These are problems in which letter are substituted for numbers in long
division problems. The first type are fill-ins, these contain both letters
and numbers, in these, the letters are independent, so an F for example
could stand for a 2 in one place and a 4 in the other. The second type
contain only letters, in these the same letter will represent the same
number within the given puzzle. In both cases, the object is to replace
the letters with single digit numbers to result in a correct problem. A
good start with these puzzles are to locate 0’s and 1’s.
Puzzle #1
1917 |------- 2137 |4098199 2137 ---- 19611 19233 ----- 3789 2137 ---- 16529 14959 ----- 1570
Puzzle #2
ABC5 |-------- DEF9 | 21GH28I 1JKL ---- 7M6N O24P ---- Q1RS T44U ---- V2W2 XYZ5 ---- 47#2
1515 |-------- 1449 | 2195282 1449 ---- 7462 7245 ---- 2178 1449 ---- 7292 7245 ---- 47
(440)(7) = musical instrument
52,043 / 71 = snake-like fish
(30,000,000 - 2,457,433)(2) = why some children listen to father
7,964² + 7,652,049 = name of large oil company
(711)(10,000) - 9,447 = competing oil corporation
(53.5149 - 51.4414) / 29 = farmer's storage
(15² - 124)(5) = distress signal
(2 - 1.4351) / 7 = name for a wolf
(159)(357) - 19025 = beautiful young lady
(471)(265) + 410,699 = what a snake does
99² -2,087 = terrain
(1 - .930394) / .9 = telephone greeting
(217)(121) - 8,550 = a _____ pop
.161616 / 4 = Santa's greeting
(31)(11²) = a small island
3 ^ 9 + 35,495 = description of married life
(5,016)(11) + 2,542 = unwelcome arrivals on the 1st of the month
(1,000 + 852.8667)(2) = bottom of shoes
851² - 143,667 = what someone does when they lost a winning lottery ticket
0 - 1,234,567 + 6,589,945 = what a preacher does
(2,101)(18) = name of a very important book
60² - 96 = a gardening tool
1,234 - 463 = what you are after eating 4 gallons of ice cream
23 ^ 5 - 1,118,998 = what a woman does about her age
305,644 / 43 = into hot water
(9,999 - 8,038)(3) = what a tide does
73² + 9 = honey makers
127 ^ 3 + 4,618,283 - 1,347,862 = how people spend their spare time