-nines with its 13rd double stack mag.
It was copied by many manufacturers
Walther P38 (P1) A legendas nemet hadipisztoly
ujszeru zarolasi megoldasaval, es ez
volt az elso DA/SA rendszeru rendszeresitett katonai maroklofegyver
, ma is szerepel a Bundeswehr arzenaljaban P1 neven. ; The
legendary German military pistol with new style locking method , and
it was the first military handgun with DA/SA firing system . The Bundeswehr
also use it under P1 name.
KALASHNIKOV AK-47 A legjobb , legmegbizhatobb
es legnagyobb szamban eloalitott kezifegyver . Tobb mint 70 millio
darabot gyartottak kulonbozo tipusaibol.; The best , most reliable
and most widely used and manufactured small arm of the world . Now the production of
AK modifications are more than 70 million.Oh yeee, its world record.
Ez elso kiskaliberu automata puska amelyet rendszeresitettek.
Ez a fegyver inditotta el az 5,56mm-es forradalmat. Raadasul uttoroje a gazdugattyu nelkuli mukodesi rendszsernek.
Eugene Stoner tervezte.
The first military rifle in "small" caliber. It started the 5,56 mm
revolution. And it's one of the first direct gas operated rifles. It's designed by Eugene Stoner.
Smith & Wesson M60 Chiefs Special
Hat sajna ez a kep nem a regi M60-ast abrazolja mert arrol nincs kepem
.De ez is nagyon hasonlit ra csak annak kulso kakasa van. Az igazan ujszeru az volt benne , hogy ez az elso
teljesen rozsdamentes acelbol keszult fegyver.; Sorry but this picture is not the old M60
, 'cose I haven't picture of it, yet.But its very similar to it , the M60 has external hammer .
It's biggest innovation, that it was the first all-stainless steel gun.
GLOCK 17 Az elso nepszeru muanyagtokos ontolto pisztoly . A biztosito nelkuli , megis biz
tonsagos utoszeg tipusu fel-DAO elsutese is rendkivul redekes. A ketyeret az osztrak Gaston Glock tervezte.A kepen egy specializalt combat verzio lathato.
;The first popular molded plastic framed
auto pistol . Its safe action half-DAO striker type firing is very interesting ,too.
Designed by Austrian Gaston Glock . The image shows a highly customized combatversion
of this fine gun.
IMI Desert Eagle
Egeszen kulonleges gazmukodtetesu fogozaras igen nagy teljesitmenyu
pisztolycsalad Izraelbol.Rovid ido alatt nepszeru lett a pisztollyal vadaszok es sziluettlovok koreben.
; Very special gas operated fixed barel rotating bolt action pistol family from Israel.
It became very popular in the group of handgun hunters and silouette shooters.
Steyr AUG cal:5,56x45 NATO (.223Rem) Az AUG fegyver
legnagyobb elonye modulrendszereben rejlik , konnyen konvertalhato
kulonbozo csohosszakhoz , es akar mas urmeretekhez is. Van 9mm Para
urmeretu geppisztoly valtozata is , de hasznaljak golyoszorokent is.
Azonkivul szinte teljesen muanyagbol van . Ausztriaban gyartjak , de tobb allam
pl.: Ausztralia is rendszeresitette. En nem igazan szeretem a Bullpup elrendezesu
fegyvereket , de ha valaha ilyesmit vennek az egy AUG lenne.
Greatest advantage of this gun is its modular building system. Easy to replace the
barrels to a longer/shorter or the action to an other caliber. The AUG
(Armee Universal Gewehr) is used as a 9mm Para SMG to a light machine gun. The AUG`s parts are
almost all polymer ones. It is made in Austria and used by Armies and Law Enforcement worldwide
for example in Australia . I don`t like the bullpup design but if I ever buy one that will an AUG.