5.1.-NATIONAL CONGRESSES (Lectures & Posters).
1) Simal Gándara, J.; Paseiro Losada, P.; Simal Lozano J.
Comprobación de la calidad de materias primas de preparados dietéticos y de
regímenes especiales.
Topic: Quality control of components of dietetic preparations.
II Congreso Nacional de Farmacéuticos en la alimentación. Toledo, Spain, 26-29th
Aprill, 1989 (Lecture).
2) Paseiro Losada, P.; Simal Lozano, J.; Simal Gándara, J.
Determinación de sacarina mediante espectrofotometría UV en productos dietéticos
y antiobesidad.
Topic: Analysis of dietetic products.
II Congreso Nacional de Farmacéuticos en la alimentación. Toledo, Spain, 26-29th
Aprill, 1989 (Lecture).
3) Simal Lozano, J.; Paseiro Losada, P.; Simal Gándara, J.; Salgado, G.
Relación entre los estudios de farmacia y la distribución y comercialización de
productos dietéticos.
Topic: Spanish Pharmacy courses in relation to dietetic products.
II Congreso Nacional de Farmacéuticos en la alimentación. Toledo, Spain, 26-29th
Aprill, 1989 (Lecture).
4) González Carnero, J.; Montaña Miguélez, J.; Simal Gándara, J.;
López Reyes, M.; Míguez Bernárdez, M. y Soto Soto, S.
Valoración de la percepción de sabores dulce y salado en
diferentes grupos de edad.
Topic: Sensory analysis.
IX Congreso de la Sociedad de Nutrición y Dietética de Galicia y IX
Jornadas de Nutrición Clínica para Enfermería. Vigo, 23-24 de Abril, 1999 (Poster).
5) Montaña Miguélez, J.; López Reyes, M.; Simal Gándara, J.;
Míguez Bernárdez, M.; Soto Soto, S. y González Carnero, J.
Estudio del plan de menú en una residencia de la tercera edad.
Topic: Nutrition and dietetics in the elderly.
IX Congreso de la Sociedad de Nutrición y Dietética de Galicia y IX
Jornadas de Nutrición Clínica para Enfermería. Vigo, 23-24 de Abril, 1999 (Lecture).
(Segundo Premio Patrocinado por los Colegios Oficiales de
Farmacéuticos de Galicia a las Mejores Comunicaciones, y Otorgado por la Organización
del Congreso)
5.2.-INTERNATIONAL CONGRESSES (Lectures & Posters).
1) Simal Lozano, J.; Fernández Muíño, M.A.; Lage Yusty, MªA.; Creus Vidal, J.;
López Hernández, J.; Paseiro Losada, P.; Huidobro Canales, J.F.; Simal Gándara, J.;
Montaña Miguélez, J.
Niveles de Pentaclorofenol en aguas de consumo de la Coruña.
Topic: Water pollution.
I Congreso Internacional de Alimentación, Nutrición y Dietética. Toledo, Spain,
25-27th April, 1991 (Lecture).
2) Simal Lozano, J.; Montaña Miguélez, J.; Lage Yusty, MªA.; Creus Vidal, J.; López
Hernández, J.; Paseiro Losada, P.; Huidobro Canales, J.F.; Simal Gándara, J.; Fernández
Muíño, M.A.
Niveles de Pesticidas Organoclorados en aguas de consumo de la Provincia de La
Topic: Water pollution.
I Congreso Internacional de Alimentación, Nutrición y Dietética. Toledo, Spain,
25-27th April, 1991 (Lecture).
3) Simal Lozano, J.; Montaña Miguélez, J.; Lage Yusty, MªA.; Creus Vidal, J.; López
Hernández, J.; Paseiro Losada, P.; Huidobro Canales, J.F.; Fernández Muíño, M.A.
Collaborators: Vázquez Odériz, L.; Muniategui Lorenzo, S.; Sancho Ortiz, MªT.; López
Mahía, P.; González Rodríguez, V.; Romero Rodríguez, A; Simal Gándara, J.; Hermida
Ameijeiras, A.; Riita Kettunen, S.
Pesticidas Organoclorados y Policlorobifenilos en bioindicadores fijos (Mytilus
galloprovincialis) producidos en la Ría de Arosa.
Topic: Mussels as bioindicators of pollution.
I Congreso Internacional de Alimentación, Nutrición y Dietética. Toledo, Spain,
25-27th April, 1991 (Lecture).
4) López Mahía, P.; Paseiro Losada, P.; Simal Gándara, J.; Simal Lozano, J.
Análisis de Componentes Principales en muestras de leche.
Topic: Milk quality control parameters.
I Congreso Internacional de Alimentación, Nutrición y Dietética. Toledo, Spain,
25-27th April, 1991 (Poster).
5) López Mahía, P.; Paseiro Losada, P.; Simal Lozano, J.; Simal Gándara, J.
Determinación de cationes mayoritarios y elementos traza en leche natural de vaca.
Topic: Milk quality control parameters.
II-Congresso Ibérico de Absorçao Atómica. Lisbon, Portugal, 13-15th
April, 1992 (Poster).
6) Fernández-Muiño, M.A.; Sancho, M.T.; Muniategui, S.; Creus, J.M.; Huidobro, J.F.;
Simal-Lozano, J.; Simal-Gándara, J.
GC/ECD determination of HCH, lindane, heptachlor, aldrin, dieldrin, endrin,
o,p'-DDT, p,p'-DDT and methoxychlor in honey.
APIMONDIA, 34th International Apicultural Congress, Lausanne, Switzerland, 15-19th
August 1995 (Poster).
7) Simal-Lozano, J.; Simal-Gándara, M.; Huidobro, J.F.; Sancho, M.T.;
Fernández-Muiño, M.A.; Muniategui, S.; Simal-Gándara, J.
Application of Masslab Windows computer program to relate different commercially
purchased bee collected pollen samples on the basis of their pollinic spectra.
APIMONDIA, 34th International Apicultural Congress, Lausanne, Switzerland, 15-19th
August 1995 (Poster).
8) OBrien, A.P.; Cooper, I.; Goodson, A.; Simal-Gándara, J.
Prediction of migration: experimental studies.
Conference on Plastics for Packaging Food, Prague, Czech Republic, 17th-18th June 1997
9) Folgueral-Arias, O.; Montaña-Miguélez, J.; Simal-Gándara, J.;
López-Reyes, M.; Míguez-Bernárdez, M.
Comparación de dos métodos de determinación de nutrientes: tablas
de composición de alimentos y análisis químico.
Topic: Nutrition and dietetics.
IV Congreso Internacional de Química de la ANQUE, Lugo, Spain, 21-25
de Septiembre de 1998 (Lecturel).
10) García-Queijeiro, J.M..; Montaña-Miguélez, J.; Simal-Gándara,
J.; Míguez-Bernárdez, M.
Estudio de la conservación óptima de almendrados de Allariz
envasados en atmósferas controladas.
Topic: Modified atmosphere food packs.
IV Congreso Internacional de Química de la ANQUE, Lugo, Spain, 21-25
de Septiembre de 1998 (Lecture).
11) García-Queijeiro, J.M..; Montaña-Miguélez, J.; Simal-Gándara,
J.; Míguez-Bernárdez, M.
Influencia de distintos tipos de tratamientos, tras la recolección,
sobre la conservación de las castañas.
Topic: Food preservation.
IV Congreso Internacional de Química de la ANQUE, Lugo, Spain, 21-25
de Septiembre de 1998 (Poster).
12) Montaña-Miguélez, J.; García-Queijeiro, J.M.; Simal-Gándara,
J.; Míguez-Bernárdez, M.
Estudio de la composición nutricional y la vida útil de diversos
productos de repostería.
Topic: Food composition.
IV Congreso Internacional de Química de la ANQUE, Lugo, Spain, 21-25
de Septiembre de 1998 (Poster).
13) Torres-Sequeiros, R.;
Simal-Gándara, J.; García-Falcón, M.S.; Pérez-Lamela, C.; Cancho-Grande,
Comparison of two analytical methods (HPLC-FL and synchronous
spectrofluorimetry) to determine riboflavin in enriched juices.
23rd International Symposium on Chromatography, Olympia, London, UK,
1st-5th October 2000 (Poster).
14) Simal-Gándara, J.; Cancho-Grande,
B.; García-Falcón, M.S.; Pérez-Lamela, C.
Determination of colistin and tiamulin in liquid and solid medicated
premixes by HPLC-Diode Array Detector.
23rd International Symposium on Chromatography, Olympia, London, UK,
1st-5th October 2000 (Poster).
15) Rodríguez-Comesaña,
M.; Simal-Gándara, J.; García-Falcón, M.S.; Pérez-Lamela, C.; Cancho-Grande,
Analysis of antioxidant vitamins: A (b-carotene),
C (DL-ascorbic acid), and E (a-tocopherol)
in enriched juices by HPLC-UV/FL.
23rd International Symposium on Chromatography, Olympia, London, UK,
1st-5th October 2000 (Poster).
16) Gamazo-Vázquez, J.;
Simal-Gándara, J.; García-Falcón, M.S.; Pérez-Lamela, C.; Cancho-Grande, B.
GC/MS determination of sunflower oil residues in olive oil.
23rd International Symposium on Chromatography, Olympia, London, UK,
1st-5th October 2000 (Poster).
17) Simal-Gándara, J.;
Cancho-Grande, B.; García-Falcón, M.S.; Pérez-Lamela, C.
Simultaneous determination of sulfamethazine and trimethoprim in liquid
and solid medicated premixes by HPLC-Diode Array Detector.
23rd International Symposium on Chromatography, Olympia, London, UK,
1st-5th October 2000 (Poster).
18) López-Blanco, M.C.; Yagüe-Ruiz,
C.; Cancho-Grande, B.; García-Falcón, M.S.; Pérez-Lamela, C.; Simal-Gándara,
Comparison of solid phase microextraction (SPME) and solid phase
extraction (SPE) for the determination of carbofuran in waters by HPLC/DAD.
ExTech’2001, Barcelona, Spain, 17th-19th September 2001 (Poster).
19) Rial Otero, R.; Yagüe-Ruiz,
C.; Cancho-Grande, B.; García-Falcón, M.S.; Pérez-Lamela, C.; Simal-Gándara,
Solid phase microextraction for the determination of fungicides –
cyprodinil and fludioxonil – in Galician white wines by GC/MSD.
ExTech’2001, Barcelona, Spain, 17th-19th September 2001 (Poster).
20) Reboreda-Rodríguez, B.;
Cancho-Grande, B.; García-Falcón, M.S.; Pérez-Lamela, M.C.; Falqué-López
E.; Simal-Gándara J.
Comparison of Solid-Phase Micorextraction (SPME) and Solid Phase
Extraction (SPE) for the determination of alpha- and beta-Endosulfan in Waters
by GC/ECD.
HTC-7, Brujas, Belgium, February 2002 (Poster).
21) de Zayas-Blanco, F.; García-Falcón,
M.S.; Cancho-Grande, B.; Pérez-Lamela, M.C.; Falqué-López, E.; Simal-Gándara,
Chromatographic Determination of Sulfamethazine in Milk by Solid Phase
HTC-7, Brujas, Belgium, February 2002 (Poster).
22) Paz-Pino, B.; Pérez-Lamela,
M.C.; Cancho-Grande, B.; García-Falcón, M.S.; Simal-Gándara, J.
of Ethylenediamine in Food Liquid Simulants from Epoxy-Amine Coatings used to be
in contact with Canned Foods.
FOOD Seminário de Vilar, Porto, Portugal, 24th-25th May 2002 (Poster).
23) Fernández-González, R.;
Alen-Ruiz, F.; García-Falcón, M.S.; Cancho-Grande, B.; Rial-Otero, R.; Simal-Gándara,
Determination of
Oxytetracycline in Medicated Feeds: Strategies for Increasing Recovery by Liquid
Extraction and Sensitivity by Synchronous Spectrofluorimetry.
Third Joint CSL/JIFSAN Symposium on Food Safety and Nutrition – Rapid
Diagnostic Methods in Food Safety, York, UK, 26th-28th June 2002 (Poster).
24) Rodríguez-Pequeño, F.;
Vidal-Cerviño, O.; García-Falcón, M.S.; Pérez-Lamela, M.C.; Simal-Gándara,
Phase Extraction of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Drinking Water and
Determination by HPLC-FLD.
Third Joint CSL/JIFSAN Symposium on Food Safety and
Nutrition – Rapid Diagnostic Methods in Food Safety, York, UK, 26th-28th June
2002 (Poster).
25) Pérez-Lamela, C.; Doval-Merino,
M.; García-Falcón, M.S.; Cancho-Grande, B.; Simal-Gándara, J.
Bar Sorptive Extraction in the Determination of PAHs in Drinking Waters.
Comparison with SPME and SPE.
27th Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations
and Related Techniques, Nice, France, 15th-19th June 2003 (Poster).
26) García-Falcón, M.S.;
Vidal-Cerviño, O.; Rodríguez-González, M.L.; Rey-Salgueiro, L.; Simal-Gándara,
Fertilization with Wood Ash: Extraction of Dissolved, Particulate and Overall
PAHs from Run-off Waters with Solid-Phase- and Stir-Bar-Sorptive- Extraction
27th Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations
and Related Techniques, Nice, France, 15th-19th June 2003 (Poster).
27) García-Falcón, M.S.; González-López,
E.; Simal-Gándara, J.
of PAHs in Coffee Samples by HPLC with Fluorescence Detection.
27th Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations
and Related Techniques, Nice, France, 15th-19th June 2003 (Poster).
28) Arias-Estévez, M.; García-Falcón,
M.S.; Mejuto-Fernández, J.C.; Rodríguez-González, L.; Simal-Gándara, J.
de Hidrocarburos Aromáticos Policíclicos sobre Ácidos Húmicos.
5ª Reunión del Grupo Especializado de Coloides e Interfases (GECI),
Vigo, España, 3-5 Julio 2003 (Poster).
29) Mejuto-Fernández, J.C.;
Otero, M.C.; Rodríguez-Álvarez, A.; Rodríguez-Dafonte, P.; Simal-Gándara, J.
de Aromas de Uso en la Industria Alimentaria a α-,β- y γ-Ciclodextrinas.
5ª Reunión del Grupo Especializado de Coloides e Interfases (GECI),
Vigo, España, 3-5 Julio 2003 (Poster).
Food flavours and cyclodextrines interactions.
30) Jiménez-Contreras, J.F.;
Lendoiro-Otero, R.; Pérez-Lamela, C.; García-Falcón, M.S.; Simal-Gándara, J.
diet of the population of rural Galicia (NW Spain). I. Nutritional quality of
energy sources.
Atlantic Diet – I International Congress, Viana do Castelo, Portugal,
17th-19th July 2003 (Poster).
31) Jiménez-Contreras, J.F.;
Lendoiro-Otero, R.; Pérez-Lamela, C.; García-Falcón, M.S.; Simal-Gándara, J.
diet of the population of rural Galicia (NW Spain). II. Quality of micronutrient
Atlantic Diet – I International Congress, Viana do Castelo, Portugal,
17th-19th July 2003 (Poster).
32) Jiménez-Contreras, J.F.;
Lendoiro-Otero, R.; Pérez-Lamela, C.; García-Falcón, M.S.; Simal-Gándara, J.
habits of the population of rural Galicia (NW Spain): towards the development of
a dietary education programme.
Atlantic Diet – I International Congress, Viana do Castelo, Portugal,
17th-19th July 2003 (Lecture).
33) Gómez-Álvarez, S.; de la
Cruz-García, C.; Rey-Garrote, M.; Cancho-Grande, B.; Simal-Gándara, J.
of single-drop microextraction (SDME) and comparison with solid-phase extraction
(SPE) for the determination of nitrogen- and phosphorous-containing pesticides
in water by gas chromatography/nitrogen-phosphorus detector.
VIII International Symposium on Analytical Methodology in the
Environmental Field, A Coruña, Spain, 21st-24th October 2003 (Poster).
34) González-Rodríguez, R.M.;
Rial-Otero, R.; Cancho-Grande, B.; Simal-Gándara, J.
method for ten fungicides in soils by solid-liquid extraction followed by gas
chromatography-mass spectrometric detection.
VIII International Symposium on Analytical Methodology in the
Environmental Field, A Coruña, Spain, 21st-24th October 2003 (Poster).
35) Lois-Bouzas, R.; García-Falcón,
M.S.; Pérez-Lamela, C.; Rey-Garrote, M.; Cancho-Grande, B.; Simal-Gándara, J.
del etiquetado de alimentos ecológicos a la normativa vigente.
I Congreso Internacional de Ciencia, Tecnología y Seguridad
Alimentaria, Pamplona, Spain, 25th-27th November 2003 (Poster).
36) Pérez-Prieto, M.S.; Cancho-Grande,
B.; Pérez-Lamela, C.; García-Falcón, M.S.; Simal-Gándara, J.
de ácido fólico en alimentos funcionales enriquecidos.
I Congreso Internacional de Ciencia, Tecnología y Seguridad
Alimentaria, Pamplona, Spain, 25th-27th November 2003 (Poster).
37) Fernández-González, R.;
Rial-Otero, R.; Cancho-Grande, B.; Simal-Gándara, J.
of the concentrations of the fungicides tebuconazole and dichlofuanid following
successive application to greenhouse-grown lettuces.
7º Encontro de Química dos Alimentos, Viseu, Portugal, 13th-16th April
2005 (Poster).
38) Rodrigues, A.S.; Pérez-Gregorio,
R.; García-Falcón, S.; Simal-Gándara, J.; Almeida, D.
of flavonoids in different onion varieties.
7º Encontro de Química dos Alimentos, Viseu, Portugal, 13th-16th April
2005 (Poster).
39) Alén-Ruiz, F.; Edreira-Álvarez,
A.; García-Falcón, S.; Pérez-Lamela, C.; Simal-Gándara, J.
of enzyme and tannin addition on the colour and phenolic compounds in red mencía
7º Encontro de Química dos Alimentos, Viseu, Portugal, 13th-16th April
2005 (Poster).
40) Monteiro-da Conceiçao, P.;
García-Falcón, S.; Simal-Gándara, J.
of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in alcoholic drinks and investigation of
their potential sources.
7º Encontro de Química dos Alimentos, Viseu, Portugal, 13th-16th April
2005 (Poster).
41) Rodrigues, A.S.; García-Falcón,
S.; Simal-Gándara, J.; Almeida, D.
parameters of onion bulbs. Effects of long-term storage conditions.
7º Encontro de Química dos Alimentos, Viseu, Portugal, 13th-16th April
2005 (Poster).
42) Rey-Salgueiro, L.; García-Falcón, S.;
Martínez-Carballo, E.; Simal-Gándara, J.
Minimization of the levels
of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons during bread toasting.
SPQ Analítica
07, Lisboa, Portugal, 29th-30th March 2007 (Poster).
43) Pateiro-Moure, M.; Pérez-Novo,
C.; Arias-Estévez, M.; López-Periago, E.; Martínez-Carballo, E.;
Simal-Gándara, J.
Determination of Quaternary
Ammonium herbicides in vineyard soils by liquid chromatography with mass
SPQ Analítica
07, Lisboa, Portugal, 29th-30th March 2007 (Poster).
44) Galesio, M.; Rial-Otero, R.;
Simal-Gándara, J.; Capelo, J.L.
Fast methodology for
anabolic steroid screening by MALDI-TOF-MS: preliminary results.
Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Proteomics Network (ProCura) – 1st
Meeting of the Portuguese National Mass Spectrometry Network (RNEM), Aveiro
University, Portugal, 10th-11th November 2007 (Poster).
45) González-Rodríguez, R.M.; Cancho-Grande,
B.; Simal-Gándara, J.
Determination of fungicides
and insecticides in horticultural vegetables.
International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Techniques, Bruges,
Belgium, 28th-30th January 2008 (Poster).
46) Pérez Gregorio, R.; García-Falcón,
M.S.; Simal-Gándara, J.; Rodrigues, A.S.; Almeida, D.
Effect of domestic cooking
on onion bulbs (Allium cepa) flavonol content.
International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Techniques, Bruges,
Belgium, 28th-30th J anuary 2008 (Poster).
47) Macía-Lorenzo, A.; García-Falcón, M.S.;
Simal-Gándara, J.; Pérez-Lamela, C.
Antioxidant activity and
polyphenolic content in young red wines stored in bottle.
International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Techniques, Bruges,
Belgium, 28th-30th January 2008 (Poster).
48) Pateiro-Moure, M.;
Martínez-Carballo, E.; Pérez-Novo, C.; Arias-Estévez, M.; López-Periago, E.;
Simal-Gándara, J.
Determination of quaternary
ammonium herbicides in vineyard soils by liquid chromatography with mass
International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Techniques, Bruges,
Belgium, 28th-30th January 2008 (Poster).
49) Martínez-Carballo, E.;
Pose-Juan, E.; Paradelo-Pérez, M.; López-Periago, E.; Arias-Estévez, M.;
Nóvoa-Muñoz, J.C.; Simal-Gándara, J.
Determination of metalaxyl
in a selected pesticide formulation.
International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Techniques, Bruges,
Belgium, 28th-30th January 2008 (Poster).
50) Rey-Salgueiro, L.;
Martínez-Carballo, E.; García-Falcón, M.S.; Simal-Gándara, J.
PAHs and PAH metabolites in
milk formulae.
International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Techniques, Bruges,
Belgium, 28th-30th January 2008 (Poster).
51) Rey-Salgueiro, L.;
Martínez-Carballo, E.; García-Falcón, M.S.; Simal-Gándara, J.
Polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons in selected marine organisms from Rías Gallegas.
Jornadas de Análisis Instrumental, Barcelona, Spain, 21st-23rd October 2008
52) Pérez-Gregorio, R.; García-Falcón,
M.S.; Simal-Gándara, J.; Rodrigues, A.S.; Martínez-Carballo, E.
Effect of storage conditions
on flavonol content in different onion varieties (Allium cepa).
Jornadas de Análisis Instrumental,
Barcelona, Spain, 21st-23rd October 2008 (Poster).
53) Alén-Ruiz, F.; González-Barreiro,
C.; Cancho-Grande, B.; Simal-Gándara, J.
Application of HS-SPME/GC-ITMS
for the determination of flavour compounds in Mencía wines.
Jornadas de Análisis Instrumental,
Barcelona, Spain, 21st-23rd October 2008 (Poster).
54) Pose-Juan, E.; Martínez-Carballo, E.;
Rial-Otero, R.; López-Periago, E.; Simal-Gándara, J.
Determination of metalaxyl
in selected pesticide formulations.
Jornadas de Análisis Instrumental,
Barcelona, Spain, 21st-23rd October 2008 (Poster).
55) Rey-Salgueiro, L.;
Pontevedra-Pombal, X.; García-Falcón, M.S.; Martínez-Carballo, E.;
Simal-Gándara, J.
Determination of selected
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in peat samples: comparison of
ultrasound-assisted and accelerated solvent extractions.
Jornadas de Análisis Instrumental, Barcelona, Spain, 21st-23rd
October 2008 (Poster).
56) González-Barreiro, C.; Cancho-Grande, B.;
Martínez-Carballo, E.; Simal-Gándara, J.
Comparison of different
extraction techniques for the characterization of the organic compounds in
thermal waters from the city of Ourense (NW Spain).
Jornadas de Análisis Instrumental, Barcelona, Spain, 21st-23rd October 2008