Well, setup, I'm always setting up. I think that's part of
the fun of amateur radio. Constantly setting up, changing, upgrading,
experimenting. I just put up a 14 element beam for 2 meters, FM
operation. I was thinking that it would be fun
to find a 2 meter, SSB/CW radio, and experiment with DX.
I have an HTX-212 mobile radio that I use in my car and in the house.
I have it set up so that I can quick connect it. I have an Icom
2 meter/70 cm handheld, and a Yaesu VX-5R 2 meter/70 cm/6 meter handheld. For
HF, I have a Swan Astro-150, 80 to 10 meter, SSB/CW tranceiver. I
use an HF6-V, Butternut vertical. I also have heliwhips for 20, 40,
and 80 meter mobile. I have a mag mount antenna, also, that I have
tuned for both 10 and 11 meters. Along with my 2 meter/70 cm MaxRad,
I can operate almost any band, mobile. It just takes a little change
of the whip. Great for ARES/RACES, which, I am also a part of. Enough about me, let's go on to some links that I
have enjoyed in the past.